can a Solvent be "perfect"? - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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can a Solvent b e "pertecf* # ?

g e t t h e a n s w e r f r o m a SoSvenf- Survey It's worth investigating—especially with today's competition. That's where a solvent survey c a n help you. The lacquer technology section at the Celanese Technical Service & Applications Laboratories c a n review your formulation, conduct tests, comparisons, prepare cost c m a l y s e s . . . a n d there's n o obligation. Picking the "perfect" solvent is a Job for a specialist. W h y not get the details from your experienced Celanese representative? Celanese Corporation of America, Chemical Division, D e p t 754-K, 180 Madison Avenue, N e w York 16, N. Y, Acetone n-Propanol n-Propyl Acetate n-Butyl Acetate

Celanese Solvent 203 Celanese Solvent 601 Celanese Solvent 901-H Methanol


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CHEMICALS * Reg. U.S. Pat. off.