CALL FOR PAPERS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

CALL FOR PAPERS. Chem. Eng. News , 2001, 79 (2), p 21. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v079n002.p021. Publication Date: January 08, 2001. Copyright © 2001 American ...
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CALL FOR PAPERS A b s t r a c t s are d u e by March 1, 2001 Abstracts should be submitted either in hard copy on the standard ACS Abstract Form or as e-mail attachments to the program chair: Dr. Alan Samuels Edgewood Chemical Biological Center Edgewood Area, Aberdeen Proving Grounds Aberdeen, MD 21010-5424 Phone: 410-436-5874 Fax: 410-4361120 [email protected] Phone: 410-436-5874 Fax: 410-436-1120 [email protected]

You are invited to submit abstracts for oral presentations and posters in: Analytical Chemistry Biochemistry Chemical Education

Combinatorial Chemistry Chemical Catalysis Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry Physical Chemistry Polymer Chemistry

American Chemical Society 34th Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting Towson University, Towson, MD May 30-June 1 R e m s e n Award A d d r e s s u New IVMR Approaches t o B i o m o l e c u l a r Structure Determination Dr.AdBax

M f l R M 2881

Chief, Section on Biophysical NMR Spectroscopy Laboratory of Chemical Physics, NIH

Thursday, May 31, 2001, at the University Union Invited Symposium Medicinal Chemistry I: Novel Approaches to Design of New Therapeutic Agents Medicinal Chemistry II: Integration of Structural Biology, Computational Modeling and Combinatorial Chemistry for Drug Discovery Modern Forensic Chemistry Enhancing Your Personal "Chemistry": The Science of Personal Care Products Topics in Flavor Research

Nanofunctional Materials Chemical Defense Are you in Harm's Way: Consumer Protection and Safety Environmental Sensing Lead Poisoning: A Technical and Societal Challenge Mass Spectrometry I: Biological Research and Medical Diagnostics

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy I: Application in Biochemistry Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy II: Application in Biochemistry Patent Prosecution and Technology Transfer from Three Perspectives: Academia, Industry and Government What's New in Undergraduate Biochemistry Education Chemical Education in the Information Age Innovative Approaches for Creating Diversity in the Chemical Sciences