Carotenoid-Derived Aroma Compounds - American Chemical Society

as summarized earlier (2,18,19). An example illustrating the above mentioned reactions is the formation of the intensely odorous Ci3-compound ft-damas...
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Chapter 28

Carotenoid-Derived Aroma Compounds: Biogenetic and Biotechnological Aspects

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on January 19, 2016 | Publication Date: August 13, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1996-0637.ch028

Peter Winterhalter Institut für Pharmazie und Lebensmittelchemie, Universität ErlangenNürnberg, Schuhstrasse 19, D-91052 Erlangen, Germany Due to their attractive aroma properties often combined with low odor thresholds carotenoid-derived aroma compounds (synonyms: norisoprenoids/norterpenoids) are highly esteemed by the flavor and fragrance industry. Despite considerable efforts in the understanding of the formation of carotenoid-derived flavor compounds from non-volatile precursors including the stereodifferentiation of an increasing number of aroma-relevant candidates, still little is known about the initial steps of carotenoid biodegradation. This chapter gives a survey of the present knowledge in the biogenesis of norisoprenoid compounds and outlines possible ways for their biotechnological production. A vast number of apparently carotenoid-derived substances has been identified in plant extracts but knowledge of the biochemistry of carotenoid catabolism is still extremely limited. The in vivo cleavage of the carotenoid chain is generally considered to be catalyzed by dioxygenase systems (5-8). Although all the in-chain double-bonds seem to be vulnerable to enzymatic attack, thus resulting in the formation of major fragment classes with 10, 13, 15 or 20 carbon atoms (cf. Fig.l), in fruit tissues a bio-oxidative cleavage of the 9,10 (9\10') double bond seems to be the most preferred (5). Since this last cleavage reaction creates the majority of aroma-relevant products, only the formation of carotenoid metabolites with a 13 carbon skeleton, i.e. C -norisoprenoids, will be discussed here. 13



C (e.g. Plant hormones)


C (Aroma Compounds)

1 5

1 3

C (e.g. Safranal) Fig. 1: Major fragment classes of carotenoid biodegradation assumed to be formed by regioselective attack of dioxygenases. 1 0

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In Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors; Takeoka, Gary R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Biogeneration of C -Norisoprenoid Aroma Compounds 13

Evidence for an Apo-carotenoid Pathway. Whereas only in rare cases, e.g. for the cyanobacterium Microcystis, has the carotenoid degrading system been partially characterized (9), little is still known about the presumed dioxygenases in higher plants. In Microcystis, a membrane bound, cofactor-independent, iron-containing dioxygenase has been identified which cleaves carotenoids specifically at the positions 7,8 (7\8'). Although oxygen is essential for the reaction and a high incorporation rate of O (86%) into the carotenoid fragments was observed, the enzyme itself was reported to be extremely unstable in the presence of air. The observed instability of the dioxygenase systems is likely to be one of the reasons why knowledge about carotenoid degrading enzymes in higher plants is still missing. Thus, many fundamental aspects of carotenoid biodegradation in higher plants are rather speculative. In the ongoing discussion whether C -norisoprenoid compounds are carotenoid breakdown products or not, three important facts are supportive for an apo-carotenoid pathway, (i) Stereochemistry of the fragments: In all cases examined (70, and refs. cited), the stereochemistry of the C -fragment was identical with the stereochemistry found in the endgroup of the presumed parent carotenoid. Since the stereospecific functionalization of the carotenoid endgroup (i.e. hydroxylation, epoxidation) is the final step in carotenoid biosynthesis, it can be concluded that the dioxygenase attack occurs after the carotenoid chain has been completely synthesized. Hence, the formation of C -norisoprenoids is likely to be a catabolic process, (ii) Change in carotenoid concentration upon ripening or processing: For tea (77), tobacco (72), and grapes (73), it was found that an increase in the amount of C -norisoprenoids correlates with a decrease in carotenoid concentration, (hi) Identification of additional carotenoid fragments: In addition to the C -endgroups several C^-apocarotenoids as well as a C -diapocarotenoid are known to occur in fruit tissues (74). Based on these findings, a two-step mechanism has been proposed for the enzymatic degradation of carotenoids (14). In the first step, a regioselective cleavage catalyzed by a 9,10 (9*,10)-dioxygenase gives rise to a Ci -endgroup as well as a C^-fragment. The C> -fragment can then undergo a second dioxygenase cleavage, thus generating an additional C -endgroup and a C -fragment, which is derived from the central portion of the carotenoid chain. Similarity, bio-oxidative cleavage reactions involving 7,8 (7\8')- and 11,12 (ir,12')-dioxygenases are plausible for the generation of C^ - and C -fragments. Such fragments are known constituents of saffron (75), quince (76) and starfruit (77). In the case of the C -isoprenoids, it is noteworthy that attractive aroma compounds were found to be derived from the central part of the carotenoid chain which remains after the cleavage of the C^-endgroup. Examples are the key flavor compounds of quince fruit, i.e. marmelo oxides and marmelo lactones (76).

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l s















Conversion of Primary Degradation Products into Aroma Compounds. Carotenoid fragments obtained after the initial dioxygenase cleavage are the so-called primary degradation products (cf. Fig. 2). Among these frequently found plant constituents, only the ionones 1 and 2 have a low odor threshold. For the oxygenated representatives 3-6, a series of enzymatic and acid catalyzed reactions is required to finally yield the desired aroma compound, such as the well-known B-damascenone, theaspiranes, vitispiranes, etc. The suggested pathways for their formation involve oxidations, dehydrogenations, reductions or elimination reactions as summarized earlier (2,18,19). An example illustrating the above mentioned reactions is the formation of the intensely odorous Ci -compoundft-damascenone7 (odor threshold: 0.002 ppb). The primary oxidative cleavage product of neoxanthin, grasshopper ketone 6, has to undergo an enzymatic reduction (cf. Fig. 3) before finally being acid-catalyzed converted into ketone 7 (20,21). 3

In Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors; Takeoka, Gary R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Carotenoid-Derived Aroma Compounds







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O Violaxanthin

a -Carotene-




O Neoxanthin







Fig. 2: Structures of primary cleavage products of common carotenoids (fi-ionone 1, a-ionone 2, 3-hydroxy-6-ionone 3, 3-hydroxy-a-ionone 4, 3-hydroxy-5,6-epoxy-ft-ionone 5, and grasshopper ketone 6).



STEP I: Oxidative cleavage Primary Cleavage Product


XXoH 6

STEP II: Enzymatic transformation(s)


^OH Precursor



STEP HI: Acid catalyzed conversions Aroma Compound

Fig. 3: General steps for the conversion of carotenoids into flavor compounds (left) and as example: 6-damascenone 7 formation from neoxanthin (right).

In Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors; Takeoka, Gary R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



The three essential steps for the formation of C -norisoprenoid aroma compounds can therefore be considered to consist of (i) the initial dioxygenase cleavage, (ii) the subsequent enzymatic transformation(s) of the primary degradation product in natural tissues, and (iii) the final acid-catalyzed conversion of a flavorless polyol into an aroma compound under processing conditions.

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Enantioselectivity of Biogenetic Routes. The enantiomeric composition of natural aroma compounds is known to reflect the enantioselectivity of their biogenesis (22). Thus, by elaborating the chiral composition of C^-norisoprenoids in fruits, we expected to obtain some information about step II m the formation of C -norisoprenoids, i.e. the enzymatic transformation(s) of the primary carotenoid degradation products into labile aroma precursors (cf. Fig. 3). The tremendous progress in chirospecific analysis of natural flavors in recent years was mainly due to the commercial introduction of modified cyclcdextrin columns as well as multidimensional gas chromatographic (MDGC) instrumentation. An equally important prerequisite for the accurate detennination of the chiral composition of fruit flavors, however, is the availability of optically pure reference samples. Since for most chiral C -volatiles the absolute configuration was not known, research has been initiated in this direction. The optically pure material can subsequently be used to determine the order of elution of different stereoisomers by enantioselective MDGC. In this way, information about the chiral composition of, e.g., theaspiranes 8, theaspirones 9, vitispiranes 10, and edulans 11 in different natural substrates has been obtained (23-26). As examples, the enantiomeric compo­ sition of theaspiranes 8 and vitispiranes 10 in various natural sources are summarized in Table L 13






Table I. Enantiomeric composition of theaspiranes 8a-d as well as vitispirane isomers lOa-d in various natural sources (adapted from refs. 23,25)

guava quince Osmanthus gooseberry raspberry (France) (France) (Yugoslavia) blackberry leaves* passionfruit* green tea*

















1 5 16 29

99 95 84 71

98 90 68 42

99 94 88 74

1 6 12 26

98 88 76 48

37 75 90

63 25 10

26 50 80

60 20 85

40 80 15

20 60 70

35 14 14

65 86 86

30 72 72

64 85 84

36 15 16

28 70 68

In Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors; Takeoka, Gary R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Carotenoid-Derived Aroma Compounds


Table I (cont.) 10a




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vanilla quince passionfruit gooseberry mate tea grape juice leaves from gooseberry* blackberry* whitebeam*












n.d. 8 24 29 69 62

100 92 76 71 31 38

100 84 52 42 38 24

n.d. 18 24 74 81 88

100 82 76 26 19 12

100 64 52 48 62 76

35 75 96

65 25 4

30 50 92

18 57 99

82 43 1

64 14 98

(•obtainedfrombound precursors; ee enantiomeric excess; n.d. not detected)

The data collected so far (23-28) has shown that the norisoprenoids 8-11 are present in natural substrates in well-defined mixtures, thus enabling inter alia authenticity control of natural flavoring material. (Note: The only exception are raspberries, which showed considerable variations in their composition of isomeric theaspiranes depending on their origin). The data also shows that obviously different enzymes are operative in plants, catalyzing the formation of different optical anti­ podes of C -volatiles. This is evident from the fact that, e.g., vanilla beans were found to contain optically pure (25)-isomers of vitispiranes lOb/d, whereas whitebeam (Sorbus aria) leaves contain mainly the (2/?)-configured isomers lOa/c (25). With regard to the metabolism of primary carotenoid degradation products, recent results obtained by Tang and Suga (31) have indicated a two-step mechanism for the conversion of the primary carotenoid metabolite B-ionone 1 to 14 in Nicotiana tabacum plant cells (cf. Fig. 4). These results revealed, that first of all, the side-chain double bond is hydrogenated by the action of carvone reductase (co-factor: NADH), before the carbonyl function is enzymatically reduced in the second step. Importantly, the enantioselectivity of the latter reductase is decisive for the enantiomeric composition infruitsas outlined for theaspirane formation from the labile precursor diol 12 (cf. Fig. 5). The formation of vitispiranes 10, edulans 11 and related C -norisoprenoids (29,30) is known to proceed via similar mechanisms. 13


Fig. 4: Biotransformation of the primary carotenoid metabolite B-ionone 1 into 7,8-dihydro-B-ionone 13 and 7,8-dihydro-B-ionol 14 by immobilized cell cultures of Nicotiana tabacum according to Tang and Suga (57). It is well documented that the stereochemistry of a flavor compound can determine its sensory properties as well as its aroma intensity (28 and refs. cited). Considerable differences in sensory properties have also been found for some of the C -volatiles under investigation, as shown for theaspiranes in Fig. 5. 13

In Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors; Takeoka, Gary R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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(2R,5R) (2R,5S) "camphor, minty" "intense fruity, blackcurrant "


(2S,5S) (2S,5R) "camphor, woody" "camphor, naphthalene -like "

Fig. 5: Formation of isomeric theaspiranes 8a-dfromthe reactive 1,6-allyldiol 12 demonstrating the decisive role of the C-9 configuration in precursor 12. In this case, only the (2fl,5S)-isomer 8b was found to exhibit a highly attractive "fruity, blackcurrant' note, whereas the (25,5/?)-configured isomer 8d showed an unpleasant "naphthalene-like" note (23). With regard to any envisaged biotechno­ logical production of C -volatiles it is important to keep these different sensory properties in mind and to steer the production in such a way that - ideally - only the sensory attractive stereoisomers are formed. 13

Biotechnological Production of C -Norisoprenoid Aroma Compounds. 13

In general, three major biotechnological methods are used in the production of natu­ ral flavors: use of enzymes, microorganisms, and of plant tissue or cell cultures (32-34). In the following, the use of these techniques for the biotechnological production of C -compounds will be discussed. 13

Use of Enzymes. The big advantage of enzyme applications is their well-known specificity in reaction pathways. A survey in the biotechnological use of enzymes showed that 65 % of all reported applications fell into the classes of esterolytic reactions (40%) and dehydrogenase reactions (25 %); pig liver esterase, pig pancreatic lipase, the lipase from Candida cylindracea and baker's yeast being the most frequently used biocatalysts (35). For the generation of C -aroma volatiles, however, two additional enzyme systems have gained importance, (i) hydrolases and (ii) dioxygenases, with the former converting flavorless glycosidic precursors into aroma compounds and the latter degrading carotenoid precursors into volatile C -aroma substances. 13


Enzymatic Cleavage of Plant Glycosides by Hydrolases. In many fruits and other plant tissues oxygenated norisoprenoids (so-called "polyols"), like other secon-

In Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors; Takeoka, Gary R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Carotenoid-Derived Aroma Compounds

dary metabolites, accumulate as non-volatile flavorless glycosides (36). These glycosidic or "bound aroma"fractionswere found to contain important aroma precursors, some of which are easily converted into a series of attractive aroma substances under technological conditions. This finding and the fact that the glycosidicfractionoften exceeds by a factor 5 to 10 the amount of the "free aroma" fraction, has stimulated much research on plant glycosides in recent years. The structures, occurrence and precursor function of C -norisoprenoid glycosides identified before 1994 has been the subject of review (37). Enzymatic cleavage of glycosidic aroma precursors by glycosidase treatment is not only considered as a possibility to enhance the fruit specific aroma of juices or wine, but also as a method for producing natural flavors from otherwise waste material, such as peelings, skins, stems, etc. With regard to the exploitation of the glycosidic pool in plants, three aspects have to be discussed: (i) specificity of glycosidases, (ii) sensory properties of enzymatically released aglycones, and (hi) possible artefact and off-flavor formation due to enzymatic hydrolysis. (i) Specificity of glycosidases. Although 8-D-glucosides constitute the vast majority amongst the C -glycosides isolated thus far (37), in some fruits, disaccharidic conjugates prevail. An example is the glycosidicfractionof grape juice or wine, which is known to contain three major disaccharidic sugar moieties, 6-O-a-L-arabinofuranosyl-ft-D-glucopyranose, 6-O-a-L-rhamnopyranosyl-B-Dglucopyranose (rutinose), and 6-O-a-L-apiofuranosyl-B-D-glucopyranose (38,39). Importantly, the common feature of the glycosidic aroma precursors is the presence of a glucose moiety or substituted glucose moiety. Based on this finding, Williams et al. (40) developed a method for estimating the glycoside content in natural substrates by using acid hydrolysis of the glycoconjugates. The released glucose is then determined enzymatically. TTiis procedure enables inter alia a rapid screening for substrates rich in glycosides. For the biotechnological production of natural C -flavoring material, first of all, appropriate substrates with high levels of glycosides are required. Furthermore, enzyme preparations with multiple glycosidase activities should be used to ensure hydrolysis of the majority of the conjugates. Such multiple glycosidase activities are known to be present in fungal derived enzyme preparations, with most of the glycosidases being exo-glycosidases, i.e. the intersugar linkage has first to be cleaved by the action of either an a-rhamnosidase, a-arabinosidase or 6-apiosidase before in the second step B-D-glucosidase activity is able to liberate the aglycone (41). So far, only in one case, i.e. for rutinosides, an endo-B-glucosidase from an Aspergillus niger strain is available that generates intact rutinose and the aglycone in a one-step process (42). With regard to practical applications, one should also bear in mind, that most of the above mentioned enzyme preparations tolerate only low sugar and ethanol* concentrations and some of them exhibit only low activity at pH values of fruit juices and wine. Detailed properties of enzyme preparations used for the hydrolysis of glycosides have been published previously (43,44 and refs. cited). Finally, attention should be drawn to a patent that claims the production of aroma components from glycosidic precursors by using sequential enzymic hydrolysis (45). (ii) Sensory properties of enzymatically released aglycones. Contrary glycosidically bound monoterpenols (e.g. conjugates of linalool) or phenols (e.g. conjugates of raspberry ketone) which after enzymatic hydrolyses liberate an "attractive" aglycone, most of the known C -glycosides liberate an aglycone (polyol) which isflavorless.In this case, further modifications, e.g., acid-catalyzed conversion at elevated temperatures (46,47), are required to finally generate the odor-active form (19 and refs. cited). Examples are shown in Fig. 6. (iii) Artefact and off-flavor formation. In order to liberate the majority of glycosidically bound constituents, high concentrations of fungal glycosidases were 13

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In Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors; Takeoka, Gary R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



routinely used in the past. The detection of aglycones that were clearly unable to form glycosidic linkages prompted more detailed studies into side-activities of the commercial enzyme preparations. Three different fungal enzyme preparations as well as a protease were reported to oxidize some of the labile C -aglycones (48,73). This, however, alters the aroma precursors in such a way, that they are unable to generate the desired aroma component, e.g,fl-damascenone7 (cf. Fig. 7).

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Fig. 6: Structures of glycosidically-bound aroma precursors of fl-damascenone 7, theaspiranes 8, theaspirones 9, vitispiranes 10, and edulans 11, i.e. 3-hydroxy-7,8-didehydro-fl-ionol 15, 4-hydroxy-7,8-dihydro-fl-ionol 12, 7,8-dihydrovomifoliol 16, 3,4-dihydroxy-7,8-dihydro-fl-ionol 17, 8-hydroxytheaspirane 18, and 3-hydroxy-refro-a-ionol 19 (for details cf. ref. 19).

fl-damascenone 7 Fig. 7: Formation of oxidation products 21-23 from glycosidic forms of aglycones 15 and 20 after enzymatic hydrolysis using fungal enzyme preparations (adapted from ref. 48). In Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors; Takeoka, Gary R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Carotenoid-Derived Aroma Compounds



Due to the fact that the C -aroma precursors are present in a highly complex mixture together with, e.g., monoterpenols and shikimates, the possible formation of malodorous compounds after enzymic treatment has also to be considered. Although there is still little information available on the structure of enzymatically released unpleasant aroma substances, two examples may demonstrate this problem: (i) Pectinase preparations are known for their potential to liberate glycosidic precursors in wine. After application of a commercial pectinase preparation during winemaking, formation of malodorous vinylphenols was reported, which occurred following enzymatic release of cinnamic acid derivatives and subsequent transformation by decarboxylase activityfromwine yeast (49). (ii) Among the enzymatically liberated C -aglycones in wine, polyol structures were identified which yielded the malodorous hydrocarbon l,l,6-trimethyl-l,2-dihydronaphthalene ("kerosene" offflavor) at elevated temperature (50). These examples illustrate that a careful sensory testing of the hydrolysates is recommended for each application, especially in cases when a sequence of glycosidase and acid treatment at elevated temperatures is used.

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Co-oxidation of carotenoids. A different enzymatic approach for the biotechno­ logical production of C -compounds uses the carotenoid fraction of plants as aroma precursors. In this case, the cleavage of the carotenoid chain is carried out by "co-oxidation" reactions using lipoxygenase or other oxidase systems. In vitro cleavage of carotenoids has been achieved by using different types of enzymes in aqueous solutions, e.g., phenoloxidase (77), lactoperoxidase (57), and more recently xanthine oxidase (52). By far most co-oxidation studies, however, have been carried out with lipoxygenase (LOX) (linoleate : oxygen oxidoreductase, EC, a thoroughly studied enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of rxdyunsaturated fatty acids containing a Z,Z- 1,4-pentadiene subunit to a conjugated dienoic hydroperoxide (53-58). The well-known capacity of LOX to co-oxidize carotenoids has been ascribed to the fact that a large proportion of the initially formed peroxyl radicals is not directly converted into the hydroperoxides (55). The former remain as aggressive radicals being able to attack activated sites of the polyene chain, thus leading inter alia to the formation of volatile break-down products. In the case of 6-carotene, formation offi-ionone,5,6-epoxy-B-ionone, and dihydroactinidiolide as major volatile products is observed (55). Experimental support for the suggested free radical mechanisms has been obtained in two recent studies, in which no enantioselectivity for LOX catalyzed co-oxidation reactions was observed (59,60). Similarity, a radical phenomenon was recently established for xanthine oxidase bleaching of carotenoids (52). Co-oxidation reactions require the enzyme (LOX), polyunsatured fatty acids and the polyene compounds. Since recent results have revealed an almost equal co-oxidative reactivity of LOX isoenzymes under aerobic conditions (60), a crude mixture of soybean LOXs can be used. With regard to polyene compounds, natural sources rich in carotenoids, such as palm oil, plant extracts (e.g. carrots) or extracts from the algae Dunaliella are suitable starting materials (67). Initially, most co-oxidation reactions have been carried out in aqueous solutions by solubilizing linoleate as well as the carotenoid with different detergents (53). The limitations of this procedure were due to the fact that in the complex reaction mixture - consisting of fatty acid metabolites, carotenoid breakdown products and detergents - the yield of norisoprenoids was rather low (56). Nevertheless, an improved co-oxidation procedure is already used for the industrial production of natural C -flavoring material. According to a recent patent (62) for co-oxidation using a bioreactor, the maximum yields of 8- and oc-ionone were 210 mg and 185 mg per kg of multiphase reaction mixture. The latter consisted of carrot juice as carotenoid source, soy flour as source of LOX and vegetable oil as source of unsaturated fatty acids. 13


In Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors; Takeoka, Gary R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



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The subsequent conversion of the accessible primary carotenoid breakdown products has already been carried out by using (i) plant cell cultures and (ii) microorganisms. Use of Plant Cell Cultures for the Bioconversion of Primary Carotenoid Degradation Products. Although all attempts to generate significant amounts of volatile flavors using plant cell cultures have failed so far, such cultures have a potential for biotransformation reactions. Again, the regioselectivity and stereospecificity of the conversion of exogenously administered substrates can be considered as the major advantage of plant cell technology. Examples are summarized in ref. 63. Disadvantages, such as low efficiency and the formation of by-products, have been overcome in part by using immobilized cells (64). Immobilized cells of Nicotiana tabacum were inter alia found to convert 8-ionone 1 12-times faster than the suspension cells (37). Similar results have been obtained with a-ionone 2. The structure of conversion products as well as reaction yields are outlined in Fig. 8.

OH N tabacum cell cultures 13 (15 %)

14 (38 %)

| > < ^ ^ O H N. tabacum cell cultures 2

24 (12 %)

25 (37 %)

Fig. 8: Structures of biotransformation products of 6- and a-ionones 1 and 2 by using immobilized cells of N. tabacum (adapted from ref. 37). As mentioned earlier, in a first step the carbon-carbon double bond adjacent to the carbonyl group in structures 1 and 2 is reduced by carvone reductase, thus yielding ketones 13 and 24. The production of hydrogenated products 13 and 24 was maximised by conducting the biotransformation in a medium with a pH value close to the optimal pH of carvone reductase. In the medium usually employed for cell culturing (pH 5.2) a subsequent reduction of the keto-function took place, thus generating C -alcohols 14 and 25 as major reaction products. Contrary to previous results reported for comparable biotransformation reactions carried out with carvone and pulegone (65), a relatively poor stereoselectivity in the enzymatic conversion of ionones was observed. The enantiomeric excess values for alcohols 14 and 25 were found to be only 7 % and 14 % (5-configured isomer), respectively (37). Neverthe­ less, these examples demonstrate the ability of plant cell technology to convert primary carotenoid degradation products, i.e. a,B-unsaturated ketones, into saturated alcohols. Importantly, such a reaction sequence is essential in the biogeneration of the immediate precursors 12, 16, and 17 of the important C -volatiles theaspiranes 8, theaspirones 9, and vitispiranes 10 (cf. Fig. 6). 13


Use of Microorganisms for the Bioconversion of Primary Carotenoid Degrada­ tion Products. Microbial systems are frequently used for biotransformation

In Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors; Takeoka, Gary R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.




Carotenoid-Derived Aroma Compounds

reactions, especially in cases where a functionalization (hydroxylation, epoxidation and multienzyme controlled oxidation) of the administered substrate has to be carried out (34 and refs. cited). Such conversion reactions are still restricted to the use of intact organisms in the form of growing, resting or immobilized cultures. The limitation to intact cells has been reported to be due to the instability of the oxidizing enzymes and their dependence on cofactor systems (66). Whereas particular attention has been directed to the microbial conversion of monoterpenes, only a few reports of microbial transformations of C -norisoprenoids have been reported so far (67-72). Mikami et al (67,68) have first investigated the microbial transformation of fl-ionone 1 using a strain of the fungus Aspergillus niger. In the complex reaction mixture obtained, which exhibited an odor similar to tobacco, two major products were identified, i.e. (/Q-4-hydroxy-ft-ionone 26 and (S)-2-hydroxy-B-ionone 27. Krasnobajew and Helmlinger (69) extended this research by performing a screening of appropriate microorganisms for 8-ionone bioconversions. Among the tested microorganisms the closely related genera of Botryodiplodia, Botryoshaeria and Lasiodiplodia showed a relatively high activity in biotransformingfl-ionone.The most suitable fungus was reported to be Lasiodiplodia theobromae (synonym: Diplodia gossipina). Fermentation of 6-ionone with pre-grown cultures of this species yielded a complex mixture of metabolites (69). Again a pleasant, tobacco­ like odor was observed. Importantly, at the beginning of the fermentation hy­ droxylases were found to be predominantly active, thus generating oxygenated C -structures 26, 28 and 29 as major products. In the later phase of die fer­ mentation, however, Lasiodiplodia was found to degrade the C -structures in a Baeyer-Villiger type of oxidation to C^-compounds 30-32 by shortening the sidechain by a C2-unit (Fig. 9). Further biotransformation reactions using the fungus Botrytis cinerea were carried out with isomeric damascones as substrates (70).

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O 1




Aspergillus niger


Lasidiplodia theobromae


Lasidiplodia theobromae


OH +


OH 30



Fig. 9: Structures of major microbial transformation products of B-ionone 1 according to refs. 67-69. In Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors; Takeoka, Gary R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Conclusions Although there are still many unanswered questions with regard to the enzymatic pathways of carotenoid biodegradation, the first approaches in using the potential of carotenoids as flavor precursors appear to be promising. It has been demonstrated that standard biotechnological procedures already allow a production of certain C -norisoprenoid aroma volatiles from carotenoids as precursor substances. For a major breakthrough, however, more detailed knowledge about the carotenoid cleavage enzymes is required. Progress in this area will finally open the avenue for a biotechnological production of C -aroma substances.

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Acknowledgement Dr. G. Skouroumounis is thanked for his helpful comments on this paper. The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn, is thanked for funding the research.

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