Call for Papers

covering the job functions of individu- al workers, theairborne properties of. VCM, and other inputs such as the ... Environmental Technology. Gatlinb...
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News Fourier multiplex spectrometry is used with an integrated data acquisi­ tion analysis and communication sys­ tem to monitor VCM concentrations in two PVC resin-producing plants in Passaic, N.J. The system, developed jointly by EOCOM and Pantasote, in­ sures EPA and OSHA compliance and eliminates the need for direct personal sampling. When the instantaneous ex­ posure is above the prescribed OSHA limits, warning lights alert employees who can thus take immediate correc­ tive action. The data system is pro­ grammed with extensive modeling covering the job functions of individu­ al workers, the airborne properties of VCM, and other inputs such as the working status and history of each resin-producing reactor. Heart of this instrumentation sys­ tem is the EOCOM Model FMS 7200 gas analyzer which uses Fourier trans­ form infrared and can be programmed to monitor one or more of most of the gaseous substances listed by OSHA in the regulations published in the Fed­ eral Register, June 27,1974. Other ap­ plications of this system include the monitoring of nickel carbonyl in the workplace; another system monitors arsine and phosphine, and a third is planned to perform basic analysis of gaseous products from automotive ex­ haust catalytic converters.

Call for Papers Oak Ridge National Laboratory's 20th Annual Conference on Ana­ lytical Chemistry in Energy and Environmental Technology Gatlinburg, Tenn. Oct. 12-14. Papers are solicited in the general areas of an­ alytical implications of fossil fuel con­ version, nuclear reactor waste man­ agement, nuclear fuel reprocessing, and advanced energy systems such as solar and geothermal. Submit ab­ stracts of approximately 200 words not later than June 20 to L. J. Brady, Analytical Chemistry Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box X, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830. 615-4838611, ext. 3-1511

Meetings The following meetings are newly listed in ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. Previously scheduled 1976 meetings appear in the March issue • Third Annual Occupational Haz­ ards Safety & Health Confer-

ence. May 11-12. New York Hilton Hotel, New York City. Contact: Ivan L. Heinstock, 614 Superior Ave. West, Cleveland, Ohio 44113 INTER/MICRO-76 International Conference on Microscopy. June 28-July 1. Chicago. Contact: Walter C. McCrone, McCrone Research In­ stitute, 2508 S. Michigan Ave., Chi­ cago, III. 60616 Modern Electrometric Tech­ niques for Investigating Chemi­ cal Systems. July 13-16. Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario. Spon­ sored by Carleton University, Phys­ ical Chemistry Div. of the Chemical Institute of Canada, the Ontario/ Quebec Div. of the Electrochemical Society, and the National Research Council of Canada. Contact: R. G. Barradas, Dept. of Chemistry, Car­ leton University, Ottawa, Ont. Kl S 5B6, Canada Conference on Microanalytical Techniques. Sept. 22-24. Universi­ ty of Liverpool, England. Contact: Meetings Officer, The Institute of Physics, 47 Belgrave Square, Lon­ don SW1X 8QX, England National Conference of Stan­ dards Laboratories. Oct. 6-8. Na­ tional Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md. Theme: An An­ niversary Review of Our National Industrial Measurement System. Contact: Raymond C. Songster, In­ stitute for Basic Standards, NBS, Boulder, Colo. 80302 1976 Autumn Symposium of the Analytical Chemistry Division of the Chemical Institute of Cana­ da. Oct. 7-8. The Canada Institute for Science and Technical Informa­ tion, Ottawa, Ontario. Contact: Louis Ramaley, ΤARC, Dept. of Chemistry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. B3H 4J3, Canada ASTM Symposium on Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Evalua­ tion. Oct. 25-26. Holiday Inn, Mem­ phis, Tenn. Contact: American So­ ciety for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. 215-299-5413. Page 382 A, April The Nature and Scope of Mea­ surement Science: Southern Hemisphere Colloquium. Nov. 5-9. University of New England, Armidale, Australia. Organized by the International Measurement Confed­ eration's Committee on Higher Ed­ ucation. Contact: The Organizing Secretary, IMEKO TCI Regional Colloquium, c/o Department of Continuing Education, The Uni­ versity of New England, Armidale, N.S.W. 2351, Australia World Instrumentation Sympo­ sium (India '76). Nov. 22-26. New Delhi, India. Contact: Wisitex '76 Secretariat, Mittal Chambers, 12th


Floor, Plot No. 228, Backbay Recla­ mation, Bombay 400 020, India • Optical Phenomena in Infrared Materials. Dec. 1-3. Annapolis, Md. Contact: Optical Society of America, 2000 L St., N. W., Wash­ ington, D.C. 20036. 202-293-1420 • International Symposium on Bio­ logical Applications Of Stable Isotopes. Dec. 6-10. Leipzig, Ger­ many. Contact: Joint Secretariat, c/o International Atomic Energy Agency, P.O.B. 590, Karntner Ring 11, A-1011 Vienna, Austria • Atmospheric Aerosols, Their Op­ tical Properties and Effects. Dec. 13-15. Williamsburg, Va. Contact: Optical Society of America, 2000 L St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. 202-293-1420

Short Courses ACS Courses. For more information, contact: Department of Educational Activities, American Chemical Soci­ ety, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. 202-872-4508 Thin-Layer Chromatography New York City. May 14-15. Victor Rodwell and Donald McNamara. $145, ACS members; $170, nonmembers Spectrometric Identification of Or­ ganic Compounds New York City. May 14-15. Robert M. Silverstein and Terence Morrill. $145, ACS members; $170, nonmembers Microprocessors and Minicompu­ ters—Interfacing and Applica­ tions Blacksburg, Va. June 6-11. Raymond Dessy and the Chemistry Dept. In­ strument Design and Automation Re­ search Group from VPI&SU. $355, ACS members; $395, nonmembers Gas Chromatography: Theory and Practice Blacksburg, Va. June 8-11. Harold M. McNair and James Miller. $325, ACS members; $370, nonmembers Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy Albany, N.Y. Aug. 7-9. George C. Levy and Paul Ellis. $190, ACS mem­ bers; $230, nonmembers Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy San Francisco (ACS Meeting). Aug. 27-29. George C. Levy and Paul Ellis. $190, ACS members; $230, nonmem­ bers Computer Applications in Chemis­ try San Francisco (ACS Meeting). Aug. 27-29. Peter C. Jurs and L. Peter