Catalytic Cyclopropanation by Myoglobin Reconstituted with Iron

Nov 17, 2017 - Myoglobin reconstituted with iron porphycene catalyzes the cyclopropanation of styrene with ethyl diazoacetate. Compared to native myog...
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Catalytic Cyclopropanation by Myoglobin Reconstituted with Iron Porphycene: Acceleration of Catalysis due to Rapid Formation of the Carbene Species Koji Oohora,†,‡,§ Hiroyuki Meichin,† Liming Zhao,∥ Matthew W. Wolf,⊥ Akira Nakayama,§,∥ Jun-ya Hasegawa,*,∥ Nicolai Lehnert,*,⊥ and Takashi Hayashi*,† †

Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Suita 565-0871, Japan Frontier Research Base for Global Young Researchers, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Suita 565-0871, Japan § PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Kawaguchi 332-0012, Japan ∥ Institute for Catalysis, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 001-0021, Japan ⊥ Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, United States ‡

S Supporting Information *

styrene, using myoglobin reconstituted with iron porphycene (FePc, Figure 1).

ABSTRACT: Myoglobin reconstituted with iron porphycene catalyzes the cyclopropanation of styrene with ethyl diazoacetate. Compared to native myoglobin, the reconstituted protein significantly accelerates the catalytic reaction and the kcat/Km value is 26-fold enhanced. Mechanistic studies indicate that the reaction of the reconstituted protein with ethyl diazoacetate is 615-fold faster than that of native myoglobin. The metallocarbene species reacts with styrene with the apparent second-order kinetic constant of 28 mM−1 s−1 at 25 °C. Complementary theoretical studies support efficient carbene formation by the reconstituted protein that results from the strong ligand field of the porphycene and fewer intersystem crossing steps relative to the native protein. From these findings, the substitution of the cofactor with an appropriate metal complex serves as an effective way to generate a new biocatalyst.


arbene transfer reactions have been investigated as fascinating abiological reactions for artificial metalloenzymes.1−4 Engineered hemoproteins provide excellent scaffolds for the catalytic activity toward carbene-transferreactions such as cyclopropanation.2,3 An artificial metalloenzyme using a cytochrome P450 scaffold has been developed by directed evolution,2 and shows high activity for the abiological cyclopropanation reaction. The modification of myoglobin through mutagenesis is also found to significantly accelerate catalysis in this reaction.3 Recent efforts have further demonstrated that metal substitution of the heme cofactor is effective for improvement of the catalytic activity.4 However, detailed experimental investigations into the catalytic mechanism have not been reported. In particular, the carbene species has not been spectroscopically detected in protein-based catalysts. In this decade, our group has focused on the structure and reactivity of hemoproteins reconstituted with metal complexes of artificial porphyrinoids.5 Here, we report the first spectroscopic observation of the active metallocarbene species,6 which efficiently promotes the cyclopropanation of © 2017 American Chemical Society

Figure 1. (a) Schematic representation of the reconstitution of myoglobin with FePc. (b) Plausible reaction pathway for the cyclopropanation of styrene catalyzed by hemoproteins.

Porphycene is a constitutional isomer of porphyrin and its metal complexes exhibit remarkably different physicochemical properties and reactivities relative to the corresponding metal porphyrins.7 We have previously reported that metalloporphycenes can act as attractive myoglobin cofactors not only for dioxygen binding but also for enzyme-like catalysis such as peroxidase or hydroxylase reactions.5 Using the reconstituted protein (rMb),8 we further evaluated the cyclopropanation reaction of styrene with ethyl diazoacetate (EDA) as a carbene Received: September 22, 2017 Published: November 17, 2017 17265

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b10154 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 17265−17268


Journal of the American Chemical Society

20 mM EDA. When 40 mM EDA is employed for the Michaelis−Menten plots at various concentrations of styrene, the kcat value increases to 0.19 s−1, whereas the Km value exhibits only a small change (Table S2). Because the kcat value for nMb depends on the EDA concentration, the reaction of the ferrous state of nMb with EDA dominantly limits the rate of product formation. Several reports also support this suggestion.12 In the case of rMb, kcat and Km were determined to be 2.1 s−1 and 1.9 mM−1, respectively. The kcat values were consistently above one, indicating that the typical steady state analysis can successfully be applied to catalysis by rMb. The reaction of rMb and nMb with EDA was further evaluated with stopped flow techniques. Figure 3a shows the

source in the presence of dithionite and we found that FePc works as a good catalyst for the cyclopropanation of styrene in the myoglobin matrix. The product, (E)-ethyl 2-phenylcyclopropanecarboxylate, was quantified by GC−MS analysis. Excitingly, rMb shows 99% formation of the trans isomer, without the need for any modification of the myoglobin matrix.9,10 In addition, a turnover frequency (TOF) of 2.2 s−1 at the initial stage of catalysis is observed (Figure S3). This value is 35 times higher than the TOF of native myoglobin (nMb) under the same conditions.11 At various concentrations of styrene and 20 mM EDA, TOFs were determined and Michaelis−Menten curves plotted (Figure 2a and Table 1).12

Figure 3. (a) Absorption spectra of the ferrous state of rMb monitored every 0.05 s for 0.5 s after the addition of 68.8 mM EDA (red line: 0 s and blue line: 0.5 s). (b) Plots of rate constants (determined from the absorption changes) against various concentrations of EDA (red square: rMb and black circle: nMb). Conditions: [protein] = 4.3 μM, [dithionite] = 8.6 mM, [EDA] = 8.6−34.4 mM (for rMb) or 34.4− 137.6 mM (for nMb) in 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer containing 5% methanol at pH 8.0 and 25 °C.

Figure 2. Plots of the TOF for the cyclopropanation reaction of styrene using EDA. General conditions: [Mb] = 4.3 μM, [dithionite] = 8.6 mM in 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer containing 5% methanol at pH 8.0 and 25 °C. TOFs were determined by the reaction rate of a period of 1 min. (a) [EDA] = 20 mM and [styrene] = 0.25− 2.0 mM. (b) [styrene] = 2.0 mM and [EDA] = 0.5−20 mM.

transient absorption spectral changes of ferrous-rMb after addition of 68.8 mM EDA. The decrease of the absorption feature at 587 nm, originating from the ferrous state, was observed with the concomitant increase of an absorption band at 620 nm with clear isosbestic points, suggesting the formation of a new species, putatively assigned as the metallocarbene intermediate.13 The time-dependent absorption changes at 620 nm were analyzed with a single exponential equation (Figure S6). Obtained kinetic constants, kobs, are plotted against various EDA concentrations and show linear relationships (Figure 3b). Similarly, the reaction of nMb with EDA was evaluated (Figure S7 and Figure 3b). The second-order rate constants k1 for rMb and nMb are determined to be 2.5 × 10−1 and 4.0 × 10−4 mM−1 s−1, respectively. The much higher k1 value for rMb compared to nMb is consistent with the higher kcat value observed for rMb. Furthermore, the reaction of the detectable carbene intermediate of rMb (Figure 3a: blue profile) with styrene was monitored by UV−vis spectroscopy as shown in Figure 4a (the experimental setup is shown in Figure S8).14 Interestingly, the addition of styrene resulted in the spectral changes from the blue to the red spectrum, with the latter being similar to that observed for ferrous rMb (see Figure 4a). The observed rate constants, k′obs, are determined by single exponential fits of the absorption changes at 620 nm. It is found that an increase in the concentration of styrene linearly accelerates the reaction (Figure 4b). The apparent secondorder rate constant k2 was determined to be 28 mM−1 s−1 at pH 8.0 from the obtained slope. Taken together, it is inferred that the catalytic reaction by rMb smoothly proceeds via the carbene intermediate to yield the cyclopropane derivatives as shown in Figure 1b. Under catalytic conditions ([EDA] = 20 mM and [styrene] = 2 mM), the kobs and k′obs values are calculated to be

Table 1. Michaelis−Menten Parameters for rMb and nMb with Various Concentrations of Styrenea Protein

kcat (s−1)

Km (mM)

kcat/Km (mM−1 s−1)

rMb nMb

1.7 ± 0.3 0.06 ± 0.01b

1.3 ± 0.4 1.2 ± 0.5b

1.3 ± 0.5 0.05 ± 0.02b


Conditions are described in the caption of Figure 2a. bPseudoMichaelis−Menten parameters under the condition of lower EDA concentration than a saturated profile.

The plots of the TOF values for both rMb and nMb were fitted in the conventional manner, and kcat values of rMb and nMb were determined to be 1.7 and 0.06 s−1, respectively. In contrast to the obvious difference in kcat, both Km values are almost the same, suggesting that styrene binding occurs at the distal site in the heme pocket of the myoglobin matrix.3 Similarly, the Michaelis−Menten parameters at various concentrations of EDA and 2.0 mM of styrene were evaluated (Figure 2b and Table 2). Interestingly, the kinetic curve of nMb does not show saturation behavior of the reaction rate, even upon addition of Table 2. Michaelis−Menten Parameters for rMb and nMb with Various Concentrations of EDAa Protein

kcat (s−1)

Km (mM)

kcat/Km (mM−1 s−1)

rMb nMb

2.1 ± 0.2 n.d.b

1.9 ± 0.6 n.d.b

1.1 ± 0.4 0.002 ± 0.0001c

a Conditions are described in the caption of Figure 2b. bNot determined. cThe kcat/Km value was determined from the slope of the linear relationship.


DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b10154 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 17265−17268


Journal of the American Chemical Society

calculated for each spin state, singlet, triplet, and quintet. The estimated energy diagrams for rMb and nMb are summarized in Figure 5, showing the key structures at each step (all optimized structures of stable intermediates in different spin states are shown in Figure S11). In the case of nMb, the stable quintet state of the catalytically active ferrous state converts to the quintet EDA adduct, and then a quintet/triplet transition occurs via the Q/T crossing point, which is the minimumenergy intersystem crossing point (MEISCP). However, the structure at the Q/T point and its potential energy are both similar to those of the optimized triplet EDA adduct, indicating that the triplet species is efficiently quenched to the stable quintet state of the EDA adduct via a negligible kinetic barrier. The inefficiently generated triplet EDA adduct must overcome an energy barrier of 4.0 kcal/mol (MEISCP T/S) to produce the singlet EDA adduct, which is allowed to transform to the singlet carbene species over an energy barrier of 7.0 kcal/mol. The total barrier for the transition from the quintet state to the singlet state of the EDA adduct is estimated to be 8.2 kcal/mol, because the direct transition from a quintet to a singlet state is prohibited by the selection rule of spin−orbit coupling (the suggested overall pathway to form the carbene species is summarized in Figure S11). In contrast to nMb, the stable triplet state of ferrous rMb,17 which results from the strong ligand field of the porphycene relative to the porphyrin, yields the triplet state of the EDA adduct. The triplet adduct is converted to the singlet adduct via MEISCP T/S (energy barrier = 6.2 kcal/mol), and then, the singlet carbene species is produced from the singlet EDA adduct via an energy barrier of 4.6 kcal/mol. Therefore, fewer steps in intersystem crossing are observed for rMb, and the smaller kinetic barriers in rMb relative to nMb strongly support the larger rate constants for the reaction of rMb with EDA compared to that of nMb. In conclusion, FePc in the myoglobin matrix is found to efficiently react with ethyl diazoacetate to generate the active carbene species for the cyclopropanation of styrene. The catalytic activity of rMb with FePc is 26-fold higher than that observed for the native iron porphyrin in the protein matrix. The present result constitutes the first spectroscopic characterization of the active carbene intermediate of a metal porphyrinoid complex in the protein matrix. Theoretical

Figure 4. (a) Absorption spectra of the product obtained by the reaction of rMb with EDA monitored every 0.05 s for 0.5 s after addition of 2.0 mM styrene (blue line: 0 s and red line: 0.5 s). (b) Plots of apparent rate constants (determined from the absorption changes) against various concentrations of styrene at pH 8.0 (green) and pH 6.0 (gray). Conditions: [rMb] = 2.2 μM, [dithionite] = 8.6 mM, [EDA] = 4 mM, [styrene] = 0.25−1.0 mM in 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer containing 5% of methanol at 25 °C. Aging time: 1 s.

5.0 and 45 s−1, respectively, using the apparent second-order rate constants due to the low solubility of styrene in water. These values are larger than kcat (1.7 s−1). These findings indicate that the reaction rate of the catalytic cyclopropanation by rMb is not limited by the reaction of the ferrous state with EDA and the reaction of the carbene species with styrene. Therefore, the release of the product is suggested to be the overall rate-limiting step. The pH of the solution seems to be a key factor for the reactivity of the metallocarbene intermediate (Figure 4b). At higher pH, a larger apparent second-order rate constant is observed, which is consistent with a larger TOF at higher pH under catalytic conditions (Table S3). To understand the different reactivity of rMb and nMb with EDA, the potential energy profiles for the cyclopropanation reaction were estimated by DFT calculations at the B97D/631g* level. Although there are several DFT studies on the electronic structure and energy profile for the carbene species with a porphyrin ligand,16 the present one is the first report on the comparison between the porphyrin and porphycene ligands and also on the reaction pathway via intersystem crossing. In these calculations, the cofactors, heme and FePc, with an imidazole ligand, were utilized as the simplified active site models (details are given in the Supporting Information). The optimized structures and relative potential energies of the ferrous state, the EDA adduct, and the carbene species were

Figure 5. Potential energy diagrams for the reactions of (a) the native heme-imidazole complex with EDA and (b) the FePc-imidazole complex with EDA. Optimized structures of stable intermediates in different spin states at each step in the reaction are shown below the diagrams. 17267

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Journal of the American Chemical Society

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investigations strongly support the fact that the strong ligand field of porphycene is useful for the efficient formation of the central carbene intermediate. This finding contributes to the rational design of highly active artificial metalloenzymes that can catalyze abiological reactions. Further investigations using various porphyrinoid metal complexes in hemoprotein matrices toward abiological reactivity are now in progress.


* Supporting Information S

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b10154. Experimental details, and characterization data (PDF)


Corresponding Authors

*[email protected] *[email protected] *[email protected] ORCID

Akira Nakayama: 0000-0002-7330-0317 Jun-ya Hasegawa: 0000-0002-9700-3309 Nicolai Lehnert: 0000-0002-5221-5498 Takashi Hayashi: 0000-0002-2215-935X Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research provided by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP15H05804 and JP15H05805 in Innovative Areas “Precisely Designed Catalysis with Customized Scaffolding”, JP15H00873, JP16K14036, JP16H06045, and JP16H00837. We appreciate support from JST PRESTO (JPMJPR15S2) and SICORP. H.M. acknowledges support from the Program for Leading Graduate Schools for Osaka University: Interdisciplinary Program for Biomedical Sciences (IPBS). N.L. acknowledges support for this work from the Associate Professor Support Fund (APSF, University of Michigan).


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