CALENDAR OF EVENTS - ACS Publications - American Chemical

Hotel, Denver, Colo. Contact: Robert Brennan, U. S. Geological. tO 8. Survey, Denver Federal Center, Bldg. 25, Denver, Colo. 80225. • n y. Gordon Re...
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Aug. 7 " tO 8

Ninth Annual Rocky Mountain Spectroscopy Conference. Albany Hotel, Denver, Colo. Contact: Robert Brennan, U. S. Geological Survey, Denver Federal Center, Bldg. 25, Denver, Colo. 80225.

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Gordon Research Conference on Separation and Purification. Colby Junior College, New London, N. H. Contact: W. George Parks, Department of Chemistry, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. I. 02881.

Aug. * tO 1 2

XIV International Spectroscopy Colloquium. Debrecen, Hungary. Contact: XIV OSI, Budapest V., Szabadsâg ter 17, Hungary.


Conference on Applications of X-Ray Analysis. Denver, Colo. Contact: G. R. Mallett, Denver Research Institute, University of Denver, Denver, Colo. 80210.


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Gordon Research Conference on Analytical Chemistry. New Hampton School, New Hampton, Ν. Η. Contact: W. George Parks, Department of Chemistry, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. I. 02881.

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Sixth Australian Spectroscopy Conference. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Contact: Dr. D. James, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Page 54 A, Oct.

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Gordon Research Conference on Ion Exchange. Colby Junior College, New London, N. H. Contact: W. George Parks, Department of Chemistry, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. I. 02881.

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MICRO-67, 14th Annual International Symposia on Microscopy. Cambridge, England. Contact: McCrone Research Institute, 451 East 31st St., Chicago, 111. 60616. Page 53 A, Nov.

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19th National Meeting American Association of Clinical Chemists. Marriott Motor Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa. Contact: Dr. J. H. Wilkinson, Pepper Laboratory, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 34th and Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104.

Aug. 28 . c » ÏO S e p t . •J

International Symposium on Reactions of Oxygen with Organic Compounds. Jack Tar Hotel, San Francisco, Calif. Contact: Dr. T. Mill, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, Calif. 94025.



1 2

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Compact — only 2OV2" wide 2 7 V J " high. Saves space. Fits on any lab table or desk. Self-contained — heating con­ trols, cooling compressor, a l l parts are housed i n this com­ pact unit. Low Maintenance—Waco LoTemp has been proved troublefree by laboratories from coast to coast Low Price — $440.00. Specify: No. 882 Waco Lo-Temp Refrigerated Bath, complete with Pyrex jar 1 2 " in diameter, for 115 volt 5 0 / 6 0 cycle AC



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Aug. 28 Ce_» TO J e p f . tft

XXIV Conference of IUPAC. Prague, Czechoslovakia. Contact: Dr. R. Morf, F. Hoffmann-La Roche & Co., Ltd., 4002, Basle, Switzerland.

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25th Annual Meeting Electron Microscopy Society of America. Sheraton-Chicago Hotel. Contact: Claude J. Arcenaux, Ethyl Corp., P. Ο. Box 341, Baton Rouge, La. 70821. Page 55 A, May.

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Atomic Absorption Symposium. Czechoslovakia (near Prague). Contact: Organizing Committee, Ustredni ustav gcologicky Praha 7, Kostelni 26, Czechoslovakia.

Sept. 4 to 10—XXI International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Prague, Czechoslovakia. Contact: Organizing C o m i n g EventS Committee X X I International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry, P . Ο. Β . 139, Praha, 6, Dejvice, Czechoslovakia. Page 54 A, Oct. Sept. 5 to 9—22nd Annual Symposium on Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy. Ohio State University. Contact: Prof. K. Narahari Rao, Department of Physics, T h e Ohio State University, 174 West 18th Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43210. Page 118 A, Feb. Sept. 10 to IS—American Chemical Society 154th National Meeting. Chicago, 111. I n ­ cludes Analytical Division Sessions. Contact: Program Chairman E . C. Dunlop, E . I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Experimental Station, Wilmington, Del. 19898. Page 45 A, Aug. Sept. 10 to 15—Ninth European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy. Madrid, Spain. Contact: 9th European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Serrano, 117, Madrid-6, Spain. Page 74 A, Jan.

NEWS Sept. 11 to 14—22nd Annual Instrument Society of American Conference and Exhibit. International Amphitheatre, Palmer House, Chicago, 111. Contact: ISA Headquarters, 530 William Penn PL, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219. Sept. 12 to 16—International Conference on Coordination Chemistry. Tokyo and Nikko, Japan. Contact: Prof. Kazuo Yamasaki, The Chemical Society of Japan, 1-5, Kanda-Surugadai, Tokyo, Japan. Sept. 19 to 21—Conference on Electron Optics, Instrumentation, and Quantitative Electron Microscopy. University of St. Andrews, Scotland. Contact: T h e Institute of Physics and The Physical Society, 47 Belgrave Square, London, S. W. 1, England. Sept. 21 to 22—Conference on Practical Aspects of Activation Analysis with Charged Particles. Liege University, Belgium. Contact: Euratom, M. Godar, Radioisotope Group. 51, rue Belliard, Brussels 4, Belgium. Sept. 21 to 23—Conference on Methods of Structure Analysis of Organic Compounds. Berlin, Germany. Contact: GDCh-Geschâftsstelle, 6000 Frankfurt (Main) 9, Postfach 9075, Germany. Sept. 25 to 29—International Mass Spectrometry Conference. West Berlin. Contact: Geschâftsstelle der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, z. Hd. von Gerrn Dr. W. Fritsche, 6 Frankfurt/Main, Postfach 9075, Germany. Page 63 A, Dec. Sept. 26 to 28—18th Testing Conference, TAPPI. Pick-Congress Hotel, Chicago, 111. Contact: M. Hecht, Bettendorf Publications, Ltd., Chicago, 111. Oct. 2 to A—Annual Symposium on Automation in Analytical Chemistry. Hilton Hotel, New York City. Contact: Technicon Instruments Corp., Ardsley, Ν . Υ. Oct. 2 to 6—Annual Research Equipment Exhibit and Instrument Symposium. Na­ tional Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. Contact: James B. Davis, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. 20014. Page 61 A, July. Oct. 3 to 5—15th Anachem Conference. Statler Hilton Hotel, Detroit, Mich. Contact: Roger E. Marce, Allied Research Products, Inc., 400 Midland, Detroit, Mich. 48203. Page 43 A, Apr. Oct. 9 to 12—81st Annual Meeting, Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Marriott Motor Hotel, Twin Bridges, Washington, D. C. Contact: Luther G. Ensminger, Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Box 540 Benjamin Franklin Station, Washington, D . C. 20044. Page 64 A, Aug. Oct. 10 to 12—Eleventh Conference on Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Technology. Gatlinburg, Tenn. Contact: L. J. Brady, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P. 0 . Box X, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830. Page 51 A, June. Oct. 15 to 20—Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Inc. Sheraton-Chicago Hotel, Chicago, 111. Contact: The Electrochemical Society, 30 East 42nd St., New York, N . Y . 10017. Oct. 16 to 17—ORNL Analytical Instrumentation Conference. Oak Ridge, Tenn. Contact: F . C. Von der Lage, Office of Industrial Cooperation, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P. O. Box X., Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830. Page 60 A, Aug. Oct. 16 to 19—NBS Second Materials Research Symposium. Gaithersburg, Md. Contact: Dr. Robert S. Carter, 2nd I M R Svmposium, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. 20234. Page 56 A, May." Oct. 25 to 27—14th Annual Symposium of the American Vacuum Society. Muehlebach Hotel, Kansas City, Mo. Contact: Prof. Ε. Ε. Donaldson, Washington State University, Pullman, Wash. 99163. Oct. 30 to 31—International Symposium on The Control of the Composition and Quality of Copper and Copper Alloy Castings for Fabrication. Duesseldorf. Con­ tact: British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association, Euston St., London, N . W. 1, England. Oct. 30 to Nov. 1—Conference on Spectroscopy, Instrumentation, and Analytical Chemistry (3rd Western Regional ACS, 6th Regional Society for Applied Spec­ troscopy). Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, Calif. Contact: Walthew T. Barnes, General Dynamics Corp., Pomona, Calif. Nov. 1 to 3—25th Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference. Mellon Institute, Pitts­ burgh, Pa. Contact: Prof. Bryan M. Craven, Crystallography Laboratory, Univer­ sity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213. Page 53 A, June. Nov. 2 to 3—Midwest Regional ACS Meeting. University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Includes Analytical Division Sessions. Contact: John E. Bauman, Jr., Dept. of Chemistry, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 65201. Page 59 A, Aug. Nov. 8 to 10—Ninth Eastern Analytical Symposium. Statler-Hilton Hotel, New York City. Contact: Dr. Edward G. Brame, Jr., E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del. 19898. Page 67 A, Mar. Nov. 27 to Dec. 1—31st Exposition of Chemical Industries. New York Coliseum. Exhibits will include laboratory equipment and supplies. Contact: International Exposition Co., 200 Park Ave., New York, Ν . Υ. Dec. 7 to 9—ACS Southwest Regional Meeting. Marion Hotel, Little Rock, Ark. Includes Analytical Division Sessions. Contact: Dr. M. E . Hall, Chemistry Dept., Graduate Institute of Technology, Little Rock, Ark. 72202. Page 61 A, July.

Ashing below 150°C retains inorganics

Pyrometer shows that Tracerlab's LTA-600 can ash samples thoroughly at temperatures well below 150°C — low enough to leave all inorganic constituents u n a l t e r e d . A cold plasma of atomic oxygen does the ashing, while our accessory pyrom­ eter keeps you posted on the tem­ perature. This low-temperature dry asher permits more accurate quantitative elemental and structural analyses of plant and a n i m a l tissues, bones, coal, oil well cores, polymers, and radioactive materials. Prepares pure samples for atomic adsorption spec­ trophotometry, mass spectrometry, emission spectroscopy, X-ray diffrac­ tion, and electron microscopy. Send for literature on equipment, techniques and services.

1968 Jan. 28 to Feb. 2—ASTM Winter Meeting. Chalfonte Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, N. J. Contact: American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Phila­ delphia, Pa. 19103. Feb. 1 to 2—Third Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, American Chemical Society. Includes analytical chemistry sessions. Contact: Dr. Lyle Phifer, American Viscose Division, F M C Corp., Marcus Hook, Pa, Page 61 A, July. Feb. 22 to 24—20th Annual Meeting American Academy of Forensic Sciences. The Drake Hotel, Chicago, 111. Contact: Lt. Irwin G. Haviland, Dept. of Police, 1121 South State St., Chicago, 111. 60605. Mar. 4 to 8—Nineteenth Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy. Pittsburgh, Pa. Contact: John O. Frohliger, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pa.

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VOL. 39, NO. 10, AUGUST 1967


63 A