CALENDAR OF EVENTS | C&EN Global Enterprise

William Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sept. 9-12. International Congress on Catalysis. Philadelphia. Sept. 10-14. International Congress of Clinical Che...
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The U. S. World T r a d e Fair, to be held in the Coliseum in N e w York City April 14 to 27, 1957, will have a special section for the exhibition of imported steel, aluminum, copper, brass, and rare metals, along with iiigh-grade for­ eign plastics, chemicals, rubber, petro­ leum products, and o t h e r raw materials. An initial group of 2 3 major nations will participate. Among them are Brazil, Canada, Ceylon* Denmark, Fin­ land, France, W e s t Germany, Great Britain, Greece, India. Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Nether­ lands, Norway, Pakistani, Sweden, Tur­ key, Venezuela, a n d Yugoslavia. Although the exposition w a s planned primarily to display foreign products for U. S., Canadian, a n d Latin Ameri­ can buyers, some U . S. concerns servic­ ing foreign trade in s u c h things as bank­ ing a n d transportation, may b e repre­ sented. Arrangements are being m a d e for admittance of t h e general public at specified times.

For the Production of:



Low Volatility* Low Ash Content.

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HOLGER ERDTMAJN. Organic Chemistr>

World Trade Fair


M Canoda: SARNEBEY-CMENEr LTD., Si. Jokn*. Ov»b*