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Here's an ideal course for chemistry professionals and students that covers all the fundamentals . . .

CALCULUS FOR CHEMISTS AN AUDIO COURSE PRODUCED BY THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Learn how to fully use mathematics to help solve your chemistry-related problems! This new course will refresh your knowledge of the basics of calculus and will help you regain your much-needed calculus skills. You will master the fundamentals and cover • essentials of differentiation and integration • functions of several variables and differential equations • infinite series • Fourier transforms and Eigenvalue-Eigenfunction Throughout this extensive course, you will reinforce the concepts you learn by working through numerous workbook exercises. In this way, you will gain a valuable understanding of how to use calculus to successfully solve your chemistry-related problems.

Course Outline Introduction: Summary and Aims of Course; Algebra Review; Calculator Practice Functions: Definitions; Graphs; Composite and Inverse Functions Differentiation: Definitions; Rules for Derivatives; Geometric and Physical Interpretations; Maxima and Minima; Approximation Methods; Two Practical Applications Integration: Definitions and Rules; Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; Methods of Integration Infinite Series: Notation; Series Expansion of Functions; Exponential and Related Functions Functions of Several Variables: Definitions and Graphs; Partial Derivatives; Special Rules for Partial Derivatives; Constrained Extrema; Differential Forms; Multiple Integrals Differential Equations: Definitions; Methods of Solutions Advanced Topics: Approximating Sums by Integrals; Fourier Series and Tiansforms; EigenvalueEigenfunction Problems Appendices: Bibliography; Midterm Examination; Greek Alphabet; Index/Glossary; Table of Integrals; Error Integral; Answers to Exercises About the Instructor Charles L. Perrin, Professor of Chemistry, University of California at San Diego, is the author of Organic

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