fer optics and a sample cell within a sealed aluminum enclosure. ... with a long-range fiber-optic local area network accessory for commu nication wit...
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P r o c e s s IR The Model 1-1000 is a compact (17.5 χ 13.5 χ 8 in., 40 lb.) industrial FT-IR spectrometer designed for in­ stallation on or near process lines. In addition to a Michelson interferome­ ter that is resistant to low-frequency vibration interference and a liquid N2-cooled MCT detector, the 1-1000 contains collimated or focused trans­ fer optics and a sample cell within a sealed aluminum enclosure. Resolu­ tion is 0.5 cm"1 and is step-adjustable to 32 cm"1. The I-1000 accepts a variety of dedicated sample interfaces, includ­ ing liquid flow, transmission, and short path gas cells and horizontal ATR accessories. A single port on the front of the spectrometer provides direct access to devices such as ATR accessories or can be sealed and fit­ ted with an internal flow cell. The IR beam can be routed bidirectionally through the port to accommodate an immersion probe. The spectrometer is controlled via a 486-based PC and can be equipped with a long-range fiber-optic local area network accessory for commu­ nication with a remote data system. FT-IR software performs data col­ lection, processing, and reporting; op­ tional software includes packages for multicomponent data analysis, au­ tomated quantification, and customi­ zation. Midac • 408

Electrochemical surface mapping The Model SP100 Planar SRET is a scanning reference electrode system designed for use in corrosion stud­ ies. The instrument provides real­ time imaging of localized electro­ chemical activity on surfaces for ap­ plications such as observation of pit initiation and propagation and char­ acterization of surface coatings, welds, and corrosion. The system measures potentials on the surface of materials. Actively corroding (e.g., rusting iron) pits produce microgalvanic currents that create potential fields in the electrolyte above the sample surface. The probe consists of a pair of Pt electrodes, each 2 μπι in diameter and spaced a few millimeters apart. The counter electrode scans closer to the sample than does the reference electrode, which measures the back­ ground potential. The probe scans the sample surface in χ and y direc­ tions with a continuously adjustable

CATALOGS Chromatography Catalog lists columns, syringes, instru­ ments, fittings, accessories, and reagents for sample preparation, HPLC, GC, TLC, and low-pressure chromatography. Spec­ ification tables, chromatograms, and pho­ tographs are included. 320 pp. Bodman • 409 Reference standards Catalog lists > 4000 organic and inorganic reference standards for environmental and industrial applications of GC, HPLC, IC, IR spectroscopy, AAS, and ICP-AES. Organic standards for EPA 500, 600, and 8000 Series methods and for CLP and TCLP methods are included. Atomic spectroscopy standards include matrix modifiers and single- or multielement stan­ dards. 100 pp. EM Science • 410

speed ranging from 100 μπι/s to 100 mm/s. It can be adjusted to scan closer or farther away from the sample surface and create a series of activity maps that allow the user to estimate the size of actively corrod­ ing pits. Flat samples up to 370 χ 200 χ 30 mm can be analyzed. The Windows-based operating software controls probe positioning with a step resolution of 0.5 pm, pro­ vides time-resolved data and auto­ matic scanning for single and multi­ ple linescan experiments, and creates 2D area maps with user-defined dis­ placement and scan parameters. EG&G Princeton Applied Research • 411 Environmental analysis Catalog lists standards for environmental and pollutant analysis, including calibra­ tion standards; PCB and PBB conge­ ners; dioxins and furans; PAHs; pesticides and herbicides; EPA standard mixtures for water, pulp and paper effluents, and solid waste analyses; CLP standards for volatiles analysis; and petrochemical standards. AccuStandard 1 4 1 2 Standard reference data The 1994 Standard Reference Data Prod­ ucts catalog (edition SP 782) lists 94 com­ puter databases and published data com­ pilations in the areas of analytical chemis­ try, atomic and molecular physics, biotechnology, chemical kinetics, material properties, process engineering, thermo­ dynamics and thermochemistry, and thermophysical properties of fluids. 108 pp. National Institute of Standards and Technology 1 4 1 3

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 66, No. 13, July 1, 1994 713 A