Carl Wilhelm Scheele (1742-1786)

Pa., 3rd ed., p. 45.) und seine Werke." For loan of a co y we are indebted to Dr. This portrait, so far as known, the only existing likeness Ralph E. ...
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CARL WILHELM SCHEELE (1742-1786) "Swedish chemist and harmacist. Independent discoverer of oxygen. He discoveref arsenic acid, distinguished between nitric and nitrous acids, demonstrated the presence of tartaric, citric, malic, and gallic acids in lants, and discovered lactic and uric acids in the animal Pea?m." (Mary Elvira Weeks "The Discovery of the Elements," Mack P r d i n g Co.,Easton, Pa., 3rd ed., p. 45.) This portrait, so far as known, the only existing likeness

created during Scheelds lifetime, shows him a t the a e of about twenty-five years. The original, a painted ivory mefallion, was discovered by S. GullstrGm on September 20, 1931, when he f i n d succeeded in running down a clue encountered in 1929. I t is &re re roduced by the kind permiuion of Arthur Nema er, publisher o f Otto Zekert's "Carl Wilhelm Scheele, sein und seine Werke." For loan of a co y we are indebted t o Dr. Ralph E. Oesper of the University of &ncinnati.
