NEW PLUMBING DIAGRAMS-Eighteen different valving tech- niques including sampling ... P14) 879-9900. Circle No. 34 on Readers'Service Card. 84 A ·...
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The most complete GC valving guide ever compiled. Λ^.^Ο^'


Here's a sampling •

NEW VALVE SELECTOR CHART-Outlines 36 applications, describes appropriate valve configurations and specific valves to use. Contains detailed explanatory notes.

NEW PLUMBING DIAGRAMS- Eighteen different valving tech­ niques including sampling, switching, backflushing, etc. are carefully explained with notes and schematics.

NEW LOW-COST MINI VALVES INTRODUCED - An entire new family of high performance valves designed to easily fit small budgets and small places.

WHY CARLE VALVES EXCEL - Photographs and illustrations show why Carle Micro Volume Valves have achieved world­ wide recognition for reliability and leak-tight operation at tem­ peratures as high as 250°C. Write today for your free copy of the new Carle GC valve guide and catalog. This is a major reference source for gas chromatographers.

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Circle No. 34 on Readers' Service Card

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cations. The book will be of value as a text for French-speaking students of qualitative analysis and also for the practicing chemist who needs a com­ prehensive practical guide to aid him in analysis for common anions and cations. Progress in Physical Organic Chemistry. Vol. 7. Andrew Streitwieser, Jr., and Robert W. Taft, Editors, vii + 358 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, Ν. Υ. 10016. 1970. $19.95

This is the seventh volume in a series under this title which is in­ tended to serve as a forum for ex­ change of views and for critical and authoritative reviews of topics in the field. The authors have been en­ couraged to review topics in a manner not only more speculative in char­ acter but also more detailed than pre­ sentations generally found in textbooks. In keeping with the quantitative as­ pect of organic chemistry, authors have also been encouraged in the citation of numerical data. It is intended that these volumes will be useful to graduate students as well as practicing organic chemists not necessarily expert in the field of these special topics. The chap­ ter titles are: Influence of Geometry on the Electronic Structure and Spectra of Planar Polymers; Optically Active Deuterium Compounds ; Protonated Cyclopropanes; Electrolytic Reductive Coupling—Synthetic and Mechanistic Aspects; Application of Radiation Chemistry to Mechanistic Studies in Organic Chemistry. There are author and subject indices. Transition Metal Chemistry, A Series of Advances. Vol. 6. Richard L. Carlin, Editor, ix + 328 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 95 Madison Ave., New York, Ν. Υ. 10016. 1970. $19.75

Volume 6 of this series is the latest result of a regular survey of the im­ portant facets of the progress in transi­ tion metal chemistry. Attention is given to both theoretical and experi­ mental aspects, as well as borderline areas. New subjects of transition metal physics and transition metal biology are also reviewed because of potential future important discoveries in these areas. The two main chapters of the book are entitled "Theory of Bridge Bonding and the Structure of Binuclear Coordination Compounds" by B. Jezowska-Trzebiatowska and W. Woj­ ciechowski, and "Amine Complexes of Chromium(III)" by C. S. Garner and D. A. House. There are author and subject indices.