CARBIDE is your source for water-soluble chemicals. - C&EN Global

Nov 6, 2010 - DOI: 10.1021/cen-v040n037.p030. Publication Date: September 10, 1962. Copyright © 1962 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem...
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Union Carbide Chemicals Company Division of Union Carbide Corporation—31st Floor 270 Park Avenue, New York 17, N.Y. Gentlemen: I am interested in learning about Carbide's family of water-soluble chemicals. Please send technical data on CELLOSIZE hydroxyethyl cellulose, Glyoxal/Special, and UCAR Poly ox Resin in the use areas checked. As new information is developed in the fields checked, I would appreciate receiving it.



CELLOSIZE HEC offers high thickening efficiency, ease of solution, and scrub-resist­ ance for latex-based paints. Glyoxal/Special gives wet-rub resistance. UCAR Polyox Res­ in finds use as a stabilizer and thickener, particularly in spat­ ter finishes and semi-gloss and gloss latex coatings.

Glyoxal/Special is a unique insolubilizing agent for paper and p a p e r b o a r d coatings based on starch, hydroxyethyl starch, polyvinyl alcohol, ca­ sein, and protein; improves wet-rub and pick resistance. CELLOSIZE HEC easily con­ trols viscosity; provides grease proofness. UCAR Polyox Resin shows promise as a low-cost pigment retention aid.

ADHESIVES CELLOSIZE HEC offers ease of solution, thickening effi­ ciency, and compatibility with borates and other additives. UCAR Polyox Resin has good quick-tack properties. It is particularly well-suited for many h o t - m e l t adhesive formulations.


CELLOSIZE HEC helps fibers withstand mechanical stresses, provides a durable soil-resistant finish; an effec­ tive carrier for pigments and colors, too. UCAR Polyox Res­ in may be used as a thicken­ er for printing pastes, a non­ durable anti-static agent, and a finishing size. G l y o x a l / Special is a useful textile resin intermediate.

D COSMETICS UCAR Polyox Resin, in addi­ tion to being an effective binder, thickener, film-former, stabilizer, and dispersant, im­ parts a creamy-smooth "feel" to facial and hand creams, lo­ tions, and other toiletries. CELLOSIZE HEC contributes smoothness and silkiness; its solubility at elevated temper­ atures speeds up production.




Economical UCAR Polyox Res in gives improved flow char­ acteristics to asphalt emul­ sions and also helps prevent run-off on hills. Asphalt emul­ sions based on UCAR Polyox Resin have excellent adhesive p r o p e r t i e s — even to wet aggregate.

The nonionic character and ease of solution of CELLOSIZE HEC are useful in the prepa­ ration of agricultural sprays, dusts, and wettable powders. UCAR Polyox Resin is of inter­ est as a protective root and seed coating, for crop mulch­ ing and soil conditioning.

CELLOSIZE HEC and UCAR Polyox Resin are effective binders for detergent bars and tablets; excellent thickeners for liquid detergents, too. UCAR Polyox Resin provides a better "feel." Both are com­ patible, enhancing foaming and foam stability properties.

CARBIDE is your source for water-soluble chemicals. ' ,%'i''-'\V#,£l





CELLOSIZE, POLYOX and UCAR are registered trade marks.



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