Carbon Isotopomer Analysis with Non-Unifom Sampling HSQC NMR

Dec 27, 2016 - Carbon Isotopomer Analysis with Non-Unifom Sampling HSQC NMR for Cell Extract and Live Cell Metabolomics Studies ... *Phone:+82-2-880-7...
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Carbon Isotopomer Analysis with Non-Unifom Sampling HSQC NMR for Cell Extract and Live Cell Metabolomics Studies Sujin Lee,† He Wen,†,‡ Yong Jin An,† Jin Wook Cha,†,§ Yoon-Joo Ko,∥ Sven G. Hyberts,⊥ and Sunghyouk Park*,† †

Natural Product Research Institute, College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Sillim-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-742, Korea Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, School of Medicine, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China § Natural Constituents Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Gangneung 25451, Korea ∥ National Center for Inter-University Research Facilities (NCIRF), Seoul National University, Sillim-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-742, Korea ⊥ Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, United States ‡

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Isotopomer analysis using either 13C NMR or LC/ GC−MS has been an invaluable tool for studying metabolic activities in a variety of systems. Traditional challenges are, however, that 13C-detected NMR is insensitive despite its high resolution, and that MS-based techniques cannot easily differentiate positional isotopomers. In addition, current 13C NMR or LC/GC−MS has limitations in detecting metabolites in living cells. Here, we describe a non-uniform sampling-based 2D heteronuclear single quantum coherence (NUS HSQC) approach to measure metabolic isotopomers in both cell lysates and living cells. The method provides a high resolution that can resolve multiplet structures in the 13C dimension while retaining the sensitivity of the 1H-indirect detection. The approach was tested in L1210 mouse leukemia cells labeled with 13C acetate by measuring NUS HSQC with 25% sampling density. The results gave a variety of metabolic information such as (1) higher usage of acetate in acetylation pathway than aspartate synthesis, (2) TCA cycle efficiency changes upon the inhibition of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation by pharmacological agents, and (3) position-dependent isotopomer patterns in fatty acids in living cells. In addition, we were able to detect fatty acids along with other hydrophilic molecules in one sample of live cells without extraction. Overall, the high sensitivity and resolution along with the application to live cells should make the NUS HSQC approach attractive in studying carbon flux information in metabolic studies.


those studies,13 but it has been exploited only in limited cases.14,15 The main limiting factor of the infrequent use is the poor resolution in the indirectly detected 13C dimension preventing the isotopomer analysis. 13C-direct-detected onedimensional NMR has been also used for the isotopomer analysis, but it suffered from disappointingly low sensitivity and signal overlaps.3,16−18 Non-uniform sampling (NUS) NMR has been developed in the protein NMR community to both shorten the experimental time for multidimensional data and increase the resolution of the indirect dimension. Initially, the processing itself took much effort and required high computing power. However, recently proposed methods provide robust processing efficiency making

MR has been an invaluable tool for metabolomic studies with its superb reproducibility, quantitativeness, and information-richness.1−3 So far, the most popular approach of NMR metabolomics involves the one-dimensional (1D) 1H NMR experiment. As it is quick and easy to perform, it has been particularly popular for clinical applications with a large number of heterogeneous samples.4−7 In comparison, twodimensional isotope-edited NMR has not been used as much due to its longer time requirement and low natural abundance of isotopes, although it can give more confidence in molecular identification.8,9 Isotope-edited two-dimensional NMR is more suited for studies that are compatible with isotope incorporation or homogeneous samples, such as cell culture systems. Recently, the use of stable isotopes highlighted the usefulness of isotopomer-based metabolomic flux analysis in elucidating complex metabolic alterations in cancer cells.10−12 Isotopeedited two-dimensional NMR also has unique advantages in © XXXX American Chemical Society

Received: May 30, 2016 Accepted: December 5, 2016


DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b02107 Anal. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Analytical Chemistry

resuspended with 500 μL of the culture media supplemented with 10% D2O. The shigemi NMR tube containing the suspended L1210 cells was mildly centrifuged to sediment the live cells using a hand centrifuge. For rotenone treatment, 50 μM rotenone was added before the 24 h of incubation. Metabolites Extraction. After the in-cell NUS HSQC acquisition, 2 mL of extraction mixture of methanol and acetonitrile (5:3) was added to the sample containing the cells and the media. The samples were centrifuged at 21 000g for 10 min at 4 °C. The supernatants were dried with a vacuum centrifugator (Vision, Seoul, Korea). The pellets were resuspended with 250 μL of buffer composed of 2 mM Na2HPO4 and 5 mM NaH2PO4 in D2O with 0.025% TSP as an internal standard. NMR Spectroscopy. The data were obtained with an 800 MHz Bruker Avance III HD spectrometer equipped with a 5 mm CPTCI CryoProbe (Bruker BioSpin, Germany). Nonuniform sampling-based 2D heteronuclear single quantum coherence (NUS HSQC) and US HSQC spectra were obtained with a Bruker pulse sequence hsqcetgpsisp2.2 provided with the TopSpin 3.5 pl5 version at 310 K. Spectral widths for both NUS and US HSQC were set to 16 ppm (1H) and 39 ppm (13C), the latter of which is to allow aliasing of the carbon signals for better digital resolution. The carrier frequency for the carbon dimension was set to 31.5 ppm. The acquisition data matrix had 1024 (T2) × 256 (T1) complex points for both NUS and US HSQC experiments. The number of NUS sampling points was 256 complex points (25% sampling density of 1024 points), and the time points were calculated with Schedule Generator 3.0 (available at with sinusoidal weighting. Each experiment had 12 scans per T1 increment with interscan delay of 1.0 s, which took approximately 2 h. We also took the long US HSQC with 4 times the number of points, i.e., 1024 (T2) × 1024 (4 × 256; T1) which took about 8 h. The direct proton dimensions were processed in the same way for both NUS and US data. Zerofilling, shifted sine bell functions, and polynomial baseline correction were applied to the final 2048 points. For the indirect carbon dimensions, the NUS spectra were processed with the hmsIST25 algorithm implemented as an nmrPipe function,27 filling in the skipped data points (75%) with 400 iteration steps. The US data had a linear prediction to twice of the acquired points. Both NUS and US data were zerofilled to a final 4096 points and baseline corrected with polynomial functions. Oxygen Consumption Assay. After 24-h incubation of cells with or without rotenone, 4 × 106 L1210 cells were resuspended with 150 μL prewarmed culture media and transferred to a 96 well plate. A 10 μL portion of Mito-Xpress, dissolved in 1 mL water, was added to each well, and 100 μL of prewarmed mineral oil was applied. The fluorescence was measured on a SpectraMax M5 microplate reader (Molecular Devices GmbH, München, Germany) every 2 min for 2 h (61 points).

the processing possible even with a laptop computer.19,20 The approach enabled us to cut the routine protein NMR acquisition time from several days to about a day. Naturally, NUS methodology has also been adapted to the NMR metabolomics field, and it was shown that high quality twodimensional data can be obtained for steady state metabolomics in a shorter time.21−23 However, another important merit of NUS NMR, the high resolution in the indirect dimension, has not been much exploited in metabolomics. This is particularly important in isotopomer analysis with two-dimensional NMR with 13C indirect detection, such as HSQC. Although uniformly sampled (US) HSQC retains the 1H sensitivity, the carbon dimension resolution is insufficient, unless an impractically large number of increments is used. Moreover, such a measure inevitably decreases the relative signal-to-noise ratio, since the latter part of the indirect FID with much noise equally contributes to the final frequency domain data. A recent study used NUS to enhance the resolution in the indirect 1H dimension and analyzed carbon isotopomers indirectly using the 1H splitting by 1H−13C J coupling.24 However, it cannot be used to analyze the isotopomers of carbonyl carbons which are abundant in the core cell metabolisms such as the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and glycolysis. Here, with hmsIST,25 one of the fastest NUS approaches, we demonstrate that 2D NUS HSQC can give high resolution 2D data with very good resolution of carbon isotopomer multiplets. This enabled the detailed metabolomics flux analysis in L1210 leukemia cancer cells including metabolic pathway usages and TCA cycle efficiency. Because the carbon isotopomer information is obtained directly from the carbon dimension, the carbonyl carbon isotopomers could be also analyzed using 13 C−13C J splitting patterns on the adjacent aliphatic carbons. We also show that the short acquisition time makes it compatible for live metabolomics where metabolites are directly detected in living cells. We believe the NUS HSQC approach will be very valuable for detailed metabolomic analysis both with cell extracts and with live cells.

EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Cell Lines and Culture Conditions. The mouse leukemia L1210 cells were purchased from American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) and cultured in high glucose (25 mM) DMEM medium (Welgene, Daegu, Korea) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS, Welgene, Daegu, Korea) and 1% penicillin−streptomycin solution (Gibco, Grand Island, NY). Cells were cultured at 37 °C in a 5% CO2 humidified incubator. Materials. The stable 1,2-13C2 isotope-labeled sodium acetate (CLM-440-1,1,2-13C2 99%) was purchased from Cambridge Isotope Laboratories (Andover, MA). D-(+)-Glucose solution (G8644, D-(+)-glucose 10%) and rotenone were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). The MitoXpress oxygen consumption measurement kit was obtained from Luxcel Biosciences (Cork, Ireland). Sample Preparation. The sample preparation was adapted for suspension cultures from the live metabolomics approach for adherent cultures described previously.26 Briefly, 5 × 107 L1210 cells were counted and resuspended with D-glucose-free DMEM media (Gibco, Grand Island, NY) supplemented with 10% dialyzed FBS (Welgene, Daegu, Korea), 1% penicillin− streptomycin solution, 5 mM unlabeled glucose, and 4 mM 1,2-13C2-labeled sodium acetate. The resuspended L1210 cells were cultured at 37 °C and in a 5% CO2 incubator overnight. After 24 h of incubation, 108 L1210 cells were counted and

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION NUS Gives Higher Resolution for Homonuclear Carbon Splitting. To compare the resolution between the NUS and US HSQC NMR approaches, we obtained the spectra with both methods with comparable experimental acquisition time. We obtained 256 complex points using both methods and processed the data with Fourier transform (US) and hmsIST B

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(NUS) (Figure 1). An acceptable NUS spectrum was reported with a sampling density as low as ∼3% (compression rate of 32) in a previous study with a clean artificial mixture of standard samples.23 In our case with a very complex mixture of cell lysate or even live cells, we chose 25% sampling density for the NUS to obtain more a quantitative isotopomer distribution, although 10% sampling density should give a good spectrum for a qualitative purpose. General spectral appearances, i.e., the number and patterns of the peaks, are very similar (Figure 2A,B). However, it was immediately clear that the NUS spectral peaks have fine structures along the carbon axis due to the much higher resolution (Figure 2A). As we used 1,2-13C2labeled acetate, these fine structures are due to carbon−carbon homonuclear J coupling between the adjacent carbons. The analysis of these coupling should give useful information on the flux of the metabolic pathways which cannot be obtained using simple analysis of nonresolved peak intensities. Although the US HSQC did show some fine structures with apparent splitting, the peaks from multiple isotopomers with different splitting patterns are little resolved, hindering proper analysis of the couplings (Figure 2C,D). Assessment of Metabolite Usages in Different Metabolic Pathways. As NUS HSQC provided highly resolved carbon multiplet patterns, we analyzed them to investigate the metabolic usage of the acetate by the L1210 cells. First, we analyzed the multiplet patterns of aspartate αcarbon with both NUS and US HSQC. The carbon can be derived from acetate through sequential operation of TCA cycle and the transamination step (Figure 3A). Thus, analyzing the singlet and doublet structures can give information on how

Figure 1. US and NUS strategies and the respective spectra. In this study, 256 complex points were acquired in both cases. NUS spectra were taken with 25% sampling density. The carbon dimension spectral width was set to 39 ppm with the carrier frequency at 31.5 ppm to allow aliasing for better digital resolution. The circles on the time domain data represent the acquired time points, and their numbers are the same. The figures are not drawn to scale. (A) Uniform sampling method and the resulting peak shape with processing by Fourier transform (conventional processing method). (B) Non-uniform sampling and the resulting peak shape with processing by hmsIST (a customized method for NUS).

Figure 2. Comparison between NUS and US HSQC spectra. The lysate from L1210 cells labeled with 4 mM 1,2-13C2 acetate was used for the NMR measurements. (A) Non-uniform sampling-based 2D heteronuclear single quantum coherence (NUS HSQC) spectrum. (B) Uniformly sampled 2D heteronuclear single quantum coherence (US HSQC) spectrum of the same sample. (C, D) Expansions of the dotted area of parts A and B, respectively. C

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Figure 3. Isotope incorporation in N-acetylated metabolites and aspartate from 1,2-13C2 acetate. (A) Biosynthetic metabolic pathways for aspartate and N-acetyl aspartate from acetate. (B) NUS HSQC and (C) US HSQC spectra of the α-carbon of aspartate. (D) NUS HSQC and (E) US HSQC spectra of the methyl group of the N-acetylated metabolites. The carbon dimension spectral width was set to 39 ppm with the carrier frequency at 31.5 ppm to allow aliasing for better digital resolution. The following abbreviations are used: NAT8L, N-acetyltransferase 8 like; GOT2, glutamicoxaloacetic transaminase 2; ACSS2, acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase 2; OAA, oxaloacetate; Ac-CoA, acetyl coenzyme A.

directly detected 13C one-dimensional spectrum (Supporting Information Figure S2B), which was not successful due to the signal overlap. These clearly demonstrate the advantages of NUS HSQC over conventional methods. For a biosynthetic perspective, aspartate should be readily synthesized from other carbon sources such as glucose and glutamine, suggesting that glycolysis and glutamine anaplerosis are much more important in the aspartate synthesis in this experimental condition. Second, we analyzed the peaks for N-acetylated compounds which appear in a characteristic region of the spectrum (1H = 2.02−2.10 and 13C = 24.6−25.2 ppm). They exhibited wellresolved doublets with virtually no singlet (Figure 3D) as compared to the broadly overlapped peaks on US HSQC (Figure 3E). The apparently dominant peaks at 2.08 ppm on the US HSQC are from peaks fused with those at 2.07 ppm due to the low resolution. A US HSQC spectrum with 4 times the acquisition time matching the NUS’s resolution exhibited a very similar peak pattern with the NUS spectrum (Supporting Information Figure S3A,B). As the singlet is from 1% natural abundance 13C carbon, it is possible that small amounts of N-

much external acetate contributes to the aspartate biosynthesis. This has much biological importance, as recent reports showed critical roles for aspartate biosynthesis in cancer metabolism.11,28 The NUS HSQC spectrum gave a completely resolved carbon splitting pattern, whereas the US HSQC exhibited broadly overlapped signals (Figure 3B,C). The volume measurement of the singlet, derived from preformed TCA intermediates or other pathways, and the doublet, from the external acetate, revealed that only about 3.7% of aspartate is derived from the external acetate source. This calculation took into consideration the natural abundance of the 12C singlet (1%) relative to the 13C doublet. The quantitative incorporation value was also obtained with a US HSQC spectrum with a 4 times longer acquisition time (4 × 256 complex points) matching the NUS HSQC’s resolution. The overall spectral quality was very close to the NUS spectrum (Supporting Information Figure S1A,B), and the same quantitative analysis gave a 3.3% incorporation value, validating the analysis of the NUS spectrum (Supporting Information Figure S2A). The quantitative analysis was also tried on a D

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Figure 4. TCA cycle turn efficiency changes by rotenone treatment. (A) Isotope incorporation patterns of lactate and glutamate in relation to the TCA cycle. Open and filled circles represent 12C and 13C carbon atoms, respectively. The numbers represent the carbon position. (B−E) Singlet (S), doublet (D), and quartet (Q) represent the carbon splitting patterns of particular isotopomers. Glutamate C4 splitting in the absence (B) and presence (C) of rotenone (50 μM). Lactate C2 splitting in the absence (D) and presence (E) of rotenone (50 μM). The numbers on the spectra represent the splitting in Hertz. The carbon dimension spectral width was set to 39 ppm with the carrier frequency at 31.5 ppm to allow aliasing for better digital resolution. Abbreviations used here follow: LAC, lactate; PYR, pyruvate; PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate; OAA, oxaloacetate; CIT, citrate; α-KG, α-ketoglutarate; GLU, glutamate.

acetylated compounds from other unlabeled precursors were not detected due to low intensity. Still, the result clearly shows that the acetate incorporation into N-acetylated compounds is much higher than that into aspartate. Thus, acetate goes through the N-acetylation pathway much more readily than the TCA cycle followed by the transamination pathway (see Figure 3A), and the NUS approach can provide information on relative acetate usage for different metabolic pathways. Estimation of the TCA Cycle Efficiency. The high resolution of NUS HSQC can also be exploited to investigate how the TCA cycle efficiency is affected by different cellular conditions. The isotope incorporation patterns from labeled acetate, and thus the splitting, of relevant TCA metabolites depend on the number of turns of the TCA cycle (Figure 4A).

Here, we analyzed the multiplet patterns of glutamate C4 carbon in the presence or absence of rotenone, an inhibitor of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), using NUS HSQC (Supporting Information Figure S4A,B). In the absence of rotenone, the C4 peak exhibited the mixture status of a quartet (Q; by JC−C with 13C3 and carbonyl 13C5) and a doublet (D; by JC−C with carbonyl 13C5) (Figure 4B). As a quartet can be only from glutamate that has gone through two cycles of TCA cycle, the results show that acetate has been incorporated into the TCA cycle twice (see Figure 4A). In comparison, the rotenone-treated cells exhibited the mixture of a singlet and doublet without a quartet (Figure 4C). As a singlet is from endogenous sources and a doublet can be from the first turn of the TCA cycle, the absence of a quartet shows that the E

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Figure 5. NUS HSQC spectra for fatty acid peaks from live L1210 cells and cell lysate with 1,2-13C2 acetate labeling. (A) NUS HSQC spectrum of live L1210 cells labeled with 4 mM 1,2-13C2 acetate. (B) NUS HSQC spectrum of the L1210 cell lysate. (A and B) Dotted boxes represent peaks from fatty acids. Peaks for the ω-position of fatty acids from the (C) live cell and the (D) extract spectra. The spectra were acquired in 1 h and 39 min to ascertain the viability of the cells in the NMR tube.

the live L1210 cells, we noticed that live metabolomics gives many additional signals that are not visible in the usual cell lysate spectrum (Figure 5A,B). From the database search and standard sample spiking, these signals were found to arise from lipid metabolites such as fatty acids. A commonly used extraction solvent system for cell lysate metabolomics (methanol−acetonitrile−water) cannot solubilize these metabolites due to their high lipophilicity. A two phase extraction system (chloroform−methanol−water) is generally used for lipid soluble metabolites, but the approach generates two samples that need to be analyzed separately. The NUS spectrum on live cells exhibits both hydrophilic metabolites, i.e., glutamate and lactate, and lipophilic metabolites in one spectrum, allowing convenient and error-less analysis of metabolism. A unique advantage of this approach is the splitting of lipid signals appearing on different regions of the spectrum according to the carbon positions along the fatty acid chains. These signals should be from mobile fatty acids rather than membrane bound lipids, as the latter have limited mobility and very short T2 values. For example, the terminal methyl signal (ω-position) of free fatty acids appears at the characteristic position of 1H = 0.87, 13C = 16.9 ppm. Fatty acid biosynthesis always starts from the carbonyl position, and therefore, 13C labeling at the ω-position can only occur for de novo fatty acid synthesis but not for chain elongation reactions. The analysis on the methyl carbon splitting in our data (Figure 5C) shows that 22% of the fatty acids were synthesized de novo from the labeled acetate and that the rest is from other sources. Again, the peak was not visible on the spectrum of the cell lysate extracted with a common extraction solvent (Figure 5D). In addition, this position-dependent isotope incorporation may

labeled acetate entered the TCA cycle only once. Therefore, these data show that rotenone effectively lowered the number of turns of the TCA cycle, which is consistent with a wellknown idea that inhibition of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation suppresses the TCA cycle. The low efficiency of the TCA cycle could be also observed in the lactate peak splitting. The lactate α-carbon (C2) doublet (by JC−C with carbonyl 13C1) can be only observed from that synthesized through oxaloacetate, a TCA intermediate, phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), and pyruvate (see Figure 4A). The rotenone treatment effectively blocked the doublet signal and gave only a singlet which is from endogenous sources without the entry of the labeled acetate into the TCA cycle (Figure 4D,E). This is consistent with the lower efficiency of the TCA cycle shown by glutamate C4 splitting above. Although we analyzed the TCA cycle turn efficiency with an OXPHOS inhibitor, the approach can be straightforwardly applied to understanding how a variety of physiological conditions such as hypoxia, oncogene activation, or nutrient depletion can affect the TCA efficiency. Our approach also provided the 13C incorporation status of the carbonyl carbons of glutamate C5 and lactate C1. These isotope incorporations into carbonyl carbons may not be available from the recently described NUS approach involving the splitting of 1H atoms directly attached to 13C atoms.24 Therefore, our approach should be useful in analyzing core cell metabolisms, such as TCA and glycolysis, where most metabolites have carboxylic acid moieties. Application of NUS to Live Metabolomics and Lipid Analysis. The NUS approach can also be applied to live metabolomics that we recently described,26 allowing the detection of the carbon splitting in living cells. In observing F

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not be analyzed by mass-spectrometry-based metabolomics methods. The information on fatty acid de novo synthesis may have important implications for cancer cell metabolism, as some solid tumor cells were recently shown to be able to use external acetate as an important carbon source for fatty acids through an enzyme acyl-CoA synthetase (ACSS2).29,30 It may be interesting to see if the same metabolic rewiring is also activated in leukemia cells when glucose is limited.

CONCLUSIONS Overall, we used NUS HSQC to obtain high resolution 13C dimension spectra retaining the high sensitivity of 1H NMR. The 13C dimension splitting patterns enabled us to directly analyze carbon isotopomers of core cellular metabolic pathways including those with carbonyl carbons. Detailed biological metabolic information such as differential metabolic pathway usages and the efficiency of the TCA cycle turns could be obtained by isotopomer analysis. In addition, the NUS HSQC approach was used to observe lipid isotopomers directly in live cells without solvent extraction. It gave carbon-positiondependent isotopomer information that is important in estimating de novo fatty acid biosynthesis. Isotopomer analysis in live cells and the position-dependent information constitute advantages of NUS HSQC that are not available from massspectrometry-dependent isotopomer analysis. Our approach is simple and can be straightforwardly extended to a variety of cellular systems where metabolism is affected by environmental or inherent conditions.


S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b02107. Additional spectra and oxygen consumption plot (PDF)


Corresponding Author

*Phone:+82-2-880-7831. Fax: +82-2-880-7831. E-mail: psh@ ORCID

Sunghyouk Park: 0000-0003-1981-3274 Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The research was supported by grants from the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2014-069340), from the National R&D Program for Cancer Control (1420290), from Korean Health Technology R&D Project, Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea (Grant HI13C0015), and from the BioSynergy Research Project (NRF-2015M3A9C4075818) of the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning through the National Research Foundation.


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