Cell selection on a chip MEETING NEWS

May 1, 2005 - cheap. Bachman says that they are cur- rently using SU-8 for research purposes, but the commercial chips they envision for the future wi...
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MEETING NEWS MicroScale Bioseparations 2005—New Orleans, La.

Cell selection on a chip The selection of a single cell from a heterogeneous population can be laborious, time-consuming, and expensive. In addition, hundreds of thousands of cells are needed for the sorting and selection process, of which less than half survive to the end. To overcome these limitations, Nancy Allbritton and colleagues Mark Bachman, G. P. Lee, and Chris Sims at the University of California, Irvine, are developing a chip that could make cell selections easier, faster, and more economical. The new chip consists of a glass slide with an array of pallets. The pallets are fabricated out of SU-8 by photolithography and can range from 30 to 500 µm in diameter. The gaps between the pallets are usually 5 µm. The investigators hope to ultimately develop chips that are disposable and cheap. Bachman says that they are currently using SU-8 for research purposes, but the commercial chips they envision for the future will have pallets made out of materials that are more amenable to large-scale manufacturing, such as polyimide or polyester. The investigators have developed techniques to change the surface chemistry of SU-8 and other polymers so that a variety of biomolecules can bind to it. For cell selection, polylysine and other charged molecules are used so that cells can attach to the pallets. When cells are plated onto the chip at the proper dilution, single cells sit on individual pallets. The pallet coating of the SU-8 is done in such a way as to ensure that the cells prefer the tops of the pallets rather than the intervening spaces on the glass slide. Wells can also be formed on top of the pallets so that the cells comfortably sit on the pallet. The array of cells on the pallets can be visualized by conventional light microscopy. When a cell of interest is identified on a pallet, Allbritton and colleagues 162 A

focus a 5-ns pulse from a Nd:YAG laser at the interface of the pallet and the glass slide. Plasma of submicrometer dimensions is produced at the interface, and a shock wave travels out of the plas-

formed ones. Another major application is stem-cell research. Purified stem cells don’t often remain in their original state but continue to differentiate, which causes the population to turn into a mix







Cells are plated on an array of pallets and can be individually selected and released.

ma at supersonic velocities, causing the pallet to lift off the glass slide. The loosened pallet is either collected by a pipette or moved into a microchannel by fluid flow. Because the plasma formation is a localized phenomenon, the laser pulse only releases a single pallet. The process of releasing pallets can be repeated as many times as needed. Allbritton and Bachman say that preliminary viability studies indicate that the cells are not harmed by the procedure. Allbritton explains that an advantage of the chip is that a large population of cells is not required for the selection. Small sample sizes are desirable in many biological applications because large quantities of cells can be hard to come by. Conventional cell-selection techniques, such as flow cytometry, require hundreds of thousands of cells, but the chip technology only needs a starting sample of ~10,000 cells. Bachman also points out that with the chip, “you can scan literally half a million sites at a time.” This speeds up the selection process. Applications for the chip are numerous because many areas in biology rely on sorting and selection of cells. Cancer research is one example. Transformation assays involve introducing oncogenic viruses into cells and then separating the transformed cells from the nontrans-

A N A LY T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y / M A Y 1 , 2 0 0 5

of stem cells and differentiated progeny after several days in culture. This forces biologists to continuously select for pure stem cells. And applications for the chip aren’t just restricted to cell selection. “You can imagine it as an assay platform,” says Allbritton. One example is DNA hybridization. Individual oligonucleotide pieces can be deposited on the pallets by a standard DNA spotter. A library of oligonucleotides modified with fluorophores can be incubated on the chip and the DNA sequences of interest identified. Bachman says, “Now you can actually remove those pallets by the [laser] technique, collect them, and then use PCR on just that piece of DNA. This chip becomes a great screen for purifying DNA.”


Rajendrani Mukhopadhyay reports from