Call for papers: SWRM 2017 - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

the conference will feature plenary speaker Bill Jorgensen and keynote speakers Richard Dixon, Mark Johnson, Ann McDermott, Daniel Neumark, and St...
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▸ Call for papers: SERMACS 2017 Abstract submissions are being accepted for the 2017 Southeast Regional Meeting, which will be held Nov. 7–11 at the Sheraton Charlotte Hotel, in Charlotte, N.C. The meeting is being hosted by the ACS Carolina-Piedmont Section and will highlight the theme “Humans to Hybrids.” The meeting will feature four plenary lectures, a Diversity Day, an exposition, a graduate school career fair, K–12 programming, poster sessions, and more than 30 invited symposia covering the traditional areas of chemistry as well as bioinorganic chemistry, polymeric nanomaterials, biological mass spectrometry, organofluorine chemistry, analytical neurochemistry, heterocyclic carbenes, chemistry entrepreneurship, ionic liquids, electrochemistry, and the chemistry of fermentation. The meeting will also highlight advances in energy conversion and storage. SERMACS 2017 is being held concurrently with the 2017 Solar Energy Research Center Conference and the North Carolina Photochemistry Symposium. The final program summary for SERMACS will be published in C&EN in the fall; the online program will be available on Oct. 2. Details can be found on the meeting website at Abstracts are due by Aug. 21. Please visit the meeting website or ACS’s Meeting Abstracts Programming System (MAPS) at to submit an abstract.—LINDA WANG

▸ Call for papers: MWRM 2017 Abstract submissions are being accepted for the 2017 Midwest Regional Meeting, which will take place Oct. 18–20 at the Memorial Union of the University of Kansas, in Lawrence. Symposia will highlight advances in synthesis, catalysis, theory, spectroscopy, materials, chemical biology, and intersections with diverse scientific and technological domains. In addition to technical symposia and poster sessions, the meeting will feature a plenary lecture, a graduate awards symposium, and an instrument exhibition. The symposium sessions include “Joint


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Symposium on Theory, Spectroscopy & Materials,” “Chemical Biology of Infectious Disease,” “Catalysis & Catalytic Technologies for Fuels, Chemicals & the Environment,” “Starting Companies in the Biotechnology Industry,” “Analytical Applications of Microfluidics,” “From Molecules to Nanomaterials: Applications in Energy & Catalysis,” “Spectroscopy Applied to Structure, Dynamics & Imaging,” “Theory of Interfaces,” “Organic Synthesis & Catalysis,” “Chemical Biology of Microbial Processes,” and “New Directions in Chemistry Education.” The final program summary will be published in C&EN in the fall; the online program will be available on Sept. 11. Details can be found on the meeting website at Abstracts are due by July 24. Please visit the meeting website or ACS’s Meeting Abstracts Programming System (MAPS) at to submit an abstract.—LINDA WANG

▸ Call for papers: SWRM 2017 Abstract submissions are being accepted for the 2017 Southwest Regional Meeting, which will take place Oct. 29–Nov. 1 at the Overton Hotel & Conference Center in Lubbock, Texas. The conference will highlight advances in analytical science, catalysis, medicinal chemistry, plant molecular biology, protein structure, and reaction mechanisms. In addition to 15 technical symposia and poster sessions, the conference will feature plenary speaker Bill Jorgensen and keynote speakers Richard Dixon, Mark Johnson, Ann McDermott, Daniel Neumark, and Steven White. Symposia topics include cellulose biosynthesis, chemical biology and drug discovery, electrophilic agents in medicinal chemistry, enabling techniques for organic synthesis, environmental analysis, materials for energy conversion, mass spectrometry, membrane proteins, microfluidic analysis systems, rising stars in organic chemistry, SN2 reaction dynamics, specialized plant metabolism, structural biology, southwest theoretical and computational chemistry, and surface analysis. In addition, there will be career workshops and a student chemistry demo competition. The final program summary will be published in C&EN in the fall; the online

program will be available on Sept. 25. Details can be found on the meeting website at Abstracts are due by Aug. 14. Please visit the meeting website or ACS’s Meeting Abstracts Programming System (MAPS) at to submit an abstract.—LINDA WANG

▸ Call for papers: RMRM 2017 Abstract submissions are being accepted for the 2017 Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting, which will be held Oct. 25–28 at the Embassy Suites & Conference Center in Loveland, Colo., and is hosted by the ACS Colo., Local Section. The theme of the meeting, Energy in the Rockies, will highlight advances and the application of chemistry to the production, management, evaluation, and study of energy. In addition to nine technical symposia, six general sessions, and numerous poster sessions, the meeting will feature a high school teachers symposium, undergraduate programming, an awards banquet, a Younger Chemists Committee/Women Chemists Committee breakfast, a Senior Chemists Committee luncheon, and a welcome reception/poster session. Symposium sessions will include “Biomaterials for Energy Production,” “Nanomaterials,” “Energy Production from Solar Radiation,” “Chemistry & the Environment,” “The Future of Chemical Education,” “Chemical Analysis of Beer & Brewing Products,” “Young Scholars Symposium,” “Inhibitor Design & Studies in Medicinal Chemistry,” and “Radioanalytical Nuclear Chemistry.” Several awards will be presented, including the Stanley C. Israel Regional Award for Advancing Diversity in the Chemical Science, the Division of Chemical Education Excellence in High School Teaching Award, the E. Ann Nalley Rocky Mountain Regional Award for Volunteer Service, and the Partners for Progress & Prosperity Award. The final program summary will be published in C&EN in the fall; the online program will be available on Sept. 18. Details can be found on the meeting website at Abstracts are due by Aug. 7. Please visit the meeting website or ACS’s Meeting Abstracts Programming System (MAPS) at to submit an abstract.—LINDA WANG