C&B ACTIVITIES STATUS REPORT Updated as of August 15, 2017 (last written report: March 13, 2017) One petition is up for action by Council in Washington, DC: Petition on International Chemical Sciences Chapters. Two petitions are up for consideration: Petition for Election of Committee Chairs and Petition on the Composition of Society Committees. November 29 is the petition deadline, which is sixteen weeks before the March 21, 2018 Council meeting in New Orleans, LA. Since the last written report (3/13/17) for C&B’s April 2 meeting in San Francisco, two subcommittees reviewed the petitions for consideration (see above). Two subcommittees were assigned to review bylaws; most units followed the model bylaws or responded to the questions document. Twelve bylaw reports were prepared and sent to five Local Sections and seven Divisions. C&B members and associates were asked to review the C&B minutes from the meeting in San Francisco and C&B voted on changes to the Petition on International Chemical Sciences Chapters, which is up for vote by Council.
Unit Bylaws Certified – by Year [Date certified, unit (ACS National Meeting at which reported)] bylaws certified in 2017 (14 to date) 1/23/17 St. Joseph Valley (San Francisco) 3/23/17 RUBB (DC) 3/27/17 Illinois Heartland (DC) 3/30/17 Mid-Hudson (DC) 4/24/17 St. Louis (DC) 4/28/17 Georgia (DC) 5/1/17 BMGT (DC) 5/16/17 South Plains (DC) 6/9/17 Rio Grande Valley (DC) 6/12/17 Wakarusa Valley (DC) 7/28/17 New Haven (DC) 8/2/17 Mark Twain (DC) 8/4/17 CELL (DC) 8/8/17 Erie (DC)
4/13/16 5/20/16 7/8/16 8/4/16 8/22/16 10/10/16 12/9/16 12/20/16 12/2/16 12/2/16 12/2/16 12/23/16 12/23/16 12/23/16
19 bylaws certified in 2016 2/3/16 Western Connecticut--E (San Diego) 2/10/16 Northeastern Ohio (San Diego) 3/2/16 Red River Valley (San Diego) 3/7/16 Central Utah (San Diego) 3/10/16 South Central Missouri (San Diego)
Number of bylaws certified in these years 2007 20 | 2012 21 2008 12 | 2013 16 2009 11 | 2114 23 2010 16 | 2015 29 2011 28 | 2016 19
MO-KAN-OK, The Tri-State (Philadelphia) Minnesota (Philadelphia) Virginia (Philadelphia) CINF (San Francisco) Wisconsin--E (San Francisco) Lexington--E (San Francisco) Oklahoma (San Francisco) Nashville (San Francisco) China Nat’l Cap Area--JingJinJi (San Fran) Iraq (San Francisco) South Western China (San Francisco) East Central Illinois (San Francisco) Corning (San Francisco) Erie (San Francisco)
Summary of bylaws in progress Bylaws in the queue to be certified: Erie, Mark Twain, Wichita, BIOT (certify in Dec. per request), and CELL
Bylaws in the queue for review: COLL and ENFL C&B is waiting for votes or other information from these units (alpha order): California Northeastern BIOL Central Massachusetts Santa Clara Valley CATL Coastal Georgia Texas A&M CHED Hampton Roads Western New York I&EC
The following units must start the bylaws process over: Idaho: last email from C&B: July 21, 2016; they did not respond by April 30, 2017 Penn-York: last email from C&B: 6/29/16 Toledo: reminder sent 7/26.16; emails: 3/1/17; they did not respond by April 30, 2017 Page 1 of 3
BYLAWS IN PROGRESS or CERTIFIED (boldface) or Special Assignments since last written report (3/13/17) in C&B’s agenda for the spring 2017 meeting in San Francisco
Date Rec’d. Section or Division 5/30/14 RUBB
Date of Action / Status for Divisions, Local Sections, and ICSC 6/13/14 Assigned to Lee, Hall, Harriss C&B review sent 8/7/14; vote due to C&B; 3/24/15 Carver, Polansky met with John Long in Denver; New Preliminary Report sent 4/22/15; 7/14/16 Polansky met with officers of RUBB in DC; 11/15/16 vote outcome received; 3/10/17 bylaw changes approved; bylaws certified 3/23/17
6/17/15 BMGT
Template used; reviewed by Carver, Polansky C&B review sent 7/22/15; reminder sent 6/29/16 bylaws certified 5/1/17
9/14/15 Western NY
Assigned to Trohalaki, Crumrine, Harriss Preliminary Report sent 12/30/15; vote due to C&B 1/23/17 C&B received proposed bylaws; review sent 2/15/17; vote due to C&B
1/13/16 CELL
Template (old) used; reviewed by Carver, Polansky C&B review sent 2/26/16; questions rec’d 7/1/16; replied 7/15/16 reminder sent: 7/24/17; rec’d 7/25; bylaws certified 8/4/17
1/15/16 Wakarusa Valley
vote received without C&B’s input; rejected; Carver reviewed C&B review sent 2/16/16; bylaws certified 6/12/17
3/29/16 Georgia
Preliminary review done; review done by Carver C&B review sent 4/12/16; bylaws certified 4/28/17
Texas A&M
Acknowledged responses to EXPEDITED questions Bylaws prepared + sent 6/10/16; vote due to C&B by 12/10/17
Acknowledged responses to EXPEDITED questions Bylaws prepared/sent 6/13/16; vote rec’d 7/27; in queue to certify
6/13/16 St. Louis
Template used; acknowledged receipt C&B review sent 6/22/16; vote rec’d. 1/11/17; 2/7/17 officers asked to approve changes; 3/9/17 rec’d approval; bylaws certified 4/24/17
10. 7/11/16 South Plains
7/11/16 rec’d expedited responses (options sent 4/28/16) Sent expedited bylaws 7/20/16; bylaws certified 5/16/17
11. 7/21/16 Illinois Heartland
Expedited; acknowledged receipt + sent additional questions With section; on hold; bylaws certified 3/27/17
12. 8/4/16
BP review sent to Carver 8/12/16; C&B review sent 8/15/16; n Rec’d new comments 5/19/17; new review sent 6/2/17; vote due to C&B
13. 10/11/16 Coastal Georgia
10/11/16 Template used; reviewed by Carver, Polansky C&B review sent 10/19/16; vote due
14. 12/5/16 New Haven
15. 12/20/16 PETITION
12/20/16 Petition on International Chemical Sciences Chapters (Attila Pavlath) 12/20/16: Assigned to Lee, Hall, Korolev FOR CONSIDERATION in San Francisco; FOR ACTION in DC
16. 1/5/17
17. 1/22/17 Rio Grande Valley 1/22/17
Rec’d responses to questions; sent additional questions 12/12/16; Comments from Div 1/20 and 2/10/17; bylaws prepared and sent to Div. 2/10/17; vote rec’d 7/13/17; bylaws certified 7/28/17
C&B review sent 1/27/17; emails 2/9/17 etc.; rec’d vote 6/19/17; Div requested cert date of 12/29/17; ON HOLD to certify in Dec. options sent 1/22/17; bylaws certified 6/9/17
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Date Rec’d. Section or Division 18. 1/30/17
Date of Action / Status (continued) 1/30/17
Acknowledged receipt of NEW changes Report sent 2/17/17; vote rec’d 7/17/17; bylaws certified 8/8/17
19. 2/16/17 CHED
Sent bylaw reviews 2/16/17+7/6/17; received changes 5/29 + 7/10/17; C&B review sent 7/21/17; vote due to C&B
20. 3/2/17
Template used; reviewed by Carver, Polansky C&B reviews sent 3/21/17 + 5/19/17; vote due to C&B
21. 3/21/17 Mark Twain
C&B reviews sent 3/29/17 and 4/27/17; vote rec’d 7/17/17; bylaws certified 8/2/17
22. 4/10/17 I&EC
Div sent changes from version C&B reviewed in 2014; BP review to Carver 5/5/17; 5/8/17: assigned to Trohalaki, Hollis, Tierney, Vance; C&B review sent 6/17/17; vote due to C&B
23. 4/18/17 PETITION
Petition on the Composition of Society Committees (Donna Friedman) 5/8/17: assigned to Vartanian, Chasar, Crumrine, Karan FOR CONSIDERATION in DC
24. 4/25/17 Upper Peninsula
C&B review sent; vote due to C&B
25. 4/27/17 PETITION
Petition for Election of Committee Chairs (Peter Bonk) 5/8/17: assigned to Adams, Brady, Long, Sky FOR CONSIDERATION in DC
26. 5/5/17
Vote rejected by C&B; C&B sent reviews 5/15/17 + 5/25/17. vote due to C&B
27. 6/12/17 Princeton
C&B review sent 6/30/17; vote due to C&B
28. 6/19/17 CATL
Rec’d responses to questions document; prepared and sent bylaws 7/3/17; vote due to C&B
29. 7/10/17 ENFL
C&B review sent 7/24/17; they asked for quick review
30. 7/17/17 COLL
talked with Div. rep; C&B review sent 8/8/17; vote due to C&B
31. 8/4/17
initial review 8/15/17; assigned to Lee, Hall, Korolev; on hold for C&B subcommittee chair to review
Hampton Roads
Central Mass
BYLAW reviews also sent to these units (not listed above): California 1/26/17 Bylaw review sent as requested by Paul Vartanian. ENVR 7/24/17 Bylaw review sent as requested by Dean Adams.
BYLAW amendment OPTIONS sent to these units: Akron 3/21/17 CATL 3/23/17 They submitted the questions document 6/19/17. Kanawha Valley 4/10/17 Upper Peninsula 4/25/17 COLL 5/3/17 We rejected their voted bylaws; they submitted new proposed bylaws 7/17/17. Pensacola 5/5/17 ENFL 6/19/17 See above; They submitted proposed bylaws 7/10/17.
FYI: New Haven Section requested that their bylaws reflect that the Secretary is a member while other officers are MEMBERS.
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