Carl Schleicher & Schuell Co

may be resolved into two circular components, in phase, with equal amplitudes but opposite sense; the two components traverse the medium with unequal...
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tion spectra in terms of three pa­ rameters associated with each tran­ sition or absorption band: the wavelength corresponding to maxi­ mum absorption, λκ, the half-width of the band, ΔΛ-, and the dipole strength for the transition, DK. The last parameter is proportional to the area under the absorption band and may be defined for the /vtli transition by the expression (34) : 3Ac Γ " kK(\) n s r j V i Jo λ where h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, ΝΊ is the number of absorbing molecules per cubic centimeter of solution, and kK is the partial absorption coefficient for the Kth transition. I f the absorp­ tion band is approximated by a Gaussian curve, its dipole strength, DK. may be shown to be directly proportional to the product fc (\K) ' ΔΛ·, where k(XK) is the peak ab­ sorption coefficient and ΔΛ- is now defined as the half width of the absorption band at 1/e of its maxi­ mum value. Circular Optical

Dichroism Rotatory

and Dispersion

The phenomena of circular di­ chroism and optical rotation are closely related to the phenomena of ordinary absorption and dispersion described above. The difference in absorption coefficients of an op­ tically active medium for left and right circularly polarized light is

termed circular dichroism, while the difference in the refractive in­ dices of the medium for the two circular polarizations, circular bi­ refringence, is a measure of optical rotation. Variations, as a function of wavelength, of circular dichro­ ism (CD) and optical rotation (op­ tical rotatory dispersion, OED) give even more structural informa­ tion on dissymmetric molecules than ordinary absorption or dis­ persion. The influence of an op­ tically active absorbing sample on a linearly polarized wave of electro­ magnetic radiation is illustrated in Figure 2: the incident linearly polarized wave may be resolved into two circular components, in phase, with equal amplitudes but opposite sense; the two components traverse the medium with unequal speeds due to the circular bire­ fringence, ?);, — n,t, of the medium; further, the two circular compo­ nents suffer unequal absorption due to the circular dichroism, k,. — kJl} of the medium. The transmitted components exhibit unequal ampli­ tudes and are no longer in phase. These components combine to pro­ duce a resultant wave which is elliptically polarized: the major axis of elliptical vibrations is ro­ tated relative to the direction of the incident linear polarization by an angle a called the optical rotation, and the arctangent of the ratio of minor to major axes of elliptical vibration, Θ, is referred to as the angle of ellipticity. Measured

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Figure 2. ized l i g h t

I n f l u e n c e of a n o p t i c a l l y a c t i v e a b s o r b i n g s a m p l e o n l i n e a r l y





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