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Career Opportunities in Chemical Education - Journal of Chemical

Career Opportunities in Chemical Education. J. Chem. Educ. , 1995, 72 (1), p 42. DOI: 10.1021/ed072p42. Publication Date: January 1995. Cite this:J. C...
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Career Opportunities in Chemical €ducation Two Assistant Professors OF NEWYORKAT PLATSBURGH TWOtenure track STATEUNIVERSITY positions at the Assistant Professor level in bioorganic chemistry (Search #1905A-JCE) and environmental chemistry (Search #1905B-JCE) to begin August 1995. Earned PhD in the area required. Candidate must demonstrate a potential for significant scholariv research and be committed to excellence in teachino in an unheroraduate liberal arts~,~ orooram with an understandino b. and e~~~~~~ sens t wry to, m norlry ano gender concerns. Women ano raclal m nor t es are encourage0 to app y and can compele for me NYS, JJP Drescher Alf rmat ve Action Award, a palo one-year preten~releave. Send resume, transcripts, three letters of reference, one-page teachng ph osophy and descrlpllon of researcn o rect ons by February 1, 1995 lo Cna~r,Searcn Comm~nee,c o Offce of Personnel, SUNY Pattso~rgh.Search n. Panso~rgn.New Yor6 12901 AA EOE ~~






0 Assistant Professor (One-Year) AUGLSTANACOLLEGF SIOUXFALS Sour* DAKOTA A one-year leave rep acement as Assistant Professor 01 Chemlst~Respons~b~l~ttes Inc Jde leacnlng general cnemlstry and organlc cnem slry, two CoJnes each semester and one course during the the January Interim including laboratories. PhD or ABD in Organic Chemistry. Experience in


Journal of Chemical Education

teachino underoraduate chemistlv desired. Exoerience with instrumental iechniotes and suoelvisinb iaboratories'exoected. An aoore~~,~~ ,~,~ ciation for tne relal onship of cnemlslry to other o sciplines n tne liberal arts col ege and a commtment to tne mlss on oi a ch~rch-relaleo co lege a so expected. Pr or l y w oe gwen app cations received by February 1, 1995. For more information contact the department chair [email protected] (Internet) or call 605-3364812. Qualified applicants may submit a letter of application, vita, graduate transcripts (direct from Registrar's Office), and three current letters of references to: Dean of the Coiieoe. Box 763A. Auoustana ~
















This feature of the Journal of Chemical Education lists job openings in chemical education that may be of interest to our readers or their students. All positions listed must be from equal opportunity institutions. Those wishing to have their openings listed should send the information in the format shown to: Debora Bittaker, Assistant Editor, Journalof Chernical Education, Department of Chemistry, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712.
