Central role of the trisulfur trinitride(1-) and tetrasulfur pentanitride(1

T. Chivers , W. G. Laidlaw , R. T. Oakley , M. Trsic. Journal of the American ... T. Chivers , L. Fielding , W. G. Laidlaw , and M. Trsic. Inorganic C...
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Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta. Canada T2N IN4

Central Role of the S3N3-and S4N5-Ions in the Deprotonation of Tetrasulfur Tetraimide and in the Reductive or Nucleophilic Degradation of Tetrasulfur Tetranitride J. BOJES, T. CHIVERS,* I. DRUMMOND, and G . MACLEAN Receiued J u n e 26, 1978