PHONE. 714. -. 533- 4600. Circle No. 111 on Readers' Service Card. BUT THIS CENTRIFUGAL. INCLUDES BONUS FEATURES. YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW YOU NEEDED!!! ...
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Ιί/EWf FILAMENT... Micro Defector System

Get 40 millisecond time constant and 350°C operating temperature with new filament detector system. Two 100 ohm, .0001 inch diameter platinum filaments mounted in a 58 microliter flow chamber provide these exclusive features when used with columns ranging from .01 inch capillaries through V4 inch. For further information, including details cm this and new thermistor models, contact:


532 S O U T H ROSE S T R E E T



prevent "bumping" of boiling liquids Two or three insoluble Hengar Granules in the flask or test tube prevent superheating, with its erratic and dangerous "bumping" vaporization. Won't contaminate solution; speeds distillation: prevents boiling losses; gives sharp fractions; reduces flask breakage. Two types: Plain, for any lab procedure involving boiling; Selenized, for Kjeldahl nitrogen determination. Plain: 100 grams $1; 250 grams $1.75; 500 grams $2.75. Selenized: 100 grams $2.40; 250 grams $4.90; 500 grams $7.90. Ask your dealer or write ^ÉV

HENGAR C O M P A N Y 6825 Greenway Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 19142 Phone (215) 724-0800 · A division of Henry TROEMNER. Inc.


INSTRUMENTS, INC. PHONE 714 - 533-4600 Circle No. 111 on Readers' Service Card

Circle No. 132 on Readers' Service Card 3138