Catalogs - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Dec 1, 1992 - IFM Therapeutics looks to inhibit STING to treat autoimmune disease. The Boston firm, which previously developed STING activators for...
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centrating nanogram quantities of DNA and isolating DNA without phenol extractions or ethanol precipitation. Also included are a product guide with ordering information and a price list. 12 pp. Amincon 419

Synergy personal peptide synthesizer automatically makes 30-60 mg of peptides up to 30 amino acids long following a 10-min setup procedure. A feedbackmonitoring system manages the synthesis to extend difficult couplings and ensures the quality of each peptide. Applied Biosystems 414

F u m e e x t r a c t i o n . SC-1 portable system removes gases, fumes, aerosols, and particulates generated in laboratory, QC, pharmaceutical, and R&D processes. Applications include source e x t r a c t i o n , p o r t a b l e fume hood exhaust, or direct line coupling to the exhaust hood of process equipment. Purified microEnvironments 411 SPE. Spe-ed Wiz Model 6035 automated SPE sample processor handles 35- and 60 -mL SPE cartridges as well as smaller standard cartridges. Twelve different solution volumes for wash, condition, and elution phases of sample processing can be controlled, and up to 30 samples can be processed in 30 min. Applications include a u t o m a t i n g e n v i r o n m e n t a l sample analysis and screening biological samples and fermentation broths. Applied Separations 412 Spectrometer. MB 157 FT-Raman/ F T - I R s p e c t r o m e t e r , b a s e d on near-IR excited Raman scattering, retains optimal efficiency in both IR and Raman operation. Changing between IR and Raman measurements, which requires < 1 min, involves interchange of prealigned detectors and switching from internal to external interferometer input beam. Bomem 413 M e r c u r y d e t e r m i n a t i o n . PS200 automated mercury analyzer consists of a mercury cold vapor doublebeam detector with pptr sensitivity, random-access autosampler, IBMcompatible PC, and software. Up to 88 individual samples, six calibration standards, and seven quality control

Inorganic standards. Brochure details high-accuracy standards for AA, ICP, and IC. Products include more than 30 ready-to-use, NIST traceable 100-ppm AA standards in water or dilute acid solutions; ICP standards encompassing single-element standards and drinking water stand a r d s for trace and multielement analysis; and prepared standards for IC. EM Science 420

check standards or spiked samples can be processed completely u n a t tended. Leeman Labs 415

Microwave digestion. The CEM Reporter includes a r t i c l e s on ASTM s t a n d a r d D4309-92 (microwave preparation of water samples), determination of lead in paint chips, and fiber-optic control of acid temperature during microwave digestion. 8 pp. CEM 421



Hazardous materials database. Chemical Compliance Monitor is a compilation of chemical regulatory and advisory data derived from more than 80 selected source lists. Users can cross reference more than 19,000 different compounds against their advisory limits, current regulatory status, carcinogen ratings, synonyms, and pertinent physical data. Logical Technology 416

Chromatography. Catalog features more than 500 products for biopharmaceutical researchers involved in analyzing, isolating, and purifying proteins, peptides, enzymes, nucleic acids, and other small molecules. Products for size exclusion, hydrophobic interaction, reversed-phase, a n d affinity c h r o m a t o g r a p h y a r e highlighted. 250 pp. TosoHaas 422

M o l e c u l a r m o d e l i n g . Innovator runs on a standard Macintosh and features an intuitive user interface that makes it easy to predict and visualize molecular structure, properties, and reactivity. Users can build 3D models from atoms, molecules, and fragments, including organometallics and ligands. Molecules can be viewed from any angle or superimposed for examining spatial relationships. CAChe Scientific 417 QC. QC Link produces real-time QC plots from up to 12 RS-232 instruments. The program, which produces X-bar, Y-bar, sigma, XY, and histogram plots, automatically calculates and displays QC statistics. Labtronics 418

Manufacturers' Literature Membrane filtration. bioSolutions, Vol. 1, No. 1, features articles on con-

Safety. Safety and Compliance Directory for 1992-93 includes addresses and hotline numbers for almost 200 government agencies, professional societies, and private agencies that can provide information on safety, health, and environmental issues. Lab Safety Supply 423 Monochromators. Catalog includes air-path and vacuum monochromators and spectrographs with focal lengths ranging from 0.2 to 3.0 m. Also included are UHV monochromators and accessories as well as sample t e s t i n g s y s t e m s for s p e c t r a l transmission, reflectance, and a b sorption measurements. 32 pp. Acton Research 424 Life s c i e n c e r e s e a r c h . New catalog lists more than 7000 products. S e p a r a t e sections feature affinity c h r o m a t o g r a p h y media, a n t i s e r a , biological buffers, and restriction endonucleases. United States Biochemical 425