Call for Papers - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Jun 6, 2012 - Call for Papers. Anal. Chem. , 1983, 55 (11), pp 1085A–1085A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00261a767. Publication Date: September 1983. ACS Legacy A...
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News The $2500 Wiley Award is given an­ nually by the AOAC to recognize out­ standing contributions to the develop­ ment and validation of analytical methods that protect the consumer and the quality of the environment.

Nominations Sought for Reilley Award A national award in memory of Charles N. Reilley has been estab­ lished by the Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry. The $1000 award, sponsored by Bioanalytical Systems, Inc., will be given annually to an ac­ tive researcher who has made a major contribution to the theory, instrumen­ tation, or applications of electroanalytical chemistry. The first award will be presented at the 1984 Pittsburgh Conference. Nominations for this first award should include a curriculum vita, a de­ scription of the nominee's contribu­ tions to electroanalytical chemistry, and two letters of nomination. Nomi­ nating materials should be received by Oct. 1 at the following address: Reilley Award Committee, Society for Elec­ troanalytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, M.L. 172, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221.

Porter to Receive Mettler Award Roger S. Porter of the University of Massachusetts will be presented with the 1983 Mettler Award in Thermal Analysis at the Annual North Ameri­ can Thermal Analysis Conference to be held Sept. 25-29, 1983, in Williamsburg, Va. The award, spon­ sored by the Mettler Instrument Corp., has been given annually since 1968 to recognize and encourage indi­ vidual achievement in the field of thermal analysis. Porter is a professor in the depart­ ment of polymer science and engineer­ ing at the University of Massachu­ setts, Amherst, and is also codirector of the university's Materials Research Laboratory. His research has focused on deriving molecular information from thermal analysis, particularly with respect to hydrocarbons, poly­ mers, and liquid crystals. Porter also has been instrumental in establishing the fundamentals of a wide range of experimental techniques for thermal analysis.

SACP Awards Starter Grants The Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh (SACP) has announced the winners of its 1982-83 starter

grant competition. The starter grant program was established in 1980 to aid new professors and to support gradu­ ate student training in analytical chemistry. Mark A. Arnold of the University of Iowa is the recipient of a $10,000 starter grant. Arnold's research inter­ ests include designing biocatalytic membrane electrodes for use in homo­ geneous immunoassays. The SACP also awarded three trav­ el grants to the 1984 Pittsburgh Con­ ference. Winners of these grants are Susan Weiss Jahoda, University of South Florida; Terrence R. Tougas, University of Lowell; and James R. Rybarczyk, Ball State University.

Call for Papers Symposium on Concentration Techniques for Biological Testing of Environmental Samples Philadelphia, Pa. Aug. 24-31,1984. The symposium, organized by the ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry, will be held at the 1984 ACS fall national meeting in Philadel­ phia. Emphasis will be on the theory and techniques of concentration and isolation of organics fropi water sam­ ples using various types of adsorbents, solvent extractions, gel permeation and freezing methods, and novel mem­ brane techniques. A letter of intent, giving proposed title and author, is due by Oct. 31. Letters should be sent to I. H. Suffet, Department of Chem­ istry, Environmental Studies Insti­ tute, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104, or to Murugan Malaiyandi, Environmental Health Directorate, Health and Welfare Canada, Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0L2, Canada.

Meetings The following meetings are newly listed in ANALYTICAL

Research in Photosynthesis and Transpiration Processes


IR Gas Analyzer For biological research work exact knowledge of the influences on the photosynthesis and the transpiration processes "~ is of importance. For example, the growth -characteristics of newly t cultivated ί cereals can * be checked, t, f ï The ΒI NOS'" infrared gas. /-- , analyzer, ', a compact and portable > laboratory instrument, facilitates the measurement of CO;> and H O oven under difficult operation conditions These instruments include in their basic specification a reference cell which is purged with reference gas, a built-in gas feed pump, a fine dust sight filter for measuring and reference side and an optical filter. The IR analyzer is also available for. battery power supply. The absolute ^ and difference I ' measuring jj ranges extend - . for CO., from ï y 0 to 50 ppm f> ( · 25 ppm) (/ andforHO from 0 to 5000 ppm.


Other 1983 meetings are listed in the July and August issues. • Atomic Spectroscopy Sympo­ sium. Sept. 12-16. Berkeley, Calif. Contact: John G. Conway, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 70Α-1115, Berkeley, Calif. 94720 • Second International Confer­ ence on Pattern Recognition. Sept. 19-21. Oxford, U.K. Contact: The Re­ mote Sensing Society, Department of Geography, University of Reading, Reading RG6 2AU, U.K.

Please ask for further information. Find out about techniques, instruments and plants by contacting:

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