Call for Papers - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 30, 2012 - Call for Papers. Anal. Chem. , 1991, 63 (8), pp 461A–461A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00008a728. Publication Date: April 1991. ACS Legacy Archive...
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• IR Spectrometry and IR Spec­ tral I n t e r p r e t a t i o n . July 2 9 - 3 1 , San Francisco, CA; Aug. 5-7, St. Lou­ is, MO; Oct. 3-5, Los Angeles, CA; Dec. 4-6, Pittsburgh, PA • Atomic S p e c t r o s c o p y AA/ICP/ DCP. July 29-31, San Francisco, CA; Aug. 7-9, St. Louis, MO; Oct. 4-6, Los Angeles, CA; Dec. 2-4, Pitts­ burgh, PA • QA of C h e m i c a l M e a s u r e ­ ments. July 30-31, San Francisco, CA; Aug. 1-2, St. Louis, MO; Oct. 10-11, Los Angeles, CA; Dec. 9-10, Pittsburgh, PA • B a s i c s of HPLC. Aug. 1-2, St. Louis, MO; Oct. 5-6, Los Angeles, CA; Nov. 18-19, Pittsburgh, PA • Near-IR Analysis. Aug. 1-2, St. Louis, MO; Oct. 5-6, Los Angeles, CA; Dec. 2 - 3 , Pittsburgh, PA • 2D NMR Analysis. Aug. 1-2, St. Louis, MO; Oct. 5-6, Los Angeles, CA; Dec. 2-3, Pittsburgh, PA • On-Line P r o c e s s Analyzers. Aug. 5-7, St. Louis, MO; Oct. 3-5, Los Angeles, CA; Dec. 3 - 5 , Pitts­ burgh, PA • EPA Environmental Analytical Chemistry. Aug. 12-13, St. Louis,

MO; Nov. 12-13, Pittsburgh, PA • QA of Environmental Measure­ ments. Aug. 14-15, St. Louis, MO; Oct. 10-11, Los Angeles, CA • Ion Chromatography. Oct. 5-6, Los Angeles, CA; Nov. 7-8, Pitts­ burgh, PA • Chemometrics. Oct. 5-6, Los An­ geles, CA; Nov. 18-19, Pittsburgh, PA For information on the following courses to be held in Tempe, AZ, contact Jacob Fuchs, Dept. of Chemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 • Applied Molecular Spectrosco­ py: IR. July 22-26 • Modern Industrial Spectrosco­ py. Aug. 5-16 For information on the following Stan­ dards Technology Training courses, con­ tact Kathy Dickinson, ASTM, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103 (215-2995480) • Optical Emission Spectrochemical Analysis. Sept. 9-11. Se­ attle, WA

• X-ray F l u o r e s c e n c e S p e c t r o c h e m i c a l A n a l y s i s . Sept. 16-18. Lake Buena Vista, FL • P a i n t V o l a t i l e O r g a n i c Com­ pounds. Nov. 7-8. Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Call for Papers • Inter/Micro-91. Chicago, IL. Aug. 19-22. Papers are solicited in all areas of analytical microscopy, including in­ dustrial applications of microscopy; microchemistry; microscopy and ar­ chaeology; microscopy and the art con­ servator; and FT-IR, video, laser scan­ ning confocal, forensic, electron, and asbestos analysis microscopy. Prospec­ tive authors should submit their titles and abstracts by June 15 to Nancy Daerr, McCrone Research Institute, 2820 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60616 (312-842-7100). These events are newly listed in the JOURNAL. See back issues for other events of interest.

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