CAN YOU PASS THIS 30-Second Quiz on Intermediates? - C&EN

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30-Seconci Quiz on Intermediates? ij^y^v/i?^ ^"•^ ^Γ'^ίΤ^.

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Du Pont o-Chloroanilinc is currently used for:

2 .

If*you have a problem in nitration you should:



D A . A solvent D B . An acid acceptor Q C . An intermediate

D A . Try Sodium Nitrate Ο Β . Pass the problem on to an unsuspecting friend Π C - Call on Du Pont for your nitrated products

• A . Preparation of fungicides D B . Preparation of anti-oxidants D C . No known uses

You can use D u Pont N-Methylcyclohexylamine as:

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J^m This is the formula for Du Pont Sarcosine. It is particularly interesting be­ cause:


• A . It displays both basic and acidic properties D B . It is basic • C . It is acidic

Suppose you have an unusual interme­ diate in mind. Your first move should be: CD A . Write Du Pont • B . Consult Du Pont Q C . Call Du Pont on the phone


Granted there are a lot of intermediates to choose from. What's the best way to to find out about the one you want? D A . Check all technical literature • B . Write your problem up and send it to the ACS D C . Write in to Du Pont

• D u P o n t manufactures the greatest variety o f intermediates offered by any chemical c o m p a n y and ofifers y o u help and advice o n t h e use o f any one o f t h e m . T h e quiz a b o v e gives s o m e indication of the products and services available. Let's s e e h o w y o u m a d e o u t on it: A n s w e r s : 1—A; 2—C; 3 — A , B , C ; 4 — A ; 5—Take y o u r pick; 6 — C . There's a c o m p l e t e line of Du P o n t intermediates containing nitro, chloro, a m i n o a n d sulfo groups. Before attempting y o u r o w n nitrations, chlorinations o r reductions, it wiii pay y o u t o consult D u Pont. Our resources are at y o u r disposal i n finding, o r e v e n in manufacturing, the intermediate y o u need. Just drop us a n o t e , and let us try t o help. A d d r e s s : E. I. du P o n t d e N e m o u r s & C o . (Inc.), Organic C h e m i c a l s Dept., Chemicals Div., W i l m i n g t o n 98, Delaware.



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1956 C&EN