Carbon disulfide dissociation in a thermal cell - ACS Publications

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Tzy C.Peng

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Carbon Disulfide Dissociation in a Thermal Cell' Try C. Peng McDonnell Douglas Research Laboratories, McDonneil Douglas Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri 63766 (Received June 13, 1974; Revised Manuscript Received October 18, 1973) Publication costs assisted by the McDonneil Douglas Corporation

Dissociation products of CS2 in a vitreous carbon thermal cell are analyzed mass spectrometrically for temperatures up to 1900 K. The reaction products in the cell are observed directly through an effusive flow with a modulated beam sampling technique. CS and S are the only detected products from CS2 dissociation, indicating CS2 CS + S is the dominant reaction. The temperature variation of the relative CS and S abundances indicates that CS2 Cwall 2CS is also a significant reaction in the CS2 dissociation. The measured relative abundances of CS2 and CS as a function of temperature agree favorably with those of the equilibrium calculations using the recently obtained C S heat of formation (AHfOo = 69.2 kcal/mol a t 0 K). On the other hand, the absence of Sp in our measurements is in support of the CS2 reaction with the heated vitreous carbon wall mentioned previously. -+

Introduction Dissociation of CS2 yields C S molecules which are important intermediates in CS2-0 CO chemical lasersS2The chemistry of CS2 dissociation has been observed under a high-frequency discharge at 1 Torr,3 by flash photolysis at 100 Torr,4 by shock wave heating a CS2-Ar mixture from 2000 to 3500 K at 1-10 T0rr,~,6and by passing CS2 over a heated tungsten ribbon.? The high-frequency discharge and flash photolysis studies as well as ac discharge studies8 concentrated on the generation and lifetime of the CS molecule. C S was also observed in interstellar space,g therefore by itself a CS molecule appears stable. The shock wave heating studies produced information on the CS2 decomposition rate, and the heated tungsten ribbon studies suggest a potential mechanism for CS2 dissociation. However, the details of the mechanism are not completely understood. This paper present a mass spectrometric analysis of CS2 dissociation products in a vitreous carbon thermal cell together with new experimental evidence for specific dissociation reactions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Voi. 78, No. 6, 1974



Experimental Section The experimental arrangement is shown in Figure 1. Major components are (1) the vitreous carbon thermal cell, (2) the beam modulating system-the vibrating fork (Bulova, L-40-P) and the lock-in amplifier (PAR, HR-8), (3) the quadrupole mass spectrometer (EA1 Quad 150A), and (4) the vacuum chamber (60 cm diameter and 90 cm long) together with a diffusion pump system. The vitreous carbon thermal cell (17.4 mm diameter 25.4 mm long cylinder) is a high-temperature oven specially fabricated for material-environmental research. The design and performance of this thermal cell has been reported elsewhere.1° For CS2 dissociation studies, a steady flow of 30% CS270% Ar (mole ratio) gas mixture was maintained through the vitreous carbon thermal cell. The input of this flow was at the water-cooled copper electrodes (Figure 1).The input flow rate was controlled by a variable leak (Granville-Phillip series 203) and was measured to be 2.4 x 10-6 g/sec by a mass flow meter (Hasting, ALL-10). The output of this steady flow was through three pin holes


CS2 Dissociation in a Thermal Cell

Vacuum chamber with pressure 5 x l 0-5 Torr