Calibration Study of Atomization Energies of Small Polyatomics - ACS

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Chapter 12

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Calibration Study of Atomization Energies of Small Polyatomics Jan M . L. Martin Department of Organic Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, IL-76100 Rehovot, Israel

A number of aspects involved in computing thermochemical properties be­ yond mere 'chemical accuracy' are discussed. This includes the major is­ sues of n-particle space (electron correlation treatment) and 1-particle basis set, as well as subsidiary issues such as core correlation, atomic spin-orbit coupling, anharmonicity in the zero-point energy, and the quality of the ref­ erence geometry. Through stepwise basis set extrapolation at the C C S D ( T ) level and involving basis sets of up to[7s6p5bdAf3g2h] quality, total atom­ ization energies accurate to 0.1 kcal/mol, on average, can be obtained. A somewhat more modest accuracy goal of 0.25 kcal/mol can be met using [6s5p4d3 f2g] basis sets and a 3-parameter empirical correction.

In the context of this volume, the importance of having accurate thermochemical data available requires no explanation. The total atomization energy ( T A E , E D ) , from a computational chemistry point of view, is the most fundamental such quantity and, using the experimental heats of formation of the atoms in the gas phase, can be directly related to the gas-phase heat of formation. In the present chapter, we will focus on methods for obtaining 'calibration quality' T A E s in two senses of the word. In the first sense 'calibration quality', or 'benchmark quality', means a result that is not merely of 'chemical accuracy', but one that would be acceptable as a reference benchmark value. The target accuracy, therefore, is not 1 kcal/mol, but (ideally) on the order of 1 kJ/mol (0.24 kcal/mol) or less. 0

In the second sense, the use of the word 'calibration' implies that, rather than merely calculating a number using one level of theory and saying 'that's it', a systematic assess­ ment is carried out of computed values at successively higher levels of theory, which w i l l allow, at the very least, to approximately quantify any further errors that might be involved.


© 1998 American Chemical Society

In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.



Atomization Energies of Small Polyatomics


In the first Section, we w i l l discuss the major issues arising in the quality of a calculation — basis set and electron correlation treatment. In the next Section, an overview of some of the minor — but quite nonnegligible — ones w i l l be given. Finally, some practical approaches w i l l be reviewed. Major Issues

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Zero-Order Description. The exact wave function can be expanded as ^


^0 +



+ Y ijab1pij-*ab ijab



+ ...

( l + C i + Ca + . - . + Cntyo


that is, as a linear combination of some zero-order wave function ip and all possible 0

Slater determinants that can be generated by exciting electrons from occupied into un­ occupied orbitals within that basis set. The

Cij_ b... a

are the configuration interaction

coefficients, and the excitation operators C , labeled by excitation level (i.e. the number of electrons moved from occupied to virtual orbitals), permit a compact notation of the wave function. In most cases, ip w i l l be the Hartree-Fock (SCF) wave function, since for most 0

systems (other than exotica such as the C r molecule (7)), the exact wave function w i l l 2

be dominated by a single reference determinant. Even for first-row compounds this is +

by no means always the case, however. For example (2-5), the a * E state of B N has 2



a low-lying excited state . . . (3cr) (4a)°(l7r) (5a) of the same symmetry and spin as 2



the ground state . . . (3cr) (4cr) (l7r) , and in the actual wave function the first excited state contributes about 30%. It goes without saying that under such circumstances, a single-determinant S C F wave function is generally not an adequate zero-order wave function. The effect on the energy and wave function of such occurences is known as nondynamical correlation (also known as near-degeneracy correlation). The alternative, when such effects are important, is then to use a multiconfigurational zero-order reference wave function such as the result from a C A S S C F (complete active space S C F ) calculation (6), i.e. a linear combination of all the determinants that can be generated by rearranging electrons within an 'active space' of orbitals, which may range from two nearly degenerate orbitals to the full valence space. Since the com­ putational cost of full-valence C A S S C F references rapidly becomes intractable beyond 12 orbitals (i.e. 3 heavy atoms, or 2 heavy atoms and 4 hydrogens), and dynamical cor­ relation methods based on multiconfigurational zero-order wave functions are in rather shorter supply than those based in single-configuration zero-order wave functions (socalled "single-reference methods"), multireference methods are generally only used as a last resort, particularly since the advent of efficient and accurate coupled-cluster methods (see below). n-Particle Calibration: Quality of the Electron Correlation Method. In cases where the Hartree-Fock approximation does not break down, it generally recovers about 99% of the total energy. However, the remaining 1 % is on the same order of magnitude as the quantity we are interested in, namely the atomization energy.

In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.



Since the molecular S C F energy converges relatively quickly with the 1-particle basis set, we can make fairly accurate estimates of the energies at the S C F limit. (Or alternatively we may carry out a numerical Hartree-Fock calculation.) B y comparing these with the actual atomization energies, we find that for molecules like H , C H , and C H , S C F recovers 76.6%, 78.9%, and 73.9%, respectively, of the T A E . For more polar molecules like H 0 and C 0 , this drops to 68.7 and 66.2%, respectively. But only about half (52.4%) of the binding energy of N is accounted for at the S C F level, and merely a third (35.1 %, to be precise) for N 0 . Most spectacularly, for F the binding en­ ergy is actually found to be negative at the S C F level, and in error by 179.6%. It should be clear from these examples that the importance of an adequate treatment of electron correlation (that is, of an adequate n-particle calibration) can hardly be overestimated. 2







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Full configuration interaction by definition gives the exact n-particle energy within the given basis set. (Because it is the exact solution, this happens irrespective of the quality of the zero-order wave function.) Because its computational requirements as­ cend factorially with the size of the system, application to practical systems using oneparticle basis sets of useful size will be essentially impossible for the foreseeable future. Even using the fastest available computational hardware and parallelized codes, an F C I calculation on H 0 in a double-zeta plus polarization basis set is about the state of the art at present (7,8). 2

Nevertheless, such calculations (and the heroic earlier work of the N A S A Ames group (9)) were of inestimable value for another purpose: evaluating the performance of more computationally efficient correlation methods. Limited configuration interaction (CI) is perhaps the oldest approximate correlation method, being discussed by Slater {10) as early as 1929. The most common approxima­ tion is to truncate the C I expansion at single and double excitations, which is known as C I S D (configuration interaction with all single and double excitations). It corresponds to a wave function of the form ij; = (1 + C\ + C )ipo- The main problem with this method (or any truncated C I expansion) is that it is not size-extensive: that is, the en­ ergy does not scale properly with the size of the system, and the error becomes more important as the system grows larger. Various approximate correction formulas for this behavior have been introduced (see Ref. (11) for a review) — and one of them, the familiar Davidson correction (72), actually was rated a Citation Classic in the Science Citation Index. However, none of these formulas meets the exacting standards required for the present purpose. 2

A n alternative is to take the sum of the one-electron Fock operators as the zeroorder Hamiltonian and and treat the difference between this and the exact Hamiltonian as a perturbation. This is known as many-body perturbation theory ( M B P T ) , or, more pedantically, the M0ller-Plesset (13) ( M P ) partition thereof. The zero-order energy is the sum of the orbital energies: the sum of zero-order and first-order energies is actually the S C F energy. The second-order term recovers a large percentage of the correlation energy for many molecules, and can be evaluated very rapidly. Moreover, it can be shown (14) using an algebraic technique known as diagrammatic perturbation theory that M P n is size-extensive at all orders n. So what is wrong with it? Principally, that products of differences between orbital energies appear in the denominator. Now if there are no low-lying excited electronic

In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.

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Atomization Energies of Small Polyatomics

states to speak of, all these differences will be fairly large, and the perturbation series w i l l converge rapidly. If low-lying excited states are present, however, they w i l l slow down the convergence of the M P series to such an extent that low-order M P energies are essentially unusable. A n d not only the computational cost, but the algebraic complexity involved in deriving the equations, increases so rapidly (see e.g. (15-17)) that M P 4 (i.e. fourth-order M B P T ) is essentially the highest order available for routine use. However, it is posssible to iteratively sum certain classes of excitations to infinite order, thus yielding a set of methods which are size extensive but are more robust than finite-order M B P T . Such methods are known as coupled cluster methods, and are equivalent to C I wave functions in which the coefficients of higher excitations are taken as products of those of lower excitations. Such a wave function can be formally written as ^ = exp(l + 7 i + f


+ ...)V'o


where the T operators are known as cluster operators and the coefficients tij... b... they contain are cluster amplitudes. Coupled cluster theory has been reviewed in great detail in Refs. (18-22). The beauty of the coupled cluster wave function is that the expansion converges quite rapidly: even C C S D (coupled cluster with all single and double substitutions (23), i.e. IJJ = e x p ( l + f[ + T )V^o) already consistently recovers a very large percentage of the correlation energy. A method (24) known as C C S D ( T ) , in which the effect of T is estimated using a perturbation theory expression but with the converged C C S D wave function substituted for the first-order wave function (which causes certain higherorder terms to be implicitly accounted for), has proven to be particularly successful and is now widely considered the electron correlation method of choice for accurate but affordable work. n




The Q C I S D ( T ) (quadratic configuration interaction) method (25) that is imple­ mented in the Gaussian 94 program (26) and widely employed by its users, is a simpli­ fication of C C S D ( T ) in which higher-order terms in t have been deleted (see pp. 179181 of (79) for discussion and further references) — despite having been derived on different grounds. In most situations its performance is comparable to that of C C S D ( T ) , but with a fast coupled cluster code like those in A C E S II (27), M O L P R O 96 (28), or T I T A N (29), there is absolutely no speed advantage over C C S D ( T ) anymore. x

One situation in which the performance of all single-reference correlation methods will suffer to a smaller or larger extent is strong nondynamical correlation, that is, when several other individual determinants beside -ip are prominently figuring in the expansion (generally because of low-lying excited electronic states). Lee and Taylor (30) proposed a simple diagnostic known as % , defined in the closed-shell case as 0

T l


( 3 )

where N is the number of electrons being correlated. (In the open-shell case, some double-counting needs to be avoided: see Ref. (31) for details.) Experience has taught (27) that, while C C S D ( T ) will produce acceptable results for T values as high as 0.055, M P 2 results are essentially unusable for 7i values as low as 0.02. Q C I S D ( T ) breaks x

In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.



down for lower T values than C C S D ( T ) , because of the omission of the higher-order terms i n T i . For all of the molecules considered in the present paper, the T\ diagnostic is in a regime where C C S D ( T ) is known to yield correlation energies close to full C I . This then essentially solves our n-particle calibration problem.

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For certain radical or outlandish molecules with low-lying excited states, C C S D ( T ) w i l l result in significant errors (although it might still be quite usable for assessing the basis set extension effects) and the only practical option may be multireference configuration-interaction ( M R C I ) (9), or the related (and approximately size-extensive) M R A C P F (multireference averaged coupled pair functional (32)) method. These meth­ ods employ a C A S S C F wavefunction as reference (i.e. C A S S C F / C I ) , or the subset thereof with expansion coefficients greater than a particular threshold (e.g. MRCI(O.Ol) or MRCI(0.025)). Such calculations, when carried out with great care, w i l l yield ex­ cellent results for even the most problematic diatomic molecules but the computational cost involved precludes routine application to even small poly atomics. Two more eco­ nomical methods that are starting to be commonly used are I C - M R C I (internally con­ tracted M R C I (33-35)) and C A S - P T 2 ( M P 2 with a C A S S C F reference (36)). Repre­ sentative recent examples of benchmark calculations carried out using the I C - M R C I method are a series of papers by Dunning and coworkers (37-39). Note that M R C I is still not size extensive. However, with an adequate reference space the extensivity error is sufficiently small that correction using a multireference analog (40) of the Davidson correction is generally adequate. 1-Particle Calibration: Quality of the Finite Basis Set. A comprehensive review of basis sets is beyond the scope of this chapter: perhaps the most recent and comprehen­ sive one is that by Helgaker and Taylor (41). We w i l l only mention a few salient points here. For an atomic calculation at the S C F level, a basis set can be of 'minimal' quality and still recover essentially the exact S C F energy, as long as the individual functions closely mimic true Hartree-Fock orbitals. In a molecular calculation, flexibility is re­ quired — which requires splitting up the valence functions — as well as the ability to accommodate polarization of the atomic charge cloud in the molecular environment, which is done by adding higher angular momentum (d, / , . . . ) basis functions (so-called polarization functions). Nevertheless, the basis set convergence of the S C F energy is fairly rapid compared to the correlation energy. In a correlated calculation on an atom, the basis set must accommodate two i m ­ portant kinds of dynamical correlation effects. The first, radial correlation (or "in-out correlation"), involves the tendency of one electron to be near the nucleus when the other is near the periphery, or conversely. It is accommodated by permitting basis func­ tions with extra radial nodes to mix into the wave function, i.e. by uncontracting s and p functions. The second, angular correlation (or left-right correlation), involves the tendency of one electron to be on a different side of the atom as the other. This is accommodated by permitting basis functions with extra angular nodes to mix into the wave function, i.e. by adding d, f,g,... functions. The convergence of this effect i n particular is quite slow.

In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.

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Atomization Energies of Small Polyatomics


The basis set in a correlated molecular calculation, then, w i l l have to accommodate polarization, radial correlation, and angular correlation, with the additional complica­ tion for the latter two of a nonspherical environment. We w i l l now briefly review the two families of basis sets most commonly used in calibration studies. Both of them begin by trying to find a wave function that gives the best compromise between compactness and description of the atomic correlation energy. Both are more­ over based on general contractions, (42) i.e. all primitive Gaussians can contribute to all contracted functions. In the atomic natural orbital ( A N O ) basis sets of A l m l o f and Taylor (43), an atomic C I S D calculation is carried out in a very large primitive basis set, and the natural or­ bitals and their corresponding occupation numbers obtained by diagonalization of the first-order reduced density matrix. The natural orbitals with the highest occupation numbers are then selected as basis functions. It was found that these always occur in groups of almost equal occupation numbers: e.g., the first / , second d, and third p func­ tion have similar natural orbital occupations. This systematically leads, for first-row el­ ements, to contractions like [4s3p2dl/], [5s4p3d2flg], [6sbp4d3f2glh], and so forth. (Corresponding contractions for second-row elements are 5s4p2dlf], [6s5p3d2flf], 7s6p4d3f2glh], and the like.) In the second family, the correlation consistent (cc) basis sets of Dunning (44) and coworkers, relatively compact atomic basis sets are subjected to energy optimization, and the energy gain from adding different kinds of primitives is considered. It is then found that these energy contributions likewise occur in groups: thus, the energy gain from adding the first / , second d, or third p function is similar. Again this suggests adding them in shells, which again leads to the same typical contraction patterns as for their A N O counterparts. Based on the number of different functions available for the valence orbitals, these basis sets are known as c c - p V n Z (correlation consistent valence n-tuple zeta), where n=D for double (a [3s2pld] contraction), T for triple (a [4s3p2dlf] contraction), Q for quadruple (a [5s4p3d2flg] contraction), and 5 for quintuple zeta (a [6s5p4d3f2glh] contraction). Martin (45) carried out a detailed comparison of computed T A E values with equiv­ alent A N O and cc basis sets. The results were found to be nearly identical, while the integral evaluation time for the cc basis sets was considerably shorter due to their more compact primitive size. Therefore cc basis sets are more commonly used, although for certain other applications (like weak molecular interaction or electrical properties) A N O basis sets and particularly the "averaged A N O " variant (46) may be preferable. For the computation of electron affinities and calculations on anions in general, special low exponent s and p functions (so-called 'soft' or 'diffuse' functions) are re­ quired at the S C F level (e.g. (47)). A t correlated levels, the regular s and p functions are adequate as radial correlation functions thereto, but angular correlation in the tail range requires the addition of 'soft'd, / , . . . functions. Kendall et al. (48) proposed the aug-cc-pVnZ basis sets, in which the c c - p V n Z basis set is 'augmented' with one 'soft' (or low-exponent) basis set of each angular momentum. It was subsequently found (e.g. (49,50)) that these functions are indispensable for calculating properties such as

In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.

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geometries and harmonic frequencies of highly polar neutral molecules as well. It is also noteworthy (49) that including just the soft s and p functions only recovers about half the effect. Del Bene (57) noted that, except in such compounds as L i H in which hydrogen has a significant negative partial charge, omission of the diffuse functions on H generally does not affect results. This practice is denoted by the acronym aug'-cc-pVnZ. Some authors (e.g. (52)) have obtained excellent results for the first-row hydrides using basis sets of only spdf quality, combined with sp bond functions (i.e. basis func­ tions centered around the bond midpoint). However, as the extension of bond function basis sets to multiple bonds w i l l require d bond functions, which in turn will require (53) atom basis sets of up to spdf g quality to keep to keep down basis set superposition error to an acceptable level, the usefulness of bond functions for our purpose appears to be somewhat limited. 1-Particle Calibration versus n-Particle Treatment. In many situations, it w i l l sim­ ply not be feasible to directly carry out calculations with the desired (1-particle) basis set using the desired n-particle treatment (correlation method). A common workaround is to carry out separate 1-particle and n-particle calibrations. That is, one selects a ba­ sis set A in which the more accurate correlation method M is still feasible, as well as a more economical correlation treatment M ' which permits a larger basis set B to be used. One then carries out the following calculations: M 7 A , M / A , and M 7 B , and assumes that the following additivity approximation holds: E(M/B)



+ [E(M/A)



+ E(M/A)



+ [E(M'/B)





The first step is then termed the n-particle calibration, and the second step the 1-particle calibration. The underlying assumption, of course, is that the effects of improving the electron correlation method and of enlarging the 1-particle basis set are only weakly coupled. How important 1-particle/n-particle space coupling will actually be w i l l depend on the quality of both M ' and A , as well as on the system under study. For example, in a system where S C F provides a relatively poor zero-order wave function, any method M ' based on low-order single-reference perturbation theory will probably yield dubious results at best. Conversely, if your system needs a particular addition to the basis set for even semiquantitative results (e.g., diffuse functions for an anion), using a reference basis set A that does not contain such functions w i l l likely result in erratic 1-particle calibration behavior. In some cases, the process can be taken one level deeper, involving an extra even lower-level correlation method M " for assessing the effect of extension from the large basis set B to an even larger basis set C . G 2 theory (see the contribution on the subject elsewhere in this volume) is a good example: here M , M ' , and M " are the QCISD(T), M P 4 , and M P 2 methods, respectively. Also, i f the difference between basis sets A and B comprises two or more sets of basis functions that do not overlap appreciably, and cover quite different effects and/or regions of the wave function (e.g. diffuse functions and core correlation functions),

In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.


Atomization Energies of Small Poly atomics


additivity approximations may be invoked. E.g. if B is the set union of B i and B , both of which are supersets of A , then 2

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% E(M/Bi)

+ E(M/B ) 2

- E(M/A)


In general, for all but the smallest systems, even the largest basis set one can afford in the 1-particle calibration step w i l l not be sufficient to reach the 1-particle basis set limit. The available alternatives will then be either extrapolation to the basis set limit, empirical correction, or a hybrid scheme. A l l of these will be discussed in detail in the relevant Sections. Another alternative would be to invoke a thermochemical cycle involving a calcu­ lated reaction energy for which convergence behavior is more rapid than for the total atomization energy. A s an example (54), the convergence behavior of the total atomiza­ tion energy of H C N , and of the AE of the reaction 2 H C N - C H 4- N is compared in Table I. e




Table I: Comparison of the Convergence Behavior of E D ( H C N ) and AE for the Reaction Relating it to E D ( C H ) and D ( N ) . All Values Are in kcal/mol. N - + 2 N 2 HCN—• C H + N CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ 301.36 -7.00 CCSD(T)/cc-pVQZ 307.67 -6.97 -7.10 CCSD(T)/cc-pV5Z 309.67 -6.90 CCSD(T)/aug'-cc-pVTZ 302.67 CCSD(T)/aug'-cc-pVQZ -7.15 308.30 309.94 -7.21 CCSD(T)/aug'-cc-pV5Z -7.27 estimated limit 311.60 +0.05 core correlation + 1.67 e











It is seen there that a thermochemically useful value for the reaction — which con­ serves the number of bonds of each bond order and the hybridization of each atom even though it is not, strictly speaking, an isodesmic reaction — can be obtained with basis sets as 'small' as c c - p V T Z , which fall some 10 kcal/mol short of the valence correlation basis set limit for the directly computed property. The computationally intensive core correlation contribution (vide infra) essentially cancels out for the isodesmic reaction and can hence be neglected. Extensive applications of the accelerated convergence properties of isodesmic and isogyric reactions can be found in the work of Lee and coworkers (e.g., (55,56) and references therein). The main limitation to their usage, of course, is the availability of accurate experimental or ab initio data for the other reactions in the thermochemical cycle. Secondary Issues Quality of the Zero-Point Energy. Here one has to contend both with a difference between the computed and experimental harmonic frequencies, and with the difference between the harmonic and anharmonic zero-point energy. A s pointed out e.g. by Grev

In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.

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et al. (58) the harmonic zero-point energy is generally too high, while one-half the sum of the fundamentals is generally too low. They suggest tackling the issue by introduc­ ing a scaling factor that is somewhat closer to unity than those generally used (e.g. Ref. (66)) to generate approximate fundamentals from computed harmonics. This issue is discussed in great detail by Scott and Radom (67) (see also Ref. (68)\ who pro­ pose different scale factors for obtaining estimated fundamentals as well as zero-point energies for a variety of density functional and conventional ab initio methods. How important can these effects be? For our sample of 14 reference molecules (Table II), accurate zero-point energies are available from experimental or high-level ab initio anharmonic force fields. We find that the procedure used to estimate the zeropoint energy in G 2 theory (HF/6-31G* scaled by 0.8929) results in mean and maximum absolute errors for our sample of 0.26 and 0.72 kcal/mol, respectively. Such errors (1 and 3 kJ/mol) are already significant for accurate work, and as the size of the molecules under study grows they w i l l only become more important. For work of the highest accuracy, and i f no full anharmonic force field is available experimentally, the only option may be to compute an accurate anharmonic force field ab initio (e.g. (69-72)). Quality of the Reference Geometry. The error from using a reference geometry that is not optimum for the level of theory at which the energy calculation is carried out can of course be roughly quantified. For example, the experimental (73) N N stretching force constant in the N N O molecule is 18.251 a J / A , corresponding to an r ( N N ) coefficient in the energy expansion of about 2 hartree/A . Consequently, an error of about 0.01 A in the N N bond distance w i l l result in an error on the order of 0.1 millihartree, or 0.06 kcal/mol, in the total energy. If all bond lengths in a molecule are overestimated by similar amounts, the errors may become significant, while in cases where the geometry is qualitatively incorrect (e.g. the M P 2 / 6 - 3 1 G * geometry of N N O ) , errors on the order of 1 kcal/mol or more may result. For example, the C C S D ( T ) / c c - p V T Z T A E of N N O is computed to be 252.00 kcal/mol at the M P 2 / 6 - 3 1 G * geometry, compared to 253.44 kcal/mol at the C C S D ( T ) / c c - p V D Z geometry and 253.76 kcal/mol at the optimum ge­ ometry. 2


Morokuma and coworkers (74) and Bauschlicher and Partridge (77) both suggest modifications of G 2 theory using reference geometries computed at the B 3 L Y P (75,76) level, which appear to improve overall performance. It was found before (e.g. (78)) that B 3 L Y P geometries are quite close to experiment, particularly with a basis set of spdf quality (mean signed error 0.003 A in bond distances with the c c - p V T Z basis set). A s noted by Martin (79), the parametrization in empirical correction methods should largely absorb any residual error resulting from approximate reference geometries of reasonable quality. For example, while the mean absolute error for Martin-corrected C C S D ( T ) / c c - p V T Z energies is 1.08 kcal/mol using M P 2 / 6 - 3 1 G * reference geometries and this drops to 0.95 kcal/mol using C C S D ( T ) / c c - p V D Z geometries, the latter value is virtually identical to that using optimum (i.e., C C S D ( T ) / c c - p V T Z ) geometries (0.93 kcal/mol). The bottom line appears to be that, as long as the reference geometry used is of rea­ sonable quality, one should not have any problems. Given how cost-effective B 3 L Y P

In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.


Atomization Energies of Small Polyatomics


Table II: Experimental E J D Values, Zero Point Energies, E D Values, puted Core Correlation Contributions. A l l Units Are kcal/mol. w/o spin-orbit core ZPE 405.53(24) 388.90(24) 405.36(24) 16.46 C2H2 420.23(14) 392.51(14) 21.6 420.15(14) CH CO 259.58(12) 256.16(12) 259.27(12) 3.11 C0 7.24 381.91(6) 389.68(6) 389.15(6) 103.27(0) 109.48(0) 6.21 109.48(0) H H 0 232.83(2) 219.35(2) 232.60(2) 13.25 HCN 313.27(25) 303.10(25)^ 10.09 313.19^25)1 HF 141.57(17) 5.85 •135.33(17)* i4i.ra'(i7) • 298.06(10) 276.73(10) 21.33 ' NH 298.06(10) N 228.42(3) 225.06(3) 3.36 228.42(3) H C O 357.25(16) 374.09(16) 16.53* 373.78(16) 39.01(10) 36.94(10) 1.30 38.24(10) F HNO 205.64(6) 196.85(6) 8.56 205.41(6) N 0 263.61(10) 6.77 270.38(10) 270.60(10) 0








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and Comd

corr. 2.44 1.25 0.96 1.78 0.00 0.38 1.67 0.18 0.66 0.85 1.32 -0.07 0.48 1.26

A l l data taken from the J A N A F tables (57) unless indicated otherwise Taken from the compilation i n Ref. (58) unless indicated otherwise A l l relevant spin-orbit energy levels taken from Ref. (57) taken from Ref. (59), except for H N O , Ref. (60) The thermodynamic functions of C H i n Ref. (57) are i n error for all temperatures other than 298.15 K ; see Ervin, K . M . ; S. Gronert, Barlow, S. E . ; Gilles, M . K . ; Har­ rison, A . G . ; Bierbaum, V. M . ; DePuy, C . H . ; Lineberger, W. C ; Ellison, G . B . J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1990, 772, 5750, Table 1, footnote e. Present data taken from Wagman, D . D . ; Evans, W. H . ; Parker, V. B . ; Schumm, R. H . ; Halow, I.; Bailey, S. M . ; Churney, K . L . ; Nuttall, R. L . ; J. Phys. Chem. Ref Data 1982, 77, Supplement 2. from accurate ab initio quartic force field in Lee, T. J.; Martin, J. M . L . ; Taylor, P. R.; J. Chem. Phys. 1995,102, 254. Ref. (54). The commonly cited experimental value from the J A N A F tables (57) is based on experiments from the previous century (61,62). variational anharmonic zero point energy from CCSD(T)/[4s3p2dlf/4s2pld] force field i n Ref. (63) corrected for difference between computed and experimental (64) harmonic frequencies. Huber, K . P.; Herzberg, G . Constants of diatomic molecules', Van Nostrand Reinhold: New York, 1979. J Martin, J. M . L . ; Lee, T. J.; Taylor, P. R. J. Chem. Phys. 1992, 97, 8361. Baulch, D . L . ; C o x , R . A . ; Crutzen, P. J.; Hampson, R . E , Jr.; Kerr, J . A . ; Troe, J.; Watson, R. T. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 1982, 77, 327. Martin, J. M . L . ; Lee, T. J.; Taylor, P. R.; J. Mol Spectrosc. 1993,160, 105. Ref. (65). best value from Dateo, C . E . ; Lee, T. J.; Schwenke, D . W.; J. Chem. Phys. 1994,101, 5853. b














In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.



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calculations even with fairly large basis sets are these days, B 3 L Y P / c c - p V D Z or (for accurate work) B 3 L Y P / c c - p V T Z geometry optimizations appear to be especially attrac­ tive. Core Correlation. Conventional wisdom would have it that core correlation effects w i l l not be important for first-row compounds. Recent experience, however, has shown this to be a half-truth at best. Explicit consideration of core correlation requires the use of special basis sets that accommodate inner-shell correlation effects by the addition of extra radial nodes in the s functions (in practice, uncontracting the innermost s function a little w i l l do the job) as well as extra 'hard' (high-exponent) p and d functions. Basis sets designed explicitly for assessing core correlation effects have been proposed by Bauschlicher and Partridge (80,81), by Martin and Taylor (49), and by Woon and Dunning (82). O f those, both the Martin-Taylor basis set and the Woon-Dunning c c - p C V Q Z basis set w i l l recover essentially the whole effect at reasonable computational cost. It cannot be stressed enough that including core correlation in basis sets not designed to handle core correlation (such as the regular c c - p V n Z basis sets or the Pople basis sets (83), which are only minimal i n the core) w i l l generally yield erratic core correlation contri­ butions, and therefore is simply a waste of C P U time. ( A l l electronic structure programs presently allow for correlated calculations with frozen core electrons.) Case studies of core correlation effects on binding energies were made, inter alia, by Grev and Schaefer (84) for C H „ and S i H , by Bauschlicher and Partridge (85) for C H and C H , and by a succession of groups for N (see (81) and references therein). A systematic study was carried out by Martin (59) at the C C S D ( T ) level with the MartinTaylor basis set. (Results for molecules studied previously (81,85) were in essentially complete agreement with those papers.) Core correlation contributions as high as 2.44 kcal/mol (for C H ) and 1.78 kcal/mol (for C 0 ) were found. Predictably, larger contributions were seen for multiple than for single bonds. While some empirical correction schemes might be able to absorb most of this effect in their parametrization, any extrapolation method would obviously have to account for the core correlation contribution. Since however the basis set additions required to deal with core correlation are quite different from those required to recover more of the valence correlation energy, the use of an additivity approximation appears warranted. Finally, it is worth mentioning that the core correlation contributions to T A E s are relatively sensitive towards the electron correlation method (as found by Bauschlicher and Partridge (81) for N ) and that including core correlation at, say, the M P 2 level may not lead to very accurate results. n









Thermal Contributions. Except for floppy molecules, thermal contributions at room temperature can be quite accurately evaluated using the familiar rigid rotor-harmonic oscillator ( R R H O ) approach. If data at high temperatures are required, this approach is no longer sufficient, and an anharmonic force field and analysis, combined with a pro­ cedure for obtaining the rotation-vibration partition function therefrom, are required. Two practical procedures have been proposed. The first one, due to Martin and cowork-

In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.



Atomization Energies of Small Poly atomics


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ers (86,87) is based on asymptotic expansions for the nonrigid rotor partition function inside an explicit loop over vibration. It yields excellent results in the medium temper­ ature range but suffers from vibrational level series collapse above 2000 K or more. A representative application (to F N O and C1NO) is found in Ref. (50). The second method, due to Topper and coworkers (88), is based on Feynman path integrals, and works best in the high temperature limit. Therefore the two methods are complementary. Basis Set Superposition Error. When one carries out a calculation on the A B diatomic using a basis set for A and B that is incomplete (as all finite basis sets by definition are), the atomic energy of A in A B , and of B within A B , w i l l be slightly overestimated (in absolute value) due to the fact that the basis functions on the other atom have become available. (It is easily verified that basis functions on B can be expanded as a series of higher angular momentum functions around A . ) This phenomenon is known as basis set superposition error (BSSE). The standard estimate is using the Boys-Bernardi (89) counterpoise method: B S S E « E[A(B)} + E[B(A)} - E[A] - E[B]


where £[A(2?)] represents the energy of A with the basis set of B present on a 'ghost atom', and conversely for E[B(A)}. While the counterpoise correction is commonly used as a correction term for inter­ action energies in weak molecular complexes, virtually no authors apply it to the cal­ culation of total atomization energies, for the simple reason that it invariably produces worse results. In addition, the extension of the counterpoise correction to systems with more than two fragments is not uniquely defined (90-92). The anomaly that neglecting B S S E would yield better results is only an apparent one: after all, B S S E is a measure of basis set incompleteness — which is precisely what we are trying to get rid of — but the correction has the opposite sign. For sufficiently large basis sets (say, of spdfg quality), the N A S A Ames group actually found that 150% of the counterpoise B S S E is a fair estimate of the remaining basis set incompleteness (93). However, given the complications for systems larger than diatomics, the present author prefers the use of extrapolation to the infinite-basis limit above such methods. (It goes without saying that the B S S E goes to zero at the infinite-basis set limit. Therefore, a sufficiently reliable extrapolation to the infinite-basis set limits effectively obviates the issue.) Quality of Experimental Reference Values For this purpose, it is very important to have a set of very accurate reference values available. Most values in the " G 2 set" (94) are of chemical accuracy (error bars on the order of 1 kcal/mol), which is appropriate i f that is the target accuracy of one's method but is not very useful for the present purpose — assessing calibration methods with a target accuracy of 0.25 kcal/mol or less — since many of the values therein have larger experimental error bars than our target calculated accuracy. We have selected the 14 molecules given in Table II, all of which are closed-shell species for which the experimental T,D is known with an accuracy on the order of 0.1 Q

In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.


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kcal/mol. This set includes two very recent values, namely for H N O (65,95) and for H C N (54), the latter substantially revising the J A N A F value (57) which is based on experiments from the previous century (61,62). In cases where no experimental anharmonic zero point energy is available, literature values from accurate ab initio quartic force fields have been taken (see Table II for detailed references). In addition, it should be kept in mind that the present calculations are all nonrelativistic. For the total atomization energies of first-row molecules, the main consequence is that the spin-orbit components of B ( P ) , C ( P ) , 0 ( P ) , and F ( P ) are all degener­ ate, which of course is not the case in Nature. In order not to "compare apples with oranges", therefore, the effect of spin-orbit splitting in the atoms has been removed from the experimental T A E s . For example, for every oxygen atom present, T A E should be increased by [E( P ) + 3 ^ ( P ) + 5 £ ( P ) ] / 9 - E( P ) (see e.g. (96)). The largest two effects of atomic spin-orbit splitting in the present work are 0.8 kcal/mol (for F ) and 0.6 kcal/mol (for C 0 ) , clearly on the order of magnitude of the accuracy we are trying to achieve. 2














Empirical Correction Methods G2 Theory. In G 2 theory (94), an approximate QCISD(T)/6-311+G(3df,2p) energy is derived using a basis set additivity scheme. Further basis set incompleteness is then corrected for using an empirical "high level correction" ( H L C ) A£(HLC) = cin + c n a



= (a + c ) n 2

p a i r

+ ci(n


- 7i




where n and UQ stand for the numbers of spin-up and spin-down valence electrons, respectively, and it is assumed by convention that n > np. In the original version, G l theory (97), c\ and c were determined by insisting on exact energies for H ( S ) and H . In G 2 theory, the parameters are chosen to mini­ mize the mean absolute error for the thermochemical properties of a fairly large set of reference compounds (the " G 2 set"). Q





It should be noted that many of the values in that reference set actually have error bars equal to or greater than the target accuracy. For our reference sample (Table III), the mean absolute error is 1.50 kcal/mol for the E D values, and 1.32 kcal/mol for the E D values. (The latter is not qualitatively different from the 1.21 kcal/mol for the G 2 set.) Note that the difference suggests that the handling of zero-point energy in G 2 theory (HF/6-31G* harmonic frequencies scaled by 0.8929) could bear some improvement. 0


Several modifications and improvements of G 2 theory have been suggested — for a detailed discussion, see the relevant chapter of the present volume. Some are aimed at reducing computational requirements (at the expense of some accuracy), others at extension to third-row or heavier elements, yet others at improving the accuracy. The latter are the ones relevant for the purpose of the present chapter. While Curtiss et al. (98, 99) came to the conclusion that such improvements as eliminating the basis set additivity approximations, using better zero point energies, using C C S D ( T ) rather than the approximation Q C I S D ( T ) thereto, all yielded negligi­ ble overall improvements, these authors (like Durant and Rohlfing (100)) did come to

In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.



Atomization Energies of Small Polyatomics

Table III: Performance of G2 Theory and Values in kcal/mol Expt. value G2 405.53(24) 0.06 C2H2 402.23(14) CH 2.37 CO 259.58(12) 1.84 C0 3.12 389.68(6) 1.14 109.48(0) H H 0 232.83(2) 0.57 HF 141.57(17) 0.58 298.06(10) 0.96 NH 228.42(3) -0.77 N H CO 374.09(16) 3.33 -0.54 39.01(10) F HNO 205.64(6) 2.17 N 0 270.60(10) 0.32 HCN 313.27(25) 0.75 mean abs. error 1.32 max. abs. error 3.33 4

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CBS Schemes for our Reference Set. All

G2M -2.09 0.64 0.99 -0.22 1.44 -0.06 -0.49 0.55 -0.02 1.13 -1.40 1.55 -0.88 -0.07 0.82 2.09

Errors CBS-Q CBS-QCI/APNO -1.07 -1.88 0.52 -0.55 0.44 -0.15 0.17 1.65 1.07 0.38 -0.06 -0.15 0.28 -0.29 -0.96 -0.29 -1.74 -0.98 0.84 0.47 -0.33 0.05 -0.06 0.69 0.56 -0.10 -1.15 -0.89 0.82 0.45 1.88 1.07

the conclusion that using higher-level reference geometries than M P 2 / 6 - 3 1 G * does i m ­ prove results for radicals. Bauschlicher and Partridge (77) and Morokuma and cowork­ ers (74) independently proposed G2-modified ( G 2 M ) theories based on B 3 L Y P ref­ erence geometries and zero-point energies, which also seem to represent small i m ­ provements. The scheme denoted G 2 M ( R C C ) by Morokuma and coworkers — which employs B 3 L Y P reference geometries and harmonic frequencies, C C S D ( T ) instead of Q C I S D ( T ) for the n-particle calibration step, and spin-projected M P 4 for the oneparticle calibration step — was found to represent a significant improvement (74): for our reference sample, it yields a mean absolute error of 0.82 kcal/mol. Given the fairly small extra computational expense over regular G 2 theory, it is probably to be recom­ mended over the latter. Martin's 3-Parameter Correction (3PC). In a detailed convergence study using both A N O and correlation consistent basis sets, Martin (45) found that bonds of different bond order display clearly different convergence characteristics. Specifically, while a bonds appear to approach convergence for spdfg basis sets, 7r bonds appear to be still some distance removed from this. This suggests expanding the pair correction formula used in G 2 theory to AE = a n + 6*71*. + c n (8) a


p a i r

p a i r

where n and stand for the number of a and 7r bonds, respectively, n i = rip as before, and the coefficients a , 6^, c are specific to the basis set, electron correlation method, and level of theory for the reference geometry. The most up-to-date collection of parameters is given in Ref. (101), where the parameters were determined by fitting to p a



p a i r

In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.




our set of 14 reference values. These parameters are summarized for easy reference in Table IV. Values obtained at the C C S D ( T ) / B A S I S level with the 3-parameter correction will be denoted here as 3 P C / B A S I S . Table IV: Summary of Error Statistics and Parameters for the 3-Parameter Correction (3PC). All Values in kcal/mol a Cp i mean abs err. max. abs. err. Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on September 30, 2012 | Publication Date: February 1, 1998 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1998-0677.ch012


cc-pVDZ cc-pVTZ cc-pVQZ cc-pV5Z aug'-cc-pVDZ aug'-cc-pVTZ aug'-cc-pVQZ aug'-cc-pV5Z

0.620 -0.838 -0.251 0.121 2.426 -0.134 0.177 0.307

cc-pVDZ cc-pVTZ cc-pVQZ cc-pV5Z aug'-cc-pVDZ aug'-cc-pVTZ aug'-cc-pVQZ aug'-cc-pV5Z

-0.094 -1.551 -0.965 -0.593 1.713 -0.848 -0.537 -0.407



Core correlation absorbed in parameters 2.64 0.946 9.083 0.937 4.026 0.99 0.45 0.756 1.558 0.31 0.860 0.547 1.50 5.155 5.101 0.57 1.871 2.528 0.32 1.155 0.777 0.28 0.958 0.246 Core correlation included explicitly 0.074 9.612 2.56 0.065 4.555 0.91 0.38 -0.116 2.087 0.24 -0.013 1.076 4.282 5.630 1.42 0.49 0.999 3.057 0.24 0.283 1.306 0.20 0.086 0.775

5.42 2.09 0.98 0.78 3.78 1.40 0.78 0.66 5.42 1.91 1.24 1.03 3.31 1.23 0.63 0.64

While 3 P C / c c - p V T Z yields results (Table IV) only slightly better than G 2 quality (mean absolute error 0.99 kcal/mol), this improves to 0.45 kcal/mol for 3 P C / c c - p V Q Z , and for the (admittedly very costly) 3 P C / c c - p V 5 Z level to 0.31 kcal/mol. Using aug­ mented basis sets results in a notable improvement: even 3PC/aug'-cc-pVDZ values, at 1.50 kcal/mol mean absolute error, could be quite useful for larger systems. For 3PC/aug'-cc-pVnZ (n=T,Q,5), respectively, these numbers improve to 0.57, 0.32, and 0.28 kcal/mol. It should be noted that 3PC/aug'-cc-pVnZ seem to be almost of the same quality as 3 P C / c c - p V ( n + 1)Z, and particularly 3PC/aug -cc-pVQZ stands out. In addition, is was previously found (72) that proton affinities are seriously in error with 3 P C / c c - p V Q Z , while no such problem exists with 3PC/aug -cc-pVQZ. In all these schemes, core correlation is being absorbed into the parameters. While this appears to work very satisfactorily, treating core correlation explicitly turns out to be worthwhile for the larger basis sets. Thus, 3PC+core/cc-pVQZ and 3PC+core/ccp V 5 Z result in mean absolute errors of only 0.37 and 0.23 kcal/mol, respectively, while these drop further to 0.23 and 0.20 kcal/mol, respectively, for 3PC+core/aug'-cc-pVQZ and 3PC+core/aug'-cc-pV5Z. The very small improvement from aug'-cc-pVQZ to aug'c c - p V 5 Z , which corresponds to a vast increase in computational expense, clearly sug­ gests that the point of diminishing returns has been reached. The 3PC+core/aug'c c - p V Q Z scheme appears to be especially attractive, yielding a mean absolute error /


In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.



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matching our 1 kJ/mol target at high, but for small systems still easily manageable, computational expense. Hybrid Schemes The main representative of this category is a family of methods known as C B S (complete basis set [extrapolation]) models and developed by Petersson and cowork­ ers (102). These are intricate additivity schemes, whose main distinguishing feature is the inclusion of a procedure to extrapolate pair correlation energies to the infinite-basis set limit. Since the numerical factor involved i n the extrapolation is determined empir­ ically, the method is classified as a hybrid method here. For a detailed discussion, see the chapter by Petersson in the present volume. The main schemes of concern i n the family are (a) the one that is labeled C B S - Q i n the Gaussian 94 package, and is a variant of the scheme denoted CBS2/[6s6p3d2f,4s2pld]//QCI/6-311G** in Ref. (103), and (b) the one labeled C B S A P N O i n the Gaussian 94 package, and C B S - Q C I / A P N O i n Ref. (102). For our set of reference molecules, C B S - Q yields a mean absolute error on the Y,D values of 0.82 kcal/mol, which is on a par with the 0.82 kcal/mol of the G 2 M scheme and clearly better than the 0.99 kcal/mol of the 3 P C / c c - p V T Z scheme. (The results can be inspected and compared i n Table III.) 3PC/aug -cc-pVTZ, however, which uses a basis set of similar size as the largest one occuring i n the C B S - Q scheme, decidedly outperforms it with a mean absolute error of 0.57 kcal/mol. The comparatively low computational cost and ease of use of C B S - Q make it an attractive proposition for routine work, and it is surprising that it has not been applied more extensively. e


The C B S - Q C I / A P N O scheme involves QCISD(T)/6-311++G(2df,p) calculations, which are fairly time-consuming with Gaussian 94 but (if the system has any symmetry at all) can be carried out quite rapidly using a fast coupled cluster program such as that in M O L P R O 96. It also approximately includes core correlation. The results are quite respectable: the mean absolute error for our reference set is 0.45 kcal/mol, on a par with 3 P C / c c - p V Q Z (0.45 kcal/mol) or 3PC+core/cc-pVQZ (0.48 kcal/mol). For those who have fast coupled cluster codes available, however, and require that kind of accuracy, 3 P C / a u g - c c - p V Q Z (0.32 kcal/mol) or even 3PC+core/aug -cc-pVQZ (0.23 kcal/mol) might be more attractive. /


Extrapolation Methods Feller's Geometric Extrapolation. Dunning (44), i n his seminal work on correlation consistent basis sets, made a number of important observations, including that the en­ ergy gain from adding extra functions of a given angular momentum, as well as that from adding the first function of the next higher angular momentum, roughly followed a geometric series. In addition he observed (parallelling a similar observation about the atomic natural orbital occupations by A l m l o f and Taylor (43)) that adding the first function of angular momentum I, the second of / - 1, the third of I - 2, . . . all have similar energy contributions, which led to his suggestion of the c c - p V n Z basis sets in the first place. Feller (104) then observed that total energies for molecules calculated with succes-

In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.



sive c c - p V n Z basis set themselves roughly followed geometric series. The use of an expression of the form E(n) = E

+ Aexp{-Bn)

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for extrapolation to the infinite-basis limit then follows naturally. Such a procedure, evidently, w i l l only recover the valence correlation energy, such that a core correlation contribution w i l l still have to be added in. Lee and coworkers (e.g. (95, 705) and references therein) have carried out a number of studies in which exactly this was done. The great attraction of Feller's formula, besides its simplicity, is that no empiricism of any kind is involved. It has been used extensively by Dunning and coworkers (e.g. (37,106)). For applications to other properties than energies, which may not converge monotonically, Martin and Taylor (70) proposed the following generalization of the Feller formula: n

E(n) = E^ + AB~


For Eq.(10) to be defined, at least three points are required. We now introduce the notation Feller(/mn) for the result of Eq.(10) from C C S D ( T ) / c c - p V / Z , cc-pVraZ, and c c - p V n Z calculations, and Feller(/ran)+core for the same plus an additive correction for core correlation. The use of aug'-cc-pVnZ instead of regular c c - p V n Z basis sets can then be denoted using the aug'-Feller(/77m) and aug -Feller(/mn)+core notations. For our sample, the results are somewhat disappointing: Feller(DTQ)+core yields a mean absolute error of 0.72 kcal/mol, while Feller (TQ5)+core yields essentially no i m ­ provement at 0.70 kcal/mol. aug'-Feller(DTQ)+core and aug'-Feller(TQ5)+core yield even more lackluster results — 0.66 and 0.73 kcal/mol, respectively — given that the latter involves a [7s6p5d4/3#2/i/5s4p3d2 fig] basis set which comes to no fewer than 127 basis functions per first-row atom! Evidently alternatives need to be sought. /

Extrapolation Based on Schwartz's Expression for Limiting Convergence Behav­ ior. Following the pioneering contribution (107) of Schwartz, it has been shown (108110) that the contributions to the correlation energy of a two-electron atom converge in terms of the angular momentum / as AE(l)


= A/(I + 1/2) + B/(l + 1/2) + 0(r ) 4



If so, the error for a calculation in a basis set truncated at angular momentum L is given by . . £oo - E(L)

.22. T A Y, (1 + 1/2)4 i=t+i



+ 3/2)




£ t y W ( L + 3/2) +



(Z + l / 2 )





where tp^ (x) represents the polygamma function (7/7) of order n. Its asymptotic expansion has the leading terms 2

= ( - i r M ^ + ^T+o(,-"- )i =





' ( i ^








In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.








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If we have a sequence of 'correlation consistent' basis sets with increasing maxi­ mum angular momentum /, it would be natural to at least attempt the use of an expres­ sion based on this behavior as an extrapolation formula. (One might remark that ideally the basis set should be saturated at every angular momentum present: however, the next best solution, which is to use basis sets which are balanced in their radial and angular quality, is computationally much more efficient. Both A N O and cc basis sets were de­ signed with this property in mind.) The most obvious one would be A + B/(L + l ) , but as pointed out by the present author (60), this term is not the dominant one (yet) for practical values of L. Moreover, since hydrogen basis sets commonly are truncated one angular momentum below the corresponding basis sets for the elements B - F , some compromise between L and L + 1 is in order. After some numerical experimentation the following three-point extrapolation formulas were suggested (60): - 3

E(l) E(l)

= =


E^ + A/(l + 1/2) + B/(l + 1/2) E^ + A/(I + 1/2)



(16) (17)

The results for E^ obtained from these extrapolations are denoted Schwartz6(kmn) and Schwartza(/cmn), respectively, when derived from cc-pVA;Z, cc-pVraZ, and ccp V n Z energies. In addition, Schwartz4(mn) denotes a 2-point extrapolation using E(l) = Eoo + A/(l + 1/2)



The prefix "aug'-" and the suffix "+core" can be added to this notation to denote the use of augmented basis sets and the inclusion of core correlation by additivity approxima­ tion, respectively.

Table V: Summary of Errors (kcal/mol) in Extrapolated CCSD(T) Values after Correction for Core Correlation cc-pVnZ aug'-cc-pVnZ mean maximum mean maximum absolute error absolute error Feller(DTQ) 0.72 1.86 0.66 1.50 Feller(TQ5) 1.87 0.70 0.73 1.89 Schwartz4(TQ) 0.35 0.46 1.27 0.69 Schwartza(TQ5) 0.32 0.72 0.36 1.18 with triple bond correction 0.22 0.64 0.23 0.78 Schwartz4(Q5) 0.31 0.90 0.37 0.90 0.22 with triple bond correction 0.69 0.26 0.83 0.94 Schwartz6(TQ5) 0.81 0.33 0.35 with triple bond correction 0.22 0.68 0.24 0.67 It was found (60) that Schwartz4(Q5), Schwartz6(TQ5), and Schwartza(TQ5) all yielded very similar results (Table V ) , all of which were a dramatic improvement over

In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.




the Feller geometric extrapolation. The mean absolute error for Schwartza(TQ5)+core over our reference sample was found to be only 0.32 kcal/mol: interestingly, the mean absolute error for the aug'-Schwartza(TQ5)+core results is slightly less good (0.35 kcal/mol). However, in the latter all the major errors remaining are for triple bonds or cumulated double bonds: errors for such molecules as H 0 (0.05 kcal/mol), H F (-0.04 kcal/mol), C H (0.02 kcal/mol) and H (0.00 kcal/mol) can only be described as i m ­ pressive. Schwartza(TQ5)+core gives equally excellent results for nonpolar molecules but, because of the lack of diffuse functions, has some trouble handling such polar systems as H 0 and HF. It of course would stand to reason that basis set convergence for a single bond would be more rapid than for a double and particularly a triple bond or cumulated pair of double bonds. Inspection of the convergence behavior for N up to c c - p V 6 Z basis sets revealed that basis set expansion beyond c c - p V 5 Z would increase the bond energy by a further 0.3 or 0.4 kcal/mol, depending on the extrapolation used. If we now add these numbers as a "fudge term" to the Schwartz-extrapolated results, we can bring the mean absolute error for Schwartza(TQ5)+core back to 0.22 kcal/mol, which is less than 1 kJ/mol and can definitely be considered a result of calibration quality. A t first sight, the aug'-Schwartza(TQ5)+core results do not appear to be any better. However, about half of the average error of 0.23 kcal/mol is due to two molecules: N 0 and F . Both of these molecules exhibit some degree of nondynamical correlation: for N 0 , 7i =0.020, while for F , the deceptively low ^=0.013 does not reflect the fact that the double excitation a —> a* has a coefficient of about 0.20 in the wave function. The latter suggests that connected quadruple excitations (which are completely neglected at the C C S D ( T ) level) may be of some importance. (It is recalled here that only about a third of the N 0 binding energy is recovered at the S C F level, while F is actually found to be ercdoenergetic at that level.) If we eliminate F and N 0 from consideration, the mean absolute error drops to 0.14 kcal/mol, which is comparable to the error bars on the experimental results! We can therefore consider these to be results of calibration quality by any definition: however, these numbers can still be improved slightly further at no extra computational cost (the latter admittedly being quite Gargantuan). It can rightly be argued that perhaps it would be worthwhile to fit S C F and correla­ tion energies separately, since the two w i l l have different limiting behavior in the very large basis set limit. Specifically, increments to the S C F energy w i l l go oc / ~ (cf. the S C F extrapolation used in the C B S method (102)) and those to the correlation energy oc l~ . N o w since the S C F binding energy is essentially converged for a basis set the size of aug'-cc-pV5Z, one would expect this not to make a big difference: yet in the accuracy range we are dealing with it might have a perceptible effect. The use of dif­ ferent exponents for the S C F and correlation energies w i l l be indicated by the notation Schwartza/?, and so forth. 2

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For aug'-Schwartza/?(TQ5)+core, we find (Table VI) that the mean absolute error without any triple bond correction is now 0.25 kcal/mol; adding a triple bond correction further decreases this value to 0.20 kcal/mol. It should be noted that the nature of the extrapolation procedure for the S C F binding energy — whether one uses A + B/(l + 1/2) , .4 + B.C~ , or even the unextrapolated aug'-cc-pV5Z energy — does not affect the results by more than a few hundredths of a kcal/mol. 5


In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.




Atomization Energies of Small Poly atomics

Table VI: Performance of the aug'-Schwartza/?(TQ5) Extrapolation in Conjunc­ tion with the CCSD(T) Electron Correlation Method and Separate Treatment of Core Correlation. All Units are kcal/mol Error Experiment Calculated HNO C0 CO N N 0 C H

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(a) 205.30 389.75 259.56 228.16 269.73 405.04 420.18 374.33 232.83 109.48 312.96 141.54 297.77 563.77

(b) 205.67 389.75 259.56 228.53 270.23 405.04 420.18 374.33 232.83 109.48 313.33 141.54 298.15 563.77

Average abs. error M a x i m u m abs. error



205.64(6) 389.68(6) 259.58(12) 228.42(3) 270.60(10) 405.53(24) 420.23(14) 374.09(16) 232.83(2) 109.48(0) 313.29(25) 141.47(17) 298.06(10) 563.68(29)

(a) 0.34 -0.07 0.02 0.26 0.87 0.49 0.05 -0.24 0.00 0.00 0.33 -0.07 0.29 0.09 0.22 0.87

(b) -0.03 -0.09 0.02 -0.11 0.37 0.49 0.05 -0.24 0.00 0.00 -0.04 -0.07 -0.09 0.09 0.12 0.49

without correction term for triple bonds adding 0.126 kcal/mol per bond order unit for bonds involving N

Interestingly, while the triple bond/cumulated double bond correction does improve overall agreement with experiment slightly, in some cases ( C O and C 0 ) it does more harm than good. Upon close inspection, we see that the largest error without triple bond correction are almost invariably in N-containing compounds — and it has been known for quite some time (e.g. (112 J13)) that basis set convergence for nitrogen compounds is particularly slow. Now i f we introduce a small correction of 0.126 kcal/mol (an average over the reference molecules) per bond order unit involving an N atom (e.g. 3 such units in N , 4 in N 0 , 3 in H N O , . . . ) , we obtain the lowest mean absolute error yet — 0.12 kcal/mol, on a par with the experimental error bars. The results in Table V I speak for themselves. For aug'-Schwartza/?(DTQ)+core and Schwartz46(DTQ)+core, we do obtain re­ sults of slightly better quality than with one joint extrapolation: however, the results are still inferior to those obtained using the corresponding 3PC+core/aug'-cc-pVQZ method. We therefore conclude that aug'-Schwartza/?(TQ5)+core — or, for nonpolar com­ pounds, Schwartza/?(TQ5)+core — may be the best overall procedure for work of the utmost accuracy on small systems. A very recent application (114) to C H may well represent the limit of what is 2





In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.



presently computationally feasible. Schwartza/?(TQ5)+core yielded a E D of 563.77 kcal/mol. Together with the best available zero-point energy (from a C C S D ( T ) / c c p V T Z complete quartic force field (69) and benchmark values (70) for the harmonic frequencies), we obtain EL> =532.17 kcal/mol, in perfect agreement with the experi­ mental value (57) of E D = 5 3 2 . 0 8 ± 0 . 2 9 kcal/mol after subtracting out the spin-orbit coupling in the atoms. The largest C C S D ( T ) calculation i n this study involved 402 basis functions, of which fully 400 were employed in the correlated part. e


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Conclusions A t the end of the day, a calibration calculation on a given molecule — assuming it does not exhibit extraordinary nondynamical correlation effects — w i l l involve a compro­ mise between accuracy and computational feasability from the following recommenda­ tions: • For utmost accuracy, aug'-Schwartza/?(TQ5)+core or, for nonpolar systems, Schwartza/?(TQ5)+core. Your obtainable accuracy may well lie i n the 0.10 kcal/mol range i f no triple bonds are involved. Largest required basis set: 55 functions per hydrogen atom, 91 per first-row atom i n nonpolar compounds, 127 in polar compounds. /

• If this is not a practical option, 3PC+core/aug -cc-pVQZ w i l l permit a mean ab­ solute error of only 0.23 kcal/mol, using only 30 basis functions per hydrogen atom and 80 basis functions per heavy atom. • The next lower step i n accuracy would be a choice between 3PC+core/aug'-ccp V T Z , 3 P C / c c - p V Q Z , or C B S - Q C I / A P N O , all of which yield mean absolute er­ rors around 0.45 kcal/mol. W h i c h method is to be preferred w i l l depend to some extent on the available software — a C C S D ( T ) / c c - p V Q Z calculation using Gaus­ sian 94 w i l l be very costly, but the same calculation using a fast coupled-cluster code such as those in A C E S II, M O L P R O 96, and T I T A N may actually run faster than the C B S - Q C I / A P N O setup using Gaussian 94 exclusively, i n many cases. • If the system is too large for even those calculations, both G 2 M and C B S - Q w i l l yield mean absolute errors on the order of 0.85 kcal/mol. If Gaussian 94 is used exclusively, C B S - Q w i l l normally be the faster of the two methods, but i f the C C S D ( T ) calculations involved in G 2 M are carried out using a faster coupled cluster code the tables may actually be turned.

Acknowledgments J M is a Y i g a l A l l o n Fellow of the Israel Academy of Sciences and the Humanities as well as a Honorary Research Associate ("Onderzoeksleider in eremandaat") of the National Science Foundation of Belgium ( N F W O / F N R S ) . He thanks many colleagues, but especially Dr. Timothy J. Lee ( N A S A Ames Research Center) and Prof. Peter R. Taylor (San Diego Supercomputer Center and University of California, San Diego), for enlightening discussions.

In Computational Thermochemistry; Irikura, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1905.



Atomization Energies of Small Polyatomics


This research was supported by the University of Antwerp "Geconcerteerde actie" program, and by generous computer time grants from the Institute of Chemistry (He­ brew University of Jerusalem, Israel) and San Diego Supercomputer Center.

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