CALENDAR OF EVENTS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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MEETINGS A N D PROGRAMS Kunin of Rohm and Haas will review recent developments in the industrial a p ­ plication of ion exchange. These papers will detail specific industrial applications —including a discussion by F . K. Lindsay, National Aluminate Co., on t h e precise conditioning of boiler feed water; t h e purification of organic chemicals will be described by A. E . Reents, Illinois W a t e r Treatment Co.; a paper by E. F . Almy, Ohio State University, will deal with the industrial aspects of ion exchange in the dairy industry. Domestic applications of ion exchange in t h e water-softening field will he described by George Klumb, Culligan-Zeolite Co. Registration for the meeting will take place Friday morning at Mellon Institute; pre-meeting registration information is available from James R. West, Mellon Institute, 4400 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh 13, Pa. Registration is $2.00 per person and the noon luncheon fee is $2.50. Hotel reservations may be m a d e with Hotel Webster Hall, Pittsburgh, located directly across from Mellon Institute.

Veep W i l l Address Drug Manufacturers Hon. Alben W . Barkley, Vice President of the United States, will address t h e 1951 annual meeting of the American Drug Manufacturers Association, which is to b e held April 30 to May 3 at W h i t e Sulphur Springs, W . Va. He will speak

on May 1 following dinner in t h e audi­ itorium of the Greenbrier. At the second general session on May 1, Tuesday morning, an address entitled xl ' Horizons in Tropical Medicine" will be >e given by Frederick J. Brady of t h e U. S. S. Public H e a l t h Service. Dr. Brady is as­ ssistant chief of t h e Division of Interna­ itional Health and is alternate to t h e U. S. S. representatives on the governing bodies of )f the World Health Organization a n d the ie Pan American Sanitary Organization.

Frankfurt to Be Scene of D E C H E M A Technical Congress !. T h e 1951 D E C H E M A Technical Con­ ,e gress a n d 25th-year meeting of the )Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Chemisches Apparatewesen EV will be held in Frankfurt-t am Main, Germany. May 27 to 30. Spon­ ιsored by t h e same organization which holds t h e biennial A C H E M A expositions of chemical equipment, t h e meeting will offer tecl mica 1 sessions with presentation and discussion of papers in the fields of e q u i p m e n t design and related chemical processing techniques a n d will offer booth space to manufacturers of chemical equip­ ment and others interested in the field. T h e object of the meeting is to bring to­ gether chemists, physicists, a n d engineers who are interested in chemical equipment and its design and in process development for t h e interchange of ideas and latest in-

formation. Information b o o t h s will serve only for t h e purpose of g r a p h i c or small model display a n d will be used primarily as a h e a d q u a r t e r s for representatives of sponsoring companies w h e r e interested parties can meet t h e m for discussion. Another large scale e q u i p m e n t exhibition similar to A C H E M A IX held last year in Frankfurt, is being planned for the end of May 1952. T h e congress will b e held a t the F r a n k ­ furt exhibition grounds by t h e Platz der Republik, only a few m i n u t e s from t h e main railway station. Further information can be o b t a i n e d from the D e u t s c h e Gesell­ schaft fur Cheinischen Apparatewesen EV Ulmcnstrasse 10, Frankfurt ain Main, Cermany.

Brewing Chemists To Convene in Chicago T h e American Society of Brewing Chemists will m e e t at t h e E d g e w a t e r Beach H o t e l in Chicago A p r i l 22 to 2 6 . T h e local a r r a n g e m e n t s committee for t h e 1951 a n n u a l convention is u n d e r t h e leadership of Paul R. Witt, Jr. A spotlight event will b e the a n n u a l banquet and d a n c e in the Marine Dining Room. A special luncheon feature will b e an address b y Gustav Egloff of Universal Oil Products Co.

Corrections t o C a l e n d a r T h e following meetings listed in t h e 1951 C a l e n d a r of Meetings a n d Events on pages 685 a n d 6 8 6 of t h e F e b . 19 issue should b e d e l e t e d as they a r e t o take place in 1952 instead of 1 9 5 1 :


American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Regional Meeting. French Lick Springs Hotel, French Lick, I n d . May 11-14. International Congress on Analytical Chem­ istry. United Kingdom. Aug. 8- 1 3 . 2nd Internationl Congress of Biochemistry. Paris, France. Aug. 8 - 1 3 .

T h e American Association of E c o n o m i c Entomologists, w h i c h w a s listed for D e ­ troit March 21-2-3, should h a v e heen listed for Toledo, Ohio.


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American C h e m i c a l Society 119th National M e e t i n g ( d i v i d e d ) . Bos­ ton, Mass. April 1-5, 1 9 5 1 ; Cleveland, Ohio, April 8 - 1 2 , 1951. Diamond Jubilee Meeting 120th national, New York City, Sept. 3 - 7 , 1 9 5 1 .

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Other O r g a n i z a t i o n s American P h a r m a c e u t i c a l M a n u f a c t u r e r s Association. Annual meeting. Boca Raton, F l a . April 2 - 4 . Commercial Chemical D e v e l o p m e n t As­ sociation. Annual meeting. N e w York, Ν. Υ. M a r c h 2 0 - 2 1 . International Congress of P u r e a n d A p ­ plied Chemistry, X l l t h . N e w York City, Sept. 1 0 - 1 3 , 1951. International Union of Pure a n d Applied Chemistry. XVIth Conference. New York City, Sept. 8 - 9 , 1 9 5 1 ; W a s h i n g ­ ton, D . C , Sept. 1 4 - 1 5 , 1 9 5 1 . Midwest Power Conference, A n n u a l m e e t ­ ing. Chicago, April 4 - 6 .




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