cbs laboratories - American Chemical Society

and other Cenco products. 624. Lab Glassware Washer. A 6-page leaflet describing its dual-purpose Lab- washer is availablefrom the Chemical. Rubber Co...
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No. Uzhd in the ADVANCES IN CHEMISTRY SERIES CHEMICAL MARKETING IN THE COMPETITIVE SIXTIES The chemical industry in the postwar period has moved with such large strides that many contemporary writers refer to this period as the "chemical age." Wide diversification


product, in-

creased competition between domestic and foreign producers, between companies for their share of the market, and be-

Vacuum Furnace. A four-page brochure describes vacuum furnaces of Richard D. Brew and Co., Inc. Operating temperatures and pressures are cited. 619

Success lies in coordination of the sales organization with advertising and distribution, along with assistance and guidance from departments responsible for market research, technical service, and application research. These 20 papers from an ACS symposium in 1959 reflect the recent experience of leading chemical companies, attacking the marketing problem from all sides. They provide important signposts for building sales in the years just ahead.

147 pages.

Paper bound.

Price: $3.50

Order from : Special Issues Sales American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington 6, D. C.


Balances. The 1500 series of analytical balances produced by Brinkmann Instruments, Inc., is described in a new four-page bulletin. These have capacities ranging from 100 g. to 200 g. and sensitivities of 0.01 mg. to 1 mg. depending on the model. 620 Electronic Potentiostat. The electronic potentiostat after Wenking is the subject of a 10-page bulletin by Brinkmann Instruments, Inc. Two models are described: the Standard 61TR and the fast rise 61-R. (Bulletin BR 70). 621 Rheology Instruments. An 8-page bulletin by Burrell Corp. describes six models of the Burrell-Severs extrusion rheometer used for processing and control of dispersions, polymers, and lubricants. These models cover a wide range of temperature, pressure, and viscosity. The bulletin also describes the Burrell-Castor gelometer, the Burrell-Severs thermal incline, and the Burrell-Castor dispersing mill (Bulletin 335). 622

tween different chemicals for the same end use characterize the present era.

NEW 2"

X-Ray Microanalysis. An article "X-Ray Determination of Element Distribution in Ultra Microscopes" is available in reprint form from Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd. (Reprint E-8). 623 Moisture Balance. A 6-page bulletin is available describing use of the Central Scientific Company's moisture balance and other Cenco products. 624 Lab Glassware Washer. A 6-page leaflet describing its dual-purpose Labwasher is available from the Chemical Rubber Co. 625 Moisture Monitor. A small, portable, low-cost Type 26-303 moisture monitor is described in a 4-page brochure issued by Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp. It is a coulometric-electrolytic type. (Bulletin 26303). 626 Spectrophotometer Sample Cell.


data sheet is available describing a wedge cavity cell manufactured by Connecticut Instrument Co. It is designed for solvent compensation with any double beam infrared spectrophotometer made by Perkin-Elmer or Beckman. It may be used directly as a variable path sample cell. 627 Laboratory Power Center. Singlesheet bulletin describes the Model LPC-

CBS Laboratories' 14-stage CL-1090 is the only photomultiplier tube combining LOW DARK CURRENT WITH FAST TRANSIT TIME At A Gain Of

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VOL 34, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1 962


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