recording spectrophotometers, the CARY 16 manual instrument automati- cally achieves its ... that has a double-beam, double monochromator system. Then...
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The excellence of our manual spectrophotometer is automatic The Uncompromisers —They dedicated themselves to producing the best manual spectrophotometer. And did it.

And like our recording spectrophotometers, t h e CARY 16 m a n u a l < instrument automati­ cally achieves its excel­ lence and reliable per­ formance through u n i q u e design features. First, take the doubleb e a m p h o t o m e t e r . I t gives high zero stability (drift is less than 0.00016 abs/hour in visible _ range) and continuous, automatic blank compensation. Saves time, pro­ duces reliable data. Next, the double monochromator This insures light purity. Permits meas­ urements at high absorbance, reduces errors, minimizes sample preparation. T h e CARY 16's the only manual instrument that has a double-beam, double monochromator system. T h e n the photometric accuracy. It's the highest of any spectrophotometer made, manual or recording. 0.00024 a b s o r b a n c e n e a r zero, 0.001 near 1 absorbance.

Finally, the exceptional beam geome­ try is particu­ larly important where sample volumes are limi­ ted. Normally, 1 milliliter semi-micro cells can b e used. With masking, micro cells, (Even masking by a factor of 8 reduces the S/N ratio only by a factor of 2.) Add to these features the d e e p UV penetration (down to 1700A) plus ac­ cessories to adapt for automatic sample changing and recording, and the GARY 16 becomes the ideal spectrophotometer for kinetic measurements or exacting life science studies, as well as for general analytical work. A price list and catalog are yours for the asking. Write Gary Instruments, a Varian Subsidiary, 2724 South Peck Road, Monrovia, California 91016. Ask for Data File A706-127.

Circle No. 100 απ Readers' Service Card


39, NO.

14, DECEMBER 1907
