Celanese CORPORATION OF AMERICA - C&EN ... - ACS Publications

Celanese Corporation of America is a chemical company engaged in three major industrial operations—the manufacture of synthetic fibers, plastics, and ...
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Celanese CORPORATION OF AIVIERICA 180 Madison Ave., New York 16, N. Y. ^ ^ e l a n e s e Corporation of America is a chemical company engaged in three major industrial operations— the manufacture of synthetic fibers, plastics, and organic chemicals. It lias 13 domestic plants, three research and development centers, some 30 groups of products, and approximately 13,000 employees. Each of the company's four operating divisions (Textiles, Chemical, Plastics, . and Foreign) is, in effect, an individual business, conducting its own research, engineering, manufacturing, marketing, and financial activities. As such, each division must fully utilize the professional talents it has available. This emphasis on maximum utilization of talents and manpower ensures continuing opportunity for individual growth. Careers i n Research Research in Celanese is conducted in t h e fields of synthetic fibers, plastics, and chemicals. The company's major research facilities are located at two modern research centers: the Central Research Laboratories a t Summit, N . J., and the Petroleum Chemicals Research and Development Laboratories at Corpus Christi, T e x . Fiber and plastics research a r e conducted at Summit, chemical and chemical engineering research at Corpus Christi.

Maximum utilization of talents and manpower ensures continuing opportunity for individual growth 24



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Careers i n Development The commercial utility of laboratory-proved products is determined by the company's scientific and engineering staffs at four principal development centers and in the manufacturing plants. Projects are carried through the pilot plant stages t o the point of design for the commercial plant, including raw material, process, and production specifications. Plastics development w o r k is conducted a t laboratories in Summit and Newark, N . J . Chemical Division development w o r k is carried on a t both Summit and Corpus Christi,

Tex. Synthetic fiber development activities are consolidated at new development laboratories in Charlotte, K. C. Careers in Engineering The growth and diversification of Celanese operations in recent years have created a need for many engineering talents—in design, construction, research, process development, product development, production, sales, and management. Each industrial division has its own divisional engineering group. These groups serve a s technical consultants t o corporate and divisional executives, also provide advisory service to Celanese plants on specialized engineering matters. Careers i n Production Maintaining and supervising production at the company's 13 chemical, plastics, and textile plants involve many areas of technical activity. These include the responsibility for raw material supply, process engineering and plant development, unit operations, production schedules, plant maintenance, safety standards, instrumentation, quality control, and production costs. Careers i n Marketing Technically trained men will find that Celanese offers promising careers in technical sales and service (each division has its own sales staff) as well as in such auxiliary functions as sales development, application and product development, market research, and market development. "Careers with Celanese" For more information about Celanese—its history, organization, employee benefits, and operating policies—send for the 40-page illustrated booklet, "Careers with Celanese." Write: Personnel Department C E N , Celanese Corporation of America, 180 Madison Ave., New York 16, N. Y. (ADVERTISEMENT)