Carl Schleicher & Schuell Co. - ACS Publications - American

16 May 2012 - Chem. , 1956, 28 (9), pp 32A–32A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60117a734. Publication Date: September 1956. Copyright © 1956 American Chemical ...
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A multistage flowmeter (right) is being cali­ brated in Fischer and Porter's new fluids cali­ bration laboratory

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Photograph Courtesy of the Fleischmann Laboratories. Standard Brands Incorporated

S&S Analytical Filter Papers make possible new standards of precision New techniques in industry now demand added precision in the analytical laboratory —especially in quality control. S & S Analytical Filter Papers offer unique and exclusive advantages to the chemist who is never satisfied. FOR QUANTITATIVE GRADES — less than

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Cryogenic Engineering Conference Engineering problems in t h e low t e m ­ perature range will b e t h e principal subject of t h e second Cryogenic Engi­ neering Conference t o be held, September 5 t o 7 in Boulder, Colo. Topics to be covered include bubble chambers, in­ strumentation, properties of materials, insulation, a n d cryogenic equipment and processes. Information is available from P . L. Barrick, N B S Cryogenic Engineering Laboratory, Boulder, Colo.

O r g a n i c Chemistry Symposium

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Carl Schleicher & Schuell Co.


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hazardous or volatile fluids. I t fea­ tures t h e m o s t complete hydraulic test facilities in the country and is engineered for safety, accuracy, a n d flexibility. A b o u t half of t h e new 2500-squarefoot building is devoted t o control panels and calibration fixtures of vola­ tile fluids handling. T h e t w o dual cali­ bration units are used for production and research. T e m p e r a t u r e and flow control, automatic operation of t h e calibration cycle, a n d electronic timingarc all used.

Analysis of carbohydrates a n d cellu­ lose will be included in a n organic chemistry symposium a t Ontario Agri­ cultural College, Guelph, Ont., Septem­ ber 6. T h e Chemical I n s t i t u t e of C a n a d a is sponsoring t h e meeting. Among t h e 10 papers to be presented are New Physical M e t h o d s for t h e P u r i ­ fication, Identification, a n d S t u d y of t h e Structure of Carbohydrates b y R . IT. Lemieux, University of Ottawa, and F r a g m e n t a t i o n Analysis of Cellulose, Starch, a n d Glycogen b y M . L. Wolfrom, Ohio State University. Details are available from D . A. Biggs, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ont., C a n a d a .

Perkin Centennial, September 10 to 15 T h e Perkin Centennial, commemo­ rating t h e discovery of aniline dyes, will be m a r k e d with a week-long program, September 10 t o 15 a t t h e WaldorfAstoria, N e w York. Sponsor is t h e American Association of Textile Chem­ ists a n d Colorists, with participation b y 27 technical, chemical, a n d scientific societies a n d t w o U . S. Government departments. I n addition to more t h a n 60 technical papers b y leading authorities from t h e United States and abroad, t h e celebra­ tion will be highlighted with a series of special events. T h e dates a n d subjects of technical papers of interest to analysts include : September 10, morning, COLORFASTNESS OF T E X T I L E S

A Century of Progress in Colorfastuess Test Methods, M. L. STAPLES, Ontario Research Foundation; Current D e ­ velopments in Colorfastness Testing: France, J. P . NIEDERHAUSER, Com­ pagnie Française des Matières Colorantes; Current Developments in Colorfastness Testing: Germany, PAUL RABE, Farbenfabriken, Bayer, A. G. ; Current Developments in Colorfastness Testing: Switzerland, H E N B Y R I S , J. R. Geigy, A.G.; Current Developments in Colorfastness Testing: United Kingdom, P . W. CUNLIFFE, British Cotton and Wool Dyers Assoc.; Current D e velopments in Colorfastness Testing: U.






E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. September 11, afternoon, T H E PHYSICS OF COLOR

Color Control—25 Years of Progress, FRANK J. O ' N E I L , Pacific Mills; Prog­ ress in Measuring Color Differences, G. W. INGLE, Monsanto Chemical Co. September 12, morning, T H E APPLICATION OF COLORANTS TO FOOD

The Structure and Properties of PresentDay

Food Colors, SAMUEL


MAN, I I . Kohnstamm and Co., Inc.; T H E PSYCHOLOGY OF COLOR.


tion of Color, D E A N Ε B. JUDD, National Bureau of Standards; Seeing Light and Color, R A L P H M . EVANS, E a s t m a n

Kodak Co. ; Color in Industrial Design, WALTER




Corp. of America. ANALYTICAL