Call for papers: NORM 2016 - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Abstract submissions are being accepted for the 2016 Northwest Regional Meeting, which will be held June 26–29 at the Egan Center in Anchorage. The ...
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▸ John R. Yates III to lead Journal of Proteome Research Scripps Research Institute California professor John R. Yates III has been named editor-in-chief of the Journal of Proteome Research, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Chemical Society, which also publishes C&EN. The journal focuses on new research in protein analysis and function. “I’m excited to be taking on the leadership role of this flagship journal for the proteomics field,” Yates says. “There is a wealth of high-quality research and technical innovation coming out of proteomics, which is of fundamental importance to biology and medicine. “Increasingly, proteomics is being used to look for both mechanisms of disease but also biomarkers for disease, and some proteomic methods are now starting to evolve into the clinic,” Yates adds. Yates, who is Ernest W. Hahn Professor of Chemical Physiology & Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience at Scripps, succeeds William Hancock, who led the journal since its inception in 2002. “John is an excellent choice” to lead the journal into the future, Hancock says. “He was one of the pioneers of the field of proteomics, particularly in the area of mass spec. He’s well-placed to keep the journal growing, particularly as mass spectrometry is such a key technology in proteomics.” Yates’s “extensive relationships within the proteomics community, broad knowledge of the field, and editorial expertise will ensure that the journal can continue to serve the current and future needs of the proteomics community,” says Penelope Lewis, director of editorial development for ACS Publications. Yates notes that the Journal of Proteome Research plans to expand its reach through Twitter, Facebook, and other social media outlets and “create greater awareness of the work that’s being published in the journal.”—LINDA WANG


ACS launches career planning tool for graduate students and postdocs The ACS Education Division has launched the Chemical Sciences Individual Development Plan (ChemIDP) project, which includes an online tool to help graduate students and postdocs plan and prepare for their career goals. “A lot of the advice that students get about career planning comes from their adviser, and every adviser is going to approach this in a different way,” says Steve Corcelli, chair of the ACS Graduate Education Advisory Board and an associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry at the University of Notre Dame. “Having a tool like ChemIDP helps create a uniform experience where students can get information about lots of different careers.” The idea for ChemIDP came out of recommendations from the ACS report “Advancing Graduate Education in the Chemical Sciences” as well as results of the 2013 ACS Graduate Student Survey, which highlighted a need for more comprehensive career guidance and resources. The ChemIDP workshops and online tool, developed through surveys of more than 125 graduate students and postdocs, helps users navigate through a process of self-assessment, career exploration, skills strengthening, and goal setting. Interest in the use of IDPs continues to grow. The National Institutes of Health, for example, now requires that principal investigators receiving NIH funding report how they are using IDPs to identify and promote the career goals of their trainees. Other tools for creating IDPs exist, but ChemIDP was created specifically with people in the chemical sciences in mind, says Jodi Wesemann, ACS assistant director for educational research. The online tool integrates existing career resources available through ACS, such as profiles of chemists working in different fields. “There’s a big difference between hearing that this is a career that one might have and being able to see the salary information, the typical responsibilities, and the skills you One-stop shop need in order to get that kind of a job,” says Nancy Goroff, for career a chemistry professor at Stony Brook University, SUNY, information. and a mentor on the National Science Foundation Innovation Corps grant that supported the ChemIDP project. Wasiu Lawal, a fifth-year doctoral student in environmental science at the University of Texas, Arlington, says it’s that kind of specific career information that makes ChemIDP particularly useful to him. “What I really like is that it provides links to actual career information, gives me ideas of career paths that I hadn’t previously thought of, and suggests skills I may need to improve on,” he says. To explore ChemIDP online tool, visit https://chemidp.—LINDA WANG

▸ Call for papers: NORM 2016 Abstract submissions are being accepted for the 2016 Northwest Regional Meeting, which will be held June 26–29 at the Egan Center in Anchorage. The meeting will highlight environmental chemistry in the Arctic, drug discovery and neurochemistry, and computational

chemistry. The final program summary will be published in C&EN this spring; the online program will be available on May 23. Abstracts are due on April 11. To submit an abstract, visit the meeting website or ACS’s Meeting Abstracts Programming System at For more information, visit—LINDA WANG

Announcements of ACS news can be sent to [email protected]. MARCH 21, 2016 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN