Call for Papers - American Chemical Society

The following courses are offered in conjunction with the Eastern Analyti cal Symposium to be held Νου. 11-16 in Somerset, NJ. • Laboratory Infor...
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• Effective Management of Chemi­ cal Analysis Laboratories. Oct. 1213. Mary Routson and John H. Taylor, Jr. • Quality Assurance of Chemical Measurements. Oct. 12-13. John Κ. Taylor • Capillary Gas Chromatography. Oct. 12-13. Milos Novotny and Stuart Cram • Environmental Analytical Chem­ istry: Water and Waste. Oct. 12-13. Marcus Cooke • Maintaining and Troubleshoot­ ing Chromatographic Systems. Oct. 12-13. M.P.T. Bradley • Atomic Absorption, ICP, and ICP/MS. Oct. 12-13. Marvin Miller • Chromatography Data Handling. Oct. 12-13. Glenn Ouchi • Microwave Sample Preparation: Theory and Methods. Oct. 12-13. H. M. Kingston and Lois Jassie The following courses are offered in conjunction with the Eastern Analyti­ cal Symposium to be held Νου. 11-16 in Somerset, NJ. • Laboratory Information Man­ agement Systems: From Problem Definition to System Evaluation. Nov. 12-13. Gerst Gibbon, Ann Cibulas, and Joseph Golden • Thermal Analysis in Materials Characterization. Nov. 12-13. Edith Turi, Patrick Gallagher, and James Seseris • New Sample Preparation Meth­ ods for Chemical Analysis. Nov. 1213. Stuart Cram • Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. Nov. 12-13. J. T. Wat­ son and David Sparkman • Basic Gas Chromatography. Nov. 12-13. Harold McNair • Interpretation of IR Spectra. Nov. 13-15. Howard Sloane • Environmental Laboratory Qual­ ity Assurance/Quality Control Data Validation. Nov. 15-16. Henry Nowicki and William Purves • Statistical Process Control. Nov. 15-16. Stanley Deming and Stephen Morgan • Activated Carbon Adsorption: Theory and Practice. Nov. 15-16. Milton Manes • Chemical Engineering and Pro­ cess Fundamentals for Chemists. Nov. 15-17. Richard Griskey For information on these and other ACS courses, contact theDept. of Con­ tinuing Education, American Chemi­ cal Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036 (202-8724508).

Call for Papers • Electrochemical Techniques for Corrosion Measurement. St. Louis, MO. Dec. 3-5. Practical applications of both dc electrochemical corrosion mea­ surements and electrochemical imped­ ance spectroscopy measurements will be covered. Authors wishing to present papers should submit 200-word ab­ stracts by Sept. 15 to Andrew Palus, EG&G Princeton Applied Research, 375 Phillips Blvd., Trenton, NJ 08618 (609-530-1000) • International Electrophoresis Society Meeting. Washington, DC. March 19-21, 1991. Originally sched­ uled to be held June 30-July 3, 1990, the meeting has been rescheduled for the spring of 1991. The program will consist of lecture and poster presenta­ tions, discussion sessions, and work­ shops on a variety of topics, including biotechnology, capillary zone electro­ phoresis, detection and imaging meth­ ods, forensic DNA methods, gel elec­ trophoresis, genetic testing, the ge­ nome project, high-resolution 2D electrophoresis, the polymerase chain reaction, risk assessment, and sequenc­ ing. Abstract forms are available from Janet Cunningham, Barr Enterprises, P.O. Box 279, Walkersville, MD 21793 (301-898-3772). Abstracts should be submitted by Sept. 1. • 6th International Symposium on Instrumental Planar Chromatogra­ phy. Interlaken, Switzerland. April 2326,1991. Topics to be covered include biomedical analysis, electroplanar chromatography, environmental anal­ ysis, hyphenated techniques, instru­ mentation, quantitation, forensic anal­ ysis, radiochromatography, sample preparation, toxicology, and trace anal­ ysis. Authors wishing to contribute oral or poster presentations should contact H. Traitler, Nestlé Research Centre, Nestec Ltd., CH-1000 Lausanne 26, Switzerland. Deadline for submission of abstracts is Oct. 26. • 5th International Conference on Flow Analysis. Kumamoto, Japan. Aug. 21-24, 1991. The conference will cover current research on all aspects of continuous-flow analysis, including detector systems and hybrid systems; instrumentation for FIA and continuous segmented and unsegmented flow analysis, including approaches to total automation; theory of flow analysis; and applications in industrial, environmental, and clinical analysis. Authors wishing to present papers should submit abstracts by Feb. 28, 1991, to Nobuhiko Ishibashi, Dept. of Applied Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, 36, Kyushu University, Hakozaki, Higashiku, Fukuoka 812, Japan.

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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 62, NO. 13, JULY 1, 1990 • 731 A