Call for Papers

Chemistry. May 16-19. Ottawa,. Ontario, Canada. Contact: M. Malai- yandi, CAEC, Chemistry Dept, Carleton. University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. K1S 5B6...
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Symposium on Column LC. May Swedish Chemical Society, The Analytical ation/SFE/Supercritical Chro8-13. Minneapolis, MN. Contact: Section, Wallingatan 24, 3tr., S-lll 24 matography. Feb. 21-22. Larry T. Janet Cunningham, c/o Barr Enterprises, Stockholm, Sweden (fax 46-8106678) Taylor P.O. Box 279, Walkersville, MD 21793 • 20th International Symposium • Techniques for the Introduc(301-898-3772; fax 301-898-5596) on Chromatography. June 19-24. tion of Large Volumes of Liquid • 24th International Symposium Bournemouth, U.K. Contact: The Chro- into GC: A Key to Coupled Techon E n v i r o n m e n t a l A n a l y t i c a l matographic Society, Suite 4, Clarendon niques. Feb. 21-22. K. Grob, M. Chemistry. May 16-19. Ottawa, Chambers, 32 Clarendon St., Nottingham Biedermann, H.-G. Janssen, and Ir. Ontario, Canada. Contact: M. Malai- NG1 5JD, U.K. (44-602-500596; fax 44- C. A. Cramers yandi, CAEC, Chemistry Dept, Carleton 602-500614) • Volatile Organic Compound University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (VOC) Analysis by Thermal DeK1S 5B6 (fax 613-788-3749) or J. F. sorption/Capillary Gas ChromaLawrence, Food Research Div., Banting Short Courses tography/Mass Spectrometry. Research Centre, Health & Welfare CanFeb. 21-22. M. Termonia ada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0L2 and Workshops • Troubleshooting HPLC Sys(fax 613-941-4775) tems. Feb. 22. Harold McNair • Chiral Separations. Oct. 10-13. • Joint Conference of the InterSt. Louis, MO. Contact: Daniel W. Armnational Symposium on Micro strong, Dept. of Chemistry, Schrenk Hall, Call for Papers chemical Techniques (ISM '94) University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO and Deauville Conference 1994 65401 (314-341-4429; fax 314-341Symposium on Analytical Sci• Winter Conference on Flow In6033) ences (SAS '94). May 16-20. Monjection Analysis (WCFIA '94). Jan. treux, Switzerland. Contact: Nicko & • NIST Workshop on SFE: Tech5-7, 1994. San Diego, CA. This conC.R.I. Associes, 7 Rue d'Argout, F-75002 nology of the Future. Nov. 30. Con- ference will focus on industrial FIA Paris, France (33-1-42334766; fax 33-1- tact: Thomas J. Bruno, Thermophysics Di- and sequential injection analysis vision, NIST, 325 Broadway, Boulder, 40419241) techniques that are used to solve CO 80303 (303-497-5158; fax 303-497- real-world problems, process chemis• 5th European Conference on 5927) Electroanalysis. May 22-26. Ventry, industrial applications, biotechice, Italy. Contact: Salvatore Daniele, nology, instrument design, automaDept. of Physical Chemistry, The Univer- The following courses are being held tion, new methods, atomic spectrosity of Venice, Calle Larga S. Marta Jan. 7-9 following the Winter Conference scopy, and electrochemistry. The 2137, 1-30123 Venice, Italy (39-41on Flow Injection Analysis (WCFIA '94). deadline for receipt of abstracts is 5298503; fax 39-41-5298594) For further information, contact Gary Nov. 15. For more information, con• 42nd ASMS Conference on MS Christian, Dept. of Chemistry, BG-10, Uni-tact Gary Christian, Dept. of Chemand Allied Topics. May 29-June 3. versity of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 istry, BG-10, University of WashingChicago, IL. Contact: Judith A. Sjoberg, (206-543-1635; fax 206-685-3478) ton, Seattle, WA 98195 (206-543815 Don Gaspar, Santa Fe, NM 87501 1635; fax 206-685-3478) • Principles of Flow Injection (505-989-4517; fax 505-989-1073) • 5th International Meeting on Analysis. Gil Pacey Chemical Sensors. July 11-14, • Sequential Injection Analysis. 1994. Rome, Italy. The scientific proJarda Ruzicka and Gary Christian gram will include oral and poster • Method Development/Optimipresentations devoted to areas of zation in FIA. Adrian Wade chemical and biological sensors, in• Sampling Systems and Induscluding gas sensors, biosensors, new trial Applications of FIA. Don Olmethods and materials, sensor sysson • 6th International Symposium tems, sensor fabrication technology, • Detectors/Automation in FIA. on Luminescence Spectrometry electronics for both chemical and bioSandy Dasgupta in Biomedical Analysis. Deteclogical sensors, sensing principle • FIA i n A t o m i c A b s o r p t i o n tion T e c h n i q u e s and Applicamechanisms, olfactory imaging, enviSpectroscopy. Julian Tyson t i o n s in Chromatography and ronmental sensing, and medical appli• Electrochemical Methods and Capillary Electrophoresis. June cations. Potential authors should subSensors in FIA. Ari Ivaska and Joe 5-7. Brugge-Bruges, Belgium. Conmit three copies of an abstract that Wang tact: Will R.G. Baeyens, University of does not exceed two typed pages to the Ghent, Pharmaceutical Institute, Dept. of • Chromatography for FIA Pracchairperson of their region by Nov. 15. titioners. John Dorsey Pharmaceutical Analysis, Lab. of Drug In Asia and Australia, contact Shigeru Quality Control, Harelbekestraat 72, Yamauchi, National Rehabilitation For information on the following workB-9000 Ghent, Belgium (32-9-2218951; Center for the Disabled, Namiki 4-1, shops, contact Royal Flemish Chemical fax 32-9-2214175) Tokorozawa, Saitama 359, Japan (fax Society, Working Party on Chromatogra• 6th International Conference 81-429-952132). In North and South phy, c/o R. Smits, BASF Antwerpen N.V., America, contact Chung-Chiun Liu, on Flow Analysis. June 8-11. ToCentral Laboratory, Scheldelaan, B-2040 ledo, Spain. Contact: M. Valcarcel or Case Western Reserve University, M. D. Luque De Castro, University of Cor- Antwerp, Belgium (32-3-568-2831; fax 10900 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 32-3-5683250) doba, Departamento de Quimica Ana44106-7200 (fax 210-368-8738). In litica, Facultad de Ciencias, E-14004 Europe and Africa, contact Wolfgang • LC-DAD for Method ValidaCordoba, Spain (34-57-218616; fax 34- tion in the Pharmaceutical InGopel, Institute of Physical and Theo57-218606) retical Chemistry, University of Tubdustry. Feb. 21-22. A. F. Fell • 4th International Symposium ingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 8, 7400 • HPLC/MS. Feb. 2 1 - 2 2 . D.E. on F i e l d - F l o w F r a c t i o n a t i o n . Tubingen, Germany (fax 49-7071-29Games and E. Esmans June 13-15. Sweden. Contact: The 69-10) • Supercritical Fluid Fraction-