Call for Papers: DARK Classics in Chemical Neuroscience - ACS

Call for Papers: DARK Classics in Chemical Neuroscience. Craig W. Lindsley (Editor-in-Chief). ACS Chem. Neurosci. , 2017, 8 (9), pp 1812–1812...
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Call for Papers: DARK Classics in Chemical Neuroscience n 2013, I introduced the “Classics in Chemical Neuroscience” review series, which focused on important CNS drugs and/or tool compounds that had a major impact on the field. These unique reviews covered the history, medicinal/ process chemistry, molecular pharmacology/biochemistry, drug metabolism/pharmacokinetics, and significance to the field on neuroscience. Thus, far, ACS Chemical Neuroscience has published nine reviews in this series (many in preparation), and we have composed a virtual “Classics in Chemical Neuroscience” issue ( classics.html) to which all are added. I am planning a special issue of ACS Chemical Neuroscience for mid-2018 that will be HIGHLY read and cited. The Issue will be a DARK “Classics in Chemical Neuroscience” Special Issue focused on psychoactive, illicit drugs. These new DARK “Classics” reviews will share a similar format, covering the history, street names, current synthesis/production route, pharmacology, DMPK, and cultural/historic relevance of illicit drugs. This issue will also feature several reviews on the synthetic chemistry employed to access these drugs as well as current analogues. There will also be a perspective on all the new, emerging street drugs and the danger of overdose, as well as an introduction from NIDA/DEA staff. For this special DARK “Classics in Chemical Neuroscience” issue, we will focus on THC, heroin, opium, morphine, fentanyl, LSD, mescaline, cocaine (crack), ecstacy, oxycodone, PCP, methamphetamine, and psilocybin. I would also like to see someone tackle the club drugs (MDMA, flunitrazepam/ rophies, GHB). Please let me know if this is of any interest to you as a potential author/coauthor. I think this Special Issue will be highly read and citednothing like it exists. Ideally, the submission date will be March/April of 2018, but I can extend further into 2018 to accommodate if necessary. If interested in contributing, please email me at either craig.lindsley@ or [email protected], and let me known which illicit drug you wish to review. Many thanks for your considerationthis will be an amazing special issue, and I hope you are able to contribute.


Craig W. Lindsley, Editor-in-Chief AUTHOR INFORMATION


Craig W. Lindsley: 0000-0003-0168-1445 Notes

Views expressed in this editorial are those of the author and not necessarily the views of the ACS.

Published: September 20, 2017 © 2017 American Chemical Society


DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.7b00306 ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2017, 8, 1812−1812