Casein and its Industrial Applications. By Edwin ... - ACS Publications

The tract is really a collection of the various recent publications of Dr. Roberts and coworkers in the Laboratory of Colloid Science at Cambridge, to...
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This research has been particularly fruitful in providing experimental evidence which is reliable enough t o be useful in testing such proposed theories. The tract is really a collection of the various recent publications of Dr. Roberts and coworkers in the Laboratory of Colloid Science a t Cambridge, together with a complete set of references to related works. The reviewer considers Dr. Roberts’ work to be the most significant fundamental research on adsorption in progress a t the present time. This book should be read by every one who is interested in the problem of adsorption. A. B. VAN CLEAVE.

Casein and its Industraal Applications. By EDWINSUTERMEISTER AND FREDERICR L. BROWNE. Second edition. 405 pp. New York: Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 1939. Price: $6.50. Rapidly increasing use of casein in American industry, coupled with many important technical developments in its production, made i t desirable t o rewrite this monograph. One or the other of the authors, sometimes with collaboration, has written seven of the thirteen chapters. The other six have been contributed by experts in their respective fields. There has been a rearrangement of chapters which makes the presentation of the subject more logical. Chapter I-“Casein in Milk and its Isolation’’-is new and is a better opening chapter than the one on the “Organic Chemistry of Casein” which introduced the first edition. The chapters on casein in food and casein in medicine, of the first edition, have been combined into one and a new chapter on casein in leather has been added, with the result t h a t this edition is much improved. Those interested in the subject will find t h a t the material of the earlier edition has been considerably expanded. They will also welcome the more extensive citations to the literature, including references to many patents. I t is the opinion of the reviewer t h a t this edition will be found t o be a good deal more useful than the earlier one. The printing is good and the illustrations are well chosen. I t can be recommended t o those interested in this important protein. L. H. REYERSON.

ERRATA Volume 44, Number d, February, 1940 I’rsge 811: The sentence beginning in line 25 should mad as follows: “The molecular weight of D20was taken as 1.1117 times that of ordinary water.” Page 267: The last line in column 2 of table 1 should be 1.0938 instead of 0.9938.