tensions, complete with platinum ring and metal carrying case, ... CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC. COMPANY. General Offices and Factory—1708 Irving Park Road ·...
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For utmost accuracy in the measurement

of SURFACE PHENOMENA C E N C O - d u NOUY® TENSIOMETER This precision apparatus provides for the determination of both surface and interfacial tensions by the ring method. Complete determinations can be made in a matter of minutes. Readings are direct from the scale, reproducible to within ±0.05 dyne. (See A S T M D971-50.) No. 70535 for measurement of upward interfacial and surface tensions, complete with platinum ring and metal carrying case, ÔQCn


No. 70545 (illustrated) for measurement of forces required to break interfacial and surface tensions by both upward and downward movement of ring, complete with platinum ring and metal carrying case.


each $375.00


Ask for your copy of Bulletin 102. It contains full details about these and other Cenco instruments for measuring and observing surface phenomena.

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This device was designed and developed for determining the area of monomolecular films floating upon No. 70551 Hydrophil the water by measurement of Balance complete the film pressure. Such measure. . . $425.00 ^hsg*m ments reveal oxidation, development of polar molecules and other characteristics of oils and film forming liquids. Approximate tray size, 65 χ 14 χ 1.5 c / m .

CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC C O M P A N Y G e n e r a l Offices a n d F a c t o r y — 1 7 0 8 Irving Park Road · Chicago 1 3 , Illinois Branches a n d W a r e h o u s e s — M o u n t a i n s i d e , N . J . · B o s t o n · B i r m i n g h a m C e n t r a l S c i e n t i f i c Co. of C a l i f o r n i a — S a n t a Clara · Los A n g e l e s Refinery Supply Company—Tulsa · Houston C e n t r a l S c i e n t i f i c Co. of C a n a d a , L t d . — T o r o n t o · M o n t r e a l · V a n c o u v e r · O t t a w a For further information, circle number 24 A on Readers' Service Card, page 73 A