Nov 11, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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T h e A m e r i c a n Chemical S o c i e t y/ «/ C = AREER AIDS EDUCATION

EMPLOYMENT information

junior and senior high schools it


CHEMISTRY AND YOUR CAREER-discusses various areas of chemistry and chemical engineering; contains several graphic representations of chemists' work; types of employer; distribu­ tion by academic degree, geography, and sex; salary trends; aptitude correlations. Single copies free on request. CHEMISTRY—monthly journal for high school students and teachers. $4.00 per year, or $3.00 per year for 10 or more sub­ scriptions entered with a single remittance. LIST OF ACS APPROVED SCHOOLS-free on request.


IS CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY THE CAREER FOR YOU? the need for chemical technicians, the necessary per­ sonal characteristics and educational background, and the nature of the two-year college. Single copies free on request. FINANCIAL AID FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS: SOURCES OF INFORMATION-free on request. colleges and universities STUDENT AFFILIATION—offers undergraduate chemistry and chemical engineering students the opportunity to become affili­ ated with the Society.


COLLEGE CHEMISTRY SENIORS-a listing of resumes sub­ mitted by seniors majoring in chemistry and chemical engi­ neering. The publication is issued in three editions (prices to be announced): Graduate School Edition—seniors planning to enter graduate school. Secondary School Teaching Edition—seniors who intend to become high school chemistry teachers. Industry Edition—seniors interested in direct em­ ployment as chemists in industry, government, foundations, etc.


DIRECTORY OF GRADUATE RESEARCH-student price, $4.00 each: others; $5.00. GRADUATE SCHOOL INFORMATION AIDS-free on request. GRADUATE SCHOOL FINANCIAL AIDS-free on request.


PLANNING FOR GRADUATE WORK IN CHEMISTRY-50 cents each, prepaid. Orders should be sent to ACS Committee on Professional Training, 343 State Street, Rochester, N.Y. 14650. COLLEGE CHEMISTRY FACULTIES-a listing, by department and institution, of chemistry teachers in United States and Canadian colleges, universities, and junior colleges. Also listed are the degrees in chemistry granted by each depart­ ment. $5.00 each. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION-published monthly by the ACS Division of Chemical Education. $4.00 per year; $3.00/yr. to ACS Student Affiliates. Obtainable from Business and Publications Office, 20th and Northampton Streets, Easton, Pa. 18042. continuing education ACS SHORT COURSES-intensive state-of-the-art courses on new areas in chemistry. Offered year-round in various cities throughout the country. Information listed regularly in C&EN. -Use S-2 on Readers' Service Card on page 35A


FINDING EMPLOYMENT IN THE CHEMICAL PROFESSIONa guide for the job seeker. 50 cents each. STARTING SALARY SURVEY-reports on the starting salaries of chemists and chemical engineers in their first professional positions. See C&EN, Nov. 18, 1968, page 60. 50 cents each. Obtainable from the ACS Reprint Department. COMPREHENSIVE SALARY SURVEY-a report on 1968 sal­ aries of experienced chemists and chemical engineers. See C&EN, Oct. 21, 1968, page 60. 50 cents each. Obtainable from the ACS Reprint Department. THE EMPLOYMENT INTERVIEW-a checklist for candidates for industrial employment to consider during the employment in­ terview. Single copies may be obtained free by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the ACS Office of Pro­ fessional Relations. services EMPLOYMENT CLEARING HOUSES: Employment Clearing House—ACS members and student affili­ ates, in search of a new position, file applications from which pertinent data are punched into a data storage and retrieval system. Employers may call or write the Washington Office to receive copies of resumes of applicants who possess the quali­ fications they desire. This free service is year-round and non­ confidential. Employment Clearing House, National Meeting—the Society aids employers and ACS members who are applicants to ar­ range interviews at ACS national meetings. This free, non­ confidential service is open only to those registered and in attendance at the meeting. ACADEMIC OPENINGS-lists available academic positions, in­ cluding postdoctoral and summer openings; issued in Novem­ ber, February, and June. Single copies may be obtained free by sending a self-addressed 9" χ 12" envelope, with 30c post­ age affixed, to the ACS Education Office. C&EN EMPLOYMENT SECTION-student affiliates and em­ ployed ACS members receive a discount from regular advertis­ ing rates; unemployed and retired ACS members can advertise three times a year without charge. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES-published annually by C&EN the second Monday in March, containing a series of articles on trends affecting careers for chemists and chemical engineers, with a special directory of some 750 organizations employing significant numbers of chemists and chemical engineers, the number they now employ, the number they will hire in the next 18 months or so, and the broad categories of specialization for which they are seeking employees. Copies available for 25c each from ACS Reprint Department. Items keyed with a star (it) are available from SPECIAL ISSUES SALES DEPARTMENT American Chemical Society 1155-16th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 For other items listed, or for more detailed information about any of the publications or services, contact the ACS EDUCA­ TION OFFICE at the above address. Career Opportunities
