Can Becco Research Help You with Propulsion? - C&EN Global

Nov 12, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Can Becco Research Help You with Propulsion? Hydrogen peroxide powers reaction motors . . . operates gas turbines . . . launches planes . . . runs rotor-tip motors of helicopters. As a monopropellant hydrogen peroxide represents a compact power source. I t carries its own built-in supply of oxygen t o permit combustion of hydrocarbon - type fuels in bi - propellant systems lacking an external or adequate air supply. Becco Research has been an important factor in

the development of hydrogen peroxide as a power source. A wealth of information and experience, collected over a decade of active research in this field, is available and ready to be applied to problems of using hydrogen peroxide as a source of energy.




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