Call for Papers - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 24, 2012 - Call for Papers. Anal. Chem. , 1976, 48 (8), pp 661A–661A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50002a717. Publication Date: July 1976. ACS Legacy Archive...
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News Call for Papers Symposium on Minicomputers and L a r g e - S c a l e Computations Montreal, Canada. May 29-June 2, 1977. Papers are invited on all phases of minicomputer applications and large-scale computations. Since the symposium papers will be published as a book in the ACS Symposium Se­ ries, potential contributors are advised to consult ACS Symposium Series # 19, 1975, for format, level, and scope. T h e symposium is being orga­ nized and sponsored by the ACS Divi­ sion of Computers in Chemistry. Send title and abstract/outline, not later t h a n 1 December, to Peter Lykos, Illi­ nois Institute of Technology, Chicago, 111. 60616 (312-567-343)

Meetings ι U t h International Symposium on Chromatography. July 5-9. Na­ tional Exhibition Centre, Warwick­ shire, England. Contact: The Exec­ utive Secretary, Chromatography Discussion Group, Trent Polytech­

nic, Burton St., Nottingham NGl 4BU, England. Page 682 A, June 1975 I Conference on Occupational and Industrial Health. July 5-9. John­ son College, Johnson, Vt. Sponsor: Committee D-22 on Methods of Sampling and Analysis of Atmo­ spheres of the American Society for Testing and Materials. Contact: S. S. Ross, MBA Communications, Inc., 555 Madison Ave., New York, Ν. Y. 10022 I 6th Annual Intersociety Confer­ ence on Environmental Systems. July 12-15. San Diego. Contact: Gail Jannon, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 I 20th Annual Meeting of Canadi­ an Society of Clinical Chemists. July 12-16. Skyline Hotel, Ottawa. Includes symposia on RIA, SI units, monitoring drug concentrations, and releasing hormones. Contact: J. E. Logan, 151 Slater St., Suite 906, Ottawa, Ont., Canada K1P2H3 I Annual N o r t h Eastern Regional Antipollution Conference. July 13-14. U. of Rhode Island, Kings­ ton. Contact: Donald Sussman, Dept. of Civil & Environmental En­

gineering, U. of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I. 02881 ι Modern Electrometric T e c h ­ niques for Investigating Chemi­ cal Systems. July 13-16. Carleton U., Ottawa, Ontario. Sponsored by Carleton U., Physical Chemistry Div. of the Chemical Institute of Canada, the Ontario/Quebec Div. of the Electrochemical Society, and the National Research Council of Canada. Contact: R. G. Barradas, Dept. of Chemistry, Carleton U., Ottawa, Ont. K1S 5B6, Canada I International Conference on Theory & P r a c t i c e of Ion E x ­ change. July 25-30. Churchill Coll., U. of Cambridge, UK. Sponsored by Society of Chemical Industry (Lon­ don). Contact: M. J. Slater, School of Chemical Engineering, U. of Bradford, Bradford, West York­ shire BD7 1DP, UK I 28thNational Meeting of Ameri­ can Association of Clinical Chemists. Aug. 1-6. Houston, Tex. Contact: American Association of Clinical Chemists, 1725 Κ St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 I 18th Rocky Mountain Spectros­ copy Conference. Aug. 2 - 3 . U. of Denver, Denver, Colo. Contact:

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