Carl Schleicher & Schuell Co

Send for the free S&S AnalysisKit sampler described below. It costs you nothing, and there is no obligation. FREE Analysis Kit .....-. Sampler with la...
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Semi-Micro Apparatus. Catalog de­ scribes semi-micro glassware as well as equipment adaptable to micro and semi-micro techniques. WilkensAnderson Co. 34

Rare Earths. Four-page brochure pro­ vides list of rare earths, their properties, prices, and page of general informative data. 25

Photograph Courtesy of the Fleischmann Laboratories. Standard Brands Incorporated

S&S Analytical Filter Papers make possible new standards of precision New techniques in industry now de­ mand added precision in the analytical laboratory—especially in quality con­ trol. S & S Analytical Filter Papers of­ fer unique and exclusive advantages to the chemist who is never satisfied. FOR QUANTITATIVE GRADES — leSS


0.007% ash; 97-98% alpha cellulose content, FOR ALL GRADES — Standardiza­ tion for consistent accuracy. Selection from a wide range of types. Every year many chemists who were once satisfied with other brands stand­ ardize their procedure on S & S Analyti­ cal Filter Papers for consistent accuracy lot after lot, large selection of grades, and the confidence that goes with using the finest. And the finest costs no more. Even if you are satisfied with your present filtration products, you owe it to yourself and your work to try S & S Analytical Filter Papers and filtration specialties and compare. Send for the free S&S Analysis Kit sampler described below. It costs you nothing, and there is no obligation.

FREE Analysis Kit Sampler with large assort­ ment of 11 cm circles in wide selection of grades. Several quantitative papers included in sampler also are available in s h e e t s or s t r i p s f o r μ » » , . . A chromatography and electroi W l ' * ; j phoresis.

Carl Schleicher & Schuell C o . Keene, New Hampshire, Dept. AC-126 Please send FREE S & S Analysis Kit SAMPLER.



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Electronic Parts. 1957 catalog offers 308 illustrated pages of electronic equipment and parts made by leading manufacturers. Among items listed are test equipment, tubes, hardware, ca­ pacitors, fuses, resistors, transformers, connectors, relays, and audio equipment. Newark Electric Co. (Cat. No. 65). 2 6 Chemicals. Supplement to 1955 edi­ tion of "British Chemicals and their Manufacturers" provides up-to-date in­ formation and changes to the directory which is published every two years. Association of British Chemical Manu­ facturers. 27 Viscometers. Eight-page catalog con­ tains descriptive data on synchro-lectric viscometers and accessories, as well as discussion of viscosity. Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 28 Essential Oils. Revised catalog lists more than 1,000 essential oils, balsams, concentrated flavors, oleoresins, aro­ matic chemicals, basic perfume oils, and certified colors. Magnus, Mabee and Reynard, Inc. 29 Meters and Controls. Eight-page bulletin describes over 100 measuring, transmitting, receiving, recording, and indicating instruments and control com­ ponents for power and process applica­ tions. Bailey Meter Co. {Bull. G15-1). 30 Infrared Spectrophotometer. Bulle­ tin and technical data sheets provide descriptive information on infrared spectrophotometer for chemists, in­ cluding two available accessories and some typical performance curves. Baird Associates, Inc. 31 Electrical Contacts. Twenty-eight page catalog presents various types of contacts and contact materials, as well as convenient reference charts and tables. Baker & Co. 32 Thermocouple Insulators. New bulle­ tin illustrates and describes company line of thermocouple insulators and includes information on dimensions, sizes, and types of insulators available for high thermal shock, high tempera­ ture, and high mechanical strength. Claud S. Gordon Co. (Bull. No. 300-56). 33

Plastic Tubing. New 28-page booklet gives physical properties, applications and limitations of various Tygon tub­ ing formulations. U. S. Stoneware Co. (Bull. T-97) 35 Research and Engineering. Fourpage brochure describes company's facilities of electronic research and development, listing capabilities in infrared, electro-mechanical, electronic, control and data systems engineering. Servo Corp. of America. 36 Vapor Fractometer. New brochure discusses features and specifications of Model 154-B Vapor Fractometer for gas chromatography, and includes informa­ tive data on various accessories avail­ able. Perkin-Elmer Corp. 37 Poly-Flex 100. Technical bulletin describes applications, physical proper­ ties, and methods of mixing and using new cold-setting, flexible mold com­ pound, Poly-Flex 100. Smooth-On Manufacturing Co. (Bull. No. 12) 3 8 Polyethylene Ware. Sixteen-page brochure lists complete company line of laboratory items made of standard polyethylene as well as high heat poly­ ethylene. Scientific Glass Apparatus Co., Inc. (Bull. P-965, 2nd Ed.) 39 Chromatographic Apparatus. New 8-page brochure describes various models of instruments for analytical distillation and vapor-phase chromatog­ raphy. Podbielniak, Inc. 40 Fluorimeter. Nineteen-page bulletin provides comprehensive data on new multiplier fluorescence meter, Model 540, as well as general discussion of fluorimetric analysis. Photovolt Corp. (Bull. No. 392) 41 Electron Microscopes. Four-page folder lists instrument features and typical applications for Norelco EM100B and EM-75 electron microscopes. Instruments Division, North American Philips Co., Inc. 42 2-Methyl-5-Ethyl Pyridine. Technical bulletin contains information on proper­ ties, specifications, shipping data, and applications for 2-methyl-5-pyridine, which is an intermediate for the vitamin, niacin, and for vinyl pyridines. Car­ bide and Carbon Chemicals Co. (F7621) 43 Literature Index. Bulletin covers cat­ alogs, bulletins, specification sheets, data sheets, illustrated lectures and ANALYTICAL