CALENDAR OF EVENTS - ACS Publications - American Chemical

CALENDAR OF EVENTS. Anal. Chem. , 1962, 34 (12), pp 46A–46A. DOI: 10.1021/ ... Published online 17 May 2012. Published in print 1 November 1962...
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Nov. 1 to 3

Annual Southeastern Regional Meeting (ACS), Gatlinburg, Tenn. Includes sessions on analytical chemistry and radiochemical analytical techniques. Contact: F . A. Griffitts, Maryville Col­ lege. Mary ville, Tenn. Page 108 A, Feb.

Nov. 14 to 16

Fourth Annual Eastern Analytical Symposium, S ta tier Hilton Hotel, New York City. Contact: Paul Lublin, General Tele­ phone and Electronic Laboratories, Inc., Bavside 60, Ν. Υ. Page 42 A, Aug.

Nov. 14 to 17

American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists. 1962 National Convention. Symposium on Instrumentation Tech­ niques in Textile Wet Processing Plants. Southeastern Section, Atlanta Biltmore Hotel, Atlanta, Ga. Contact.: G. H. Dockrav, 1760 Peachtree Rd., Atlanta 9, Ga, Page 49 A, Oct.

Nov. 16

Sixth Annual Symposium on Advances in Tracer Methodology. Essex House, Central Park South, New York City. Sponsors: New England Nuclear Corp.. Packard Instrument Co. Contact: P. A. MeNultv, New England Nuclear Corp., Boston 18, Mass. Page 44 A. Nov.

Nov. 26 1 to 29

American Nuclear Society, Atomic Industrial Forum and Joint Atom-Fair. Includes Tenth Hot Laboratory and Equipment Conference. Sheraton-Park and Shoreham Hotels, Washington, D. C. Contact: Oscar Bizzoll, Division of Isotopes Develop­ ment, U. S. Atomic Energv Commission. Washington, 25, D . C. Page 50 A, Oct.

Nov. 30 I to Dec. 11

Radiochemistry Symposium, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Contact: Dr. D. E. Troutner. 132 Schlundt Amies, Uni­ versity of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Page 47 A, Nov.


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Dec. 10 to 12—National Conference on Air Pollution. Public Health Service. Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington, D, C. Coming Events Contact: Executive Secretary. Xational Conference on AilPollution, Public Health Service, U. S. Dept. of Health, Edu­ cation, and Welfare, Washington 25, D. C. Page 50 A. Sept. Dec. 17 to 19—First Midwestern Symposium and Workshop on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, University of Illinois, 833 S. Wood St., Chicago, 111. Sponsor: College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois. Contact: Dr. J. E. Geanen, College of Phar­ macy Bldg., 833 Wood St., Chicago, 111. Page 45 A. Nov. Jan. 13 to 18—American Chemical Society, 143rd National Meeting, Cincinnati. Ohio. Jan. 21 to 24, 1963—International Symposium on Advances in Gas Chromatography, Lincoln-Sheraton Hotel, Houston, Texas. Contact: Dr. A. Zlatkis. University of Houston, Chemistry Department, Houston, Texas. Page 35 A, Oct, Jan. 28 to 31—16th Annual International Symposium on Modern Methods of Analytical Chemistry. Louisiana Stale University. Contact: Dr. P. \V. West. LSI 7 , Baton Rouge, La. Feb. 13 to 20—First Australian Conference on Electrochemistry, Sydney and Hobart, Australia. Sponsors: Royal Australian Chemical Institute. Tin University of Tasmania, University of New South Wales. Includes sessions on e.lectroanalytical methods. Contact: Dr. F. Gutmann. Physical Chemistry Dept., University of Now South Wale.-, P.O. Box 1. Kensington N.S.W., Australia. Page 47 A. Now Mar. 31 to Apr. 5, 1963—American Chemical Society, 11 It h National Meeting, Los Angeles. Calif. April 25 to 26—Symposium on Less Common Means of Separation, Birmingham, Eng­ land. Sponsor: Midlands Branch of the Institution of Chemical Engineers. Con­ tact: T. R. Bott. A. M. I. Cheni. E.. Dept. of Chemical Engineering. The University, Edgbaston, Birmingham 15, England. Page 46 A. Nov. May 20 to 23—14th Annual Mid-America Spectroscopy Symposium. Sponsor: Chi­ cago section and 6 other Mid-America sections of the Society for Applied Spec­ troscopy. Contact: J. E., Roy C. Ingersoll Research Center. Borg-Warner Corp., Des Plaines. 111. Page 48 A. Nov. May 20 to 23—International Symposium on Humidity and Moisture. Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington. D . C. Contact: Arnold Werter. National Bureau of Standards, Washington 25, D. C. Page 49 A, Oct.

Separation Symposium Holley St. & Madison Ave. Clifton Heights, Pa. MAdison 2-2300 TWX. LNS DWN 1798 A

* D u Pont Reg. T . M .

Circle No. 83 on Readers' Service Card

46 A


T h e M i d l a n d s Branch of t h e I n s t i t u ­ tion of Chemical Engineers is organiz­ ing a symposium on T h e Less Common Means of Separation to b e held April 25 a n d 20, 1903, in Birmingham, E n g ­ land. T h e papers t o be presented will

consider such topics as membranes, electrodialysis, molecular sieves, ther­ mal diffusion, crystallization, zone re­ fining, centrifugal separation of gases and chromatographic means of separa­ tion. T h e papers will be presented b y authors from the U. S., Europe, and t h e United Kingdom. For more informa-