Carrot Bisacetylenic Oxylipins – Phytochemicals ... - ACS Publications

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Chapter 10

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Carrot Bisacetylenic Oxylipins – Phytochemicals Behind the Mask of the Superfood Brandon T. Metzger, Ph.D.* Standard Process Inc., 1200 West Royal Lee Dr., Palmyra, WI 53156 *E-mail: [email protected]

Carrots are an important vegetable of the American diet and contain numerous bioactive phytoalexins. Polyacetylenes are bitter tasting bisacetylenic oxylipins in the family of plants known as Umbelliferae or Apiaceae. Carrots contain three predominate polyacetylenes which include falcarinol, falcarindiol, and falcarindiol 3-acetate. The concentration of polyacetylenes in colored carrots varies by as much as seven fold and may be dependent upon growing conditions, root tissue anatomy, year harvested, and storage and processing conditions. Polyacetylenes have traditionally been extracted with ethyl acetate or dichloromethane, or more recently by supercritical fluid extraction. Carrot polyacetylenes possess allelopathic activity which may explain the historical health benefits of carrots since studies investigating β-carotene doesn’t seem to adequately explain the reduced risk of certain types of cancer. Polyacetylenes are cytotoxic to certain fungi, microorganisms, and protective against various cancer cells in both in vitro and in vivo studies. Polyacetylenes possess bioactive properties which include the inhibition of lipid transport enzymes, induction of liver phase II detoxification enzymes, and anti-inflammatory activity. Carrots should be included in the top superfoods list due to their high dietary prevalence, wide variety of potent bioactive secondary metabolites, and increasing level of scientific support for human health.

© 2012 American Chemical Society In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

The Identity of a Superfood The term “superfood” is widely used to highlight different classes of food as having superior effects on human health over other non-superfoods. There are several proposed definitions for the term: • •

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Foods that confer health benefits due to high concentrations of phytochemicals. Foods that provide multiple disease-fighting nutrients and are easy to include in everyday meals. Foods that have a high nutrient, vitamin, and mineral content and may be used as a replacement for supplements by adding them to a diet. Superfoods may help people feel more energetic, provide protection against disease, and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Examples of commonly consumed superfoods can be found across several different food groups including beverages (tea, red wine), fruits (avocadoes, blueberries, pomegranates, cranberries, oranges, tomatoes), vegetables (broccoli, spinach, onion, beets, pumpkin), seeds/nuts (almonds, walnuts, flax), other (soy, omega-3 fish, olive oil, whole grain, cinnamon, dark chocolate, garlic, yoghurt/probiotics, beans). Several of the above listed foods are associated with good scientific support for their impact on human health. For example, polyphenols in green tea (1) and cranberries (2) show good support for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Intakes of dietary components such as olive oil, whole grains, and fish high in omega-3 fatty acids are generally associated with healthier lifestyles and consequent reduction in disease risk (3, 4). Other listed superfoods such as pumpkin and beets are associated with a smaller body of scientific evidence and less frequent consumption. The health benefits of superfoods are as diverse as the list of identified foods. There is growing scientific support and understanding of phytochemical components in superfoods and their potential to prevent or reduce inflammation, regulate metabolism, lower blood cholesterol and serum lipids, protect against heart disease and cancer, up regulate detoxification enzymes, and promote digestive health.

Carrots in the Modern Diet Carrots are most often missing from the list of common superfoods. This is despite the fact that in 2006 it was determined that carrot consumption was equivalent to 12 pounds/person/year and is an increasing way to meet the dietary recommendation for increased vegetable consumption. Carrots are often offered as an alternative healthy snack or school lunchbox staple. Today carrots may be found in many forms which include fresh market, baby, canned, frozen, dehydrated, and juiced. There is an increasing public awareness of different commercial varieties of carrots. Supermarkets and farmers markets have begun to offer colored carrot varieties that are very diverse and rich in phytochemical composition. 168 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Carrots have been characterized to contain more than 47 anti-inflammatory chemicals, 51 different antioxidants, 23 hypocholesterolemic compounds, and 52 antibacterial compounds (5). The health benefits of carrots have most often been researched in context of the carotene or pre-vitamin A content. A review of literature supporting the health benefits of carrots yields supportive data looking primarily at carotene content as the hypothesis for mechanism of action. The majority of studies looking at carrots as an intervention in animal and human studies is most often centered on a hypothesis of carotenoid content as a mechanism of action. While there is little doubt that carotenoids have impact on human health, there is little to no recognition of other phytochemical constituents in carrots that may enhance or negate studied biological activity. For example, colored carrots containing carotenoids increase liver vitamin A stores and antioxidant capacity compared to white carrots devoid of carotenoids (6). Carotenoid intake from fruits and vegetables, of which carrots are the predominant source, in 1300 elderly subjects was associated with decreased cardiovascular risk (7). Serum concentrations of carotenoids were found to be positively associated with adiponectin concentrations in 437 subjects, an association thought to reduce cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk (8). An inverse relationship was found between serum carotenoids and endothelial dysfunction and inflammation in human subjects (9). While it is true that carrots contain significant levels of carotenes, and carrots have a positive impact on human health; what is often not recognized is the large diversity of other phytochemical constituents in carrots and their potential role in human health. The health benefits of carrots have largely been driven by epidemiological data looking at risk vs. serum concentration of carotenoids. Due to the high prevalence of carrots in the diet and consequent large contributing carotenoid pool and ease of measure, carotenoids are often targeted as the bioactive phytochemicals in carrot. A linear thought process in understanding the health benefits of carrots often proceeds as outlined by Young et al. (10):

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A diet high in fruits and vegetables is associated with a decreased risk of certain cancers. Epidemiologic data supports a correlation between serum β-carotene and decreased cancer risk. In European and North American diets, carrots account for more than half of β-carotene intake. Therefore β-carotene is likely to be the bioactive phytochemical in carrots responsible for reduced cancer risk.

Despite the suggestive hypothesis described above, β-carotene supplementation has not shown protection against the disease (11, 12). These negative findings may alternatively suggest a mechanism of action by other phytochemical classes or mixtures of phytochemicals that may work additively or synergistically on human health. There is increasing interest in other less prevalent secondary metabolites in carrots and their effects on human health. 169 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Carrot Allelochemicals Carrots and other vegetables in the Apiaceae family contain numerous potent bioactive compounds termed allelochemicals. Allelochemicals display characteristic properties of allelopathy, which is the production of secondary plant defense compounds which have no effect on the plants growth or reproduction but negatively impact foraging of the plant. These natural pesticides may ward off attack by fungi, bacteria, nematodes, and mammals. Secondary compounds are typically bitter in taste, and as in carrots, located in the outer most region of the peal. In very high concentrations, allelochemicals may cause skin irritation or be neurotoxic. Examples of these types of phytochemical classes range from alkaloids, tannins, saponins, and some polyphenols. Some compounds such as glucosinolates, which form the highly pungent isothiocyanates, show selective cytotoxicity against cancer cells and are supported by strong scientific data (13–15). “Phytoalexin” is a similar related term used to describe phytochemicals or antibiotics produced by plants in response to injury or environmental stress (16). These allelochemicals may affect human physiology and disease even though they are not considered “traditional essential nutrients”. Characteristically secondary plant defense compounds can be highly potent in their effect on biological systems. A second characteristic often exhibited by secondary plant metabolites is a dose response phenomenon known as hormesis. Hormesis is a differential response to a toxin dependent on dose. This is classically illustrated by looking at relationships between alcohol intake and all-cause mortality and related health challenges (17). Light or moderate drinkers have lower mortality and other health burdens compared to heavy drinkers or abstainers. Moderate alcohol consumption has been shown to have health benefits, compared to higher doses of alcohol which acts as a toxin. Additionally, there is a growing field of research studying low doses of radiation and its beneficial aspects on biological systems (18, 19). As a third example, consider that glucosinolates in high concentrations are known goitrogenic compounds but in low dose concentrations are supported by arguably the largest body of scientific evidence within natural product research supporting anticarcinogenic properties. Carrots contain a number of secondary plant defense compounds such as the bisacetylenic oxylipins, 6-methoxymellein (6-MM), eugenin, gazarin, and the phenylpropanoids. 6-MM has been identified as one among many bitter component in carrots (20, 21) induced by environmental stressors such as UV-irradiation or pathogen inoculation (22). 6-MM is a known strong antifungal agent (23). Eugenin has been shown to be cytotoxic in tumor cell lines (24) as well as a group of compounds known as phenylpropanoids (25). Bisacetylenic oxylipins are predominate bitter compounds in carrots (26). Bisacetylenic oxylipins, otherwise known as polyacetylenes, contain two acetylenic bonds in a C17 chain with hydroxylated end groups. These compounds, which are the focus of this chapter, are derived from the synthesis pathway of unsaturated fatty acids. There are more than 1400 different polyacetylenes and related compounds isolated from higher plants, primarily from the Apiaceae family of plants. Carrots contain three major polyacetylenes; falcarinol, 170 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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falcarindiol, and falcarindiol 3-acetate, see Figure 1. Recently, nine other polyacetylenes were identified in carrot in less abundance than those in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Structures of the three main bisacetylenic oxylipins or polyacetylenes in carrot.

Extraction, Isolation, and Analysis of Carrot Polyacetylenes There are a number of published methods for the solid/liquid extraction of carrot polyacetylenes. The most common methodology is solvent extraction with dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, diethyl ether, or methanol. Extraction can be done in either fresh or lyophilized material with stirring, ultrasonication, or pressurized liquid extraction (27) and more recently ultrasonic liquid processing (28). Recently in our lab, we performed supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) of carrot polyacetylenes with good success. After extraction at 621 bar, with a run time equivalent to 30g CO2 per g dried carrot and ethanol co-solvent, the remaining concentration of polyacetylenes in the extracted (defatted) carrot was 0.1, 0.4, 0.1, and 0.4% of the concentration in the non-extracted purple carrot raw material for falcarindiol, falcarindiol 3-acetate, falcarinol, and vitamin E respectively (unpublished data). This indicates that SFE is a potential industrial scale method for extraction of polyacetylene compounds from carrots. Previously described methods of analysis for polyacetylenes include characterization by the unique UV-spectral properties (29, 30), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy analysis (31, 32), and in situ analysis by raman spectroscopy to localize the anatomy of polyacetylenes in carrot cross-sections (33, 34). A number of different mass spectrometry methods have been successfully applied which include GC-MS (35) with chemical (CI) and electron ionization (EI) (36, 37), fast atom bombardment (FAB-MS) (38), and electrospray ionization (ESI-MS) in both positive and negative mode ionization (28, 32, 39). 171 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Polyacetylene Concentrations Are Variable by Carrot Cultivar Carrots are the predominate source of polyacetylenes in the human diet. Other less prevalent food sources include celery, parsley, parsnips, fennel, and celeriac. Carrot concentration differences are dependent upon a number of factors including cultivar (37, 40), physiological age and geographical location (40), climate (41), and storage and processing conditions (42). While environmental conditions may alter the polyacetylene content, carrot variety is the largest contributor to variability. The concentration of total polyacetylenes in different colored carrots was shown to vary by more than four fold in a study of sixteen different varieties (37), while others found almost a 6 fold difference in 27 different carrot genotypes (27). As an example of varietal differences, Table I indicates the concentration of falcarindiol can vary by as much as 7 fold in different colored carrots. Other notable differences include the high level of falcarinol and total polyacetylenes in the Deep Purple cultivar compared to 13 other colored carrot varieties. Commercial baby carrots contain the least total concentration of polyacetylenes. Wild carrot, or Queen Anne’s lace, has the second highest content of polyacetylenes, while white carrot varieties (White Satin, Crème de Lite) are a richer source of the polyacetylene falcarindiol 3-acetate. In addition to the diversity of polyacetylene concentrations in colored carrots, they also contain variable amounts of other phytochemicals including carotenoids, total phenolics, anthocyanins, alpha-tocopherol, terpenes, sesquiterpenes, and other antioxidants (37). Commercial market carrots contain higher amounts of carotenes, while other phytochemicals like phenolics are much higher in purple carrot varieties. It is likely that there is large variability in other bioactive secondary plant compounds, dependent on carrot variety, commonly known to increase due to environmental stress.

Stability of Carrot Polyacetylenes The stability of carrot polyacetylenes is dependent upon storage conditions, since long term storage of fresh and steam-blanched carrots at 1°C leads to reduced falcarinol levels. Boiling leads to significant reductions in concentration, while storage at -24°C preserves the polyacetylene content. The extracted polyacetylenes are sensitive to oxidation or enzymatic degradation, heat, and light exposure (42). However, others have found increases in polyacetylenes and stable amounts of the secondary metabolite 6-methoxymellein in fresh carrots stored at 1°C for four months (40). The use of Raman spectroscopy mapping of carrot slices during storage allows for a quick understanding of the changes that occur to polyacetylenes and other constituents such as starch, pectin, cellulose, and lignan during storage (43). Recently Rawson and others determined that freeze drying carrots disks better preserved both carotenoids and polyacetylenes when compared to hot air drying. Pre-treatment of carrots with ultrasound enhances retention of the polyacetylenes compared to blanching of carrots prior to drying. The enhanced retention of polyacetylenes by ultrasound may be related to increased extraction of the compounds from the matrix during analysis (44). 172 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

Table I. Polyacetylene diversity in cultivated colored and commercially available carrots. (Adapted with permission from reference (49). Copyright 2009 ACS Publications.)

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Concentration (mg/g, dry weight basis) Carrot Varietal


FaDOH 3-Ac



Commercial baby carrots

142 ± 6

308 ± 36

236 ± 3

686 ± 43

Commercial market carrots

368 ± 10

1090 ± 17

602 ± 2

2060 ± 27

Atomic Red

101 ± 7

261 ± 8

331 ± 4

693 ± 3

Snow White

82 ± 2

359 ± 15

291 ± 8

731 ± 14


112 ± 10

389 ± 11

257 ± 15

759 ± 35

Purple Haze

129 ± 14

339 ± 34

438 ± 68

906 ± 115


307 ± 42

367 ± 31

369 ± 50

1043 ± 123

White Satin

182 ± 34

721 ± 40

245 ±20

1148 ± 83

Crème de Lite

190 ± 35

678 ± 63

391 ± 41

1259 ± 106

St Valery

228 ± 10

484 ± 21

566 ± 20

1277 ± 51

Lunar White

418 ± 24

411 ± 17

543 ± 22

1371 ± 63


251 ± 5

605 ± 2

552 ± 9

1409 ± 15

Cosmic Purple

518 ± 7

560 ± 14

386 ± 2

1465 ± 20


270 ± 26

704 ± 20

609 ± 23

1583 ± 66

Queen Anne’s Lace

583 ± 26

737 ± 24

399 ± 13

1719 ± 63

Deep Purple

491 ± 10

970 ± 21

1553 ± 29

3015 ± 56

Other external factors such as harvest date, storage, planting location, cultivar, and year harvested produced different degrees of variation in polyacetylene content in Swedish carrots. Falcarindiol and falcarindiol 3-acetate levels were higher in carrots harvested early in the growing season, while falcarinol did not change. Fresh carrots had higher levels of polyacetylenes compared to stored carrots (1°C) harvested at the same time period. Polyacetylene levels increase or decrease in cold storage dependent upon the starting fresh concentration and cultivar. Growing location has an effect on concentration, but year to year variance was shown to have the largest influence on polyacetylene content (45).

173 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Biological Activity of Polyacetylenes The polyacetylenes, like other bitter carrot secondary compounds mentioned above, possess potent antifungal and antibacterial properties (46)(47). Polyacetylenes inhibit and activate a number of different enzymes involved in serum lipid metabolism such as diacylglycerol acyltransferase (48), cholesterol ester transfer protein (49) and acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (50). The polyacetylenes also inhibit enzymes involved in inflammatory signaling such as inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) (51), lipoxygenase (52), cyclooxygenase-I (53), 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (54), and cytokines IL-6 and TNF-α (55). Other noted biological activity includes anti-platelet aggregation effects due to inhibition of thromboxane formation (56), and inhibition of the development of pre-neoplastic colonic lesions in a rat model (57). Polyacetylenes up-regulate several liver detoxification genes (58) and quinone reductase activity (59). As an example of hormesis, falcarinol stimulates primary mammalian epithelial cells at concentrations between 0-0.04 µM and is toxic at concentrations greater than 4 µM (42). Falcarinol is the most active polyacetylene with reported cytotoxic effects against an acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line with an IC50 value of 3.5 µmol/L (60). As another example of the polyacetylenes hormetic potential, low concentrations (1.6-25 µM) of polyacetylenes increase cytosolic glutathione peroxidase (cGPX) transcription and decrease heat shock protein (HSP70) and heme oxygenase 1 (HO1) in a primary myotube model of H2O2 induced stress. At concentrations of 50 and 100 µM, cGPX transcription is reduced while HSP70 and HO1 transcription increases indicating an adverse treatment effect of the polyacetylenes at higher concentration (61). There is a growing body of evidence that supports the anti-carcinogenic properties of polyacetylenes due to selective cytotoxicity against various cancer cells (60, 62–64). The selective cytotoxic effects have been measured to be 20x’s more potent compared to non-cancerous cells (65). The antitumor activity was investigated in several human cancer cell lines, such as ovarian (SK-OV-3), skin melanoma (SK-MEL-2), and colon (HCT-15) cells (66). The cytotoxicity of polyacetylenes was investigated through induction of apoptosis in human colon, pancreatic, epidermoid, larynx, and lung carcinomas (67). Recently, carrot juice extract from juiced carrots was investigated in 4 myeloid, 4 lymphoid leukemia, and 1 non-tumor hematopoietic stem cell line. The study hypothesis suggested that carrot juice as an alternative treatment is effective at killing or stopping proliferation of cancer cells due to the complexity of bioactive components, mainly β-carotene and polyacetylenes. β-carotene has previously been shown to induce cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 phase after 12-hour treatment of a HL-60 myeloid leukemia line (68), while the polyacetylenes as indicated in the paragraph above indicate strong activity in a number of human cancer cell lines. The carrot juice extract induced apoptosis in all myeloid and lymphoid human leukemia cell lines after 24, 48, and 72 hours and matches previous findings on polyacetylenes. There was a clear difference between the leukemic cell lines and non-tumor cells. The lymphoid leukemia cell lines appeared more sensitive to carrot juice extract than myeloid cells (69). This 174 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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recent paper highlights the importance of the carrot as food and its importance in supporting human health, specifically anti-carcinogenic potential, in a minimally processed form such as juice. Carrots contain a diversity of anti-inflammatory compounds which may also function as allelochemicals. Research in our lab has focused on characterizing the anti-inflammatory activity of carrots attributable to the polyacetylenes. The polyacetylenes vary vastly by cultivar and our research has focused largely on the Deep Purple carrot variety due to its higher concentrations of polyacetylenes. The bioactivity of colored carrot varieties is largely correlated with the polyacetylene content, but other secondary metabolites or phytochemicals in carrots are also likely to contribute to anti-inflammatory activity. This is illustrated by the fact that Queen Anne’s lace, commercial market carrots, commercial baby carrots, and Deep Purple carrot are the most potent inhibitors of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced nitric oxide in macrophage cells as indicted by their IC25 values, Table II. This is despite the fact that Queen Anne’s lace and Deep Purple contain high concentrations of polyacetylenes, and commercial market and baby carrots contain lesser amounts as seen in Table I.

Table II. Inhibition of nitric oxide production in macrophage cells (IC25). (Adapted with permission from reference (49). Copyright 2009 ACS Publications.) IC25 Variety

Dry Carrot equivalents (μg/mL)

Commercial baby carrots




Commercial market carrots








White Satin








Deep Purple




Queen Anne’s Lace




The presence of other secondary plant metabolites known to form during cold storage of market carrots may account for the activity of baby carrots despite their low polyacetylene content. Baby carrots are lower in polyacetylenes since the compounds are in high abundance in the carrot outer cortex (34) which is removed during carrot processing. The presence of other secondary plant metabolites known to be present in cold stored baby and market carrots require further investigation, but is a potential health benefit of commercially available carrots held under cold storage conditions. 175 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Purple carrots are unique due to the presence of acylated cyanidin glycosides pigments. Enriched preparations of anthocyanidin pigments possess anti-inflammatory bioactivity by reducing chemokines, chemoattractants, and cell adhesion factors (70). Anthocyanins reduce nitric oxide release from macrophage cells and NF-κB activation in endothelial cells (71, 72). Purple carrots also contain over 40 phenolic acids (73) in addition to other common carrot phytochemicals such as carotenes. A purple carrot fraction enriched in anthocyanins from LH-20 resin chromatography dose responsively reduced nitric oxide release in LPS stimulated macrophages by as much as 94% without affecting viability. Treatment with the purple carrot fraction also reduced mRNA of several LPS induced cytokines (IL-6, IL-1β) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in the same macrophage cell line (Figure 2). In addition, the purple carrot fraction also reduced IL-6 and TNF-α secretion in primary pig aortic endothelial cells.

Figure 2. Purple carrot regulation of mRNA expression of inflammatory cytokines and iNOS in macrophage cells. Cells were incubated overnight in the presence of LPS and purple carrot extracts. Differences from positive control are indicated by significance (n = 6) a, P < 0.05; b, P < 0.01; c, P < 0.001. (Adapted with permission from reference (36). Copyright 2008 ACS Publications.) Chromatographic analysis of the bioactive purple carrot extract in Figure 2 indicated the presence of various phytochemicals including anthocyanins, phenolic acids, polyacetylenes, and carotenoids. The bioactive purple carrot fraction was sub-fractionated to isolate different phytochemical groups and individual polyacetylenes from the carrot. The polyacetylene rich sub-fraction and isolated polyacetylenes are responsible for the anti-inflammatory activity as indicated by a reduction of nitrite concentration in LPS stimulated macrophage cells (Figure 3). The bioactivity of a purple carrot extract containing polyacetylenes and other phytochemicals, including other potential secondary 176 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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metabolites, is less cytotoxic when compared to isolated polyacetylenes and more effective for suppressing inflammatory markers in a macrophage cell model (55). This indicates the importance carrots as a food with potentially additive or synergistic mixes of phytochemical classes or secondary plant metabolites that inhibit inflammatory processes more efficiently than isolated fractions of polyacetylenes.

Figure 3. Bioactivity of isolated carrot polyacetylenes in LPS-induced nitric oxide production in macrophage cells. Purity of isolated polyacetylenes was > 99.5% pure by GC-MS. (n = 4). (Adapted with permission from reference (36). Copyright 2008 ACS Publications.)

The bioavailability of the polyacetylenes is another valid reason for elevating carrots status on the superfood list. Some classes of phytochemicals in foods have limited bioavailability due to low rates of absorption. This is commonly recognized for various classes of polyphenolic compounds which may have good in vitro support for biological activity, but low rates of absorption as intact molecules. This is the case for the extremely complex group of proanthocyanidin compounds (74). Carrots contain a number of phytochemical constituents that have proven action in vivo and a well-researched understanding of dietary absorption. Carotenoid bioavailability from carrots is known to occur and increase with heat processing (75) and fat content of the diet (76). 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid or chlorogenic acid is the primary polyphenol in carrots and accounts for 80% of the total phenolics present (77) with good reported bioavailability (78). Purple carrot juice was shown to reduce oxidative stress, hepatic inflammation, and abdominal fat deposition in a rodent model of metabolic syndrome. The positive results were specific to the carrot juice diet and not equitable to a β-carotene diet treatment arm (79). Colored carrot varieties were also shown to increase liver vitamin A stores and antioxidant activity over white carrots devoid of carotenoids (6). 177 In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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The bioavailability of the polyacetylene compounds has been investigated in an established model of colon cancer. In the model, rats fed were fed either a realistic dietary dose of carrots or an equivalent concentration of falcarinol contained in the carrot diet (35µg/g diet). As a result of both the carrot and falcarinol containing diet, the rats had a reduced tendency toward pre-cancerous lesion development. The effect of the carrot dietary interventions was greater with increasing tumor size (57). Additionally, carrot juice consumption (900 mL) in humans resulted in blood level concentrations of 2.5 mg/mL at 2 hours after dosing (30, 80). This concentration is within the range of noted biological activity in in vitro models for inhibition of proliferation of cancer cells (10, 42).

Conclusions The bisacetylenic oxylipins, or polyacetylenes, are one among many secondary plant defense compounds in carrots that possess bioactivity for human health. Carrot polyacetylene compounds are potent phytoalexins capable of inhibiting numerous lipid metabolizing enzymes, and possess anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties. Understanding unique polyacetylene sources, extractions methodologies, and mechanisms of action will provide appropriate material for further in vivo support. Further research on carrot secondary metabolites, outside of the range of major phytochemical components such as carotenes, will likely provide beneficial insights into the sometimes “bitter” health benefits of carrots to raise their status appropriately on the superfood list.

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In Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease; Patil, B., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.


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