THE CHEMICAL WORLD THIS WEEK as coagulants. Often lime, soda ash, or caustic soda is added beforehand to raise the pH value and stabilize the carbonate constituents. Potassium permanganate is utilized in a few cases to oxidize ferrous and manganous compounds to their insoluble forms. Chlorine-holding compounds or copper sulfate carriers are added to kill bacteria and algae. Used only once, water injected into closed systems -usually is not treated again. Sequestering agents, like sodium hexametaphosphate or tetraphosphate, are sometimes employed to prevent future formation of insoluble compounds and corrosion. If subsurface bacteria are found to exist in the oil of the well, compounds like chlorine bleaches and formaldehyde are added as bactericides. For open and closed systems much the same process occurs as for the original treatment of the water, dependent of course on what analysis reveals is necessary to deliver neutral water to the well. The bureau stresses the role of the chemical engineer in such an operation as being most necessary from the standpoint of getting the best recovery and conservation. A free copy of the report may be obtained from the Bureau of Mines, Publications Distribution Section, 4800 Forbes St., Pittsburgh 13, Pa.
engineering; Pennsylvania State College, petroleum engineering; Rice Institute, chemical engineering; Texas A. & M. College, petroleum engineering; University of Texas, geology and petroleum engineering; and University of Tulsa, petroleum engineering. Each fellowship carries a stipend of $1500 as well as tuition and fees. The stipend has been increased $250 over last year. Stanolind fellowships are available to all qualified students, with selection of the fellows to be made by the respective schools in cooperation with Stanolind. The company makes no reservations whatever about patent rights or subsequent employment of the fellow in its organiza-
tion, and a n y benefits deriving from t h e studies will b e made available to the e n tire petroleum industry in accordance with company policy.
Note · . ·
Rutgers University is offering a course in "Science for Teachers" to set forth the impact of t h e various sciences on the problems confronting society. Conservation is the broad problem the group discussed the first semester. Classes have been held b y a physicist, a geographer, a botanist, a chemist, and by members of the department of wildlife conservation and management.
STEARATES . . . . Glyceryl mono esters glycol mono esters
polyethylene glycol esters
C e n t r a l Scientific Offers G r a d u a t e Scholarships
for use
Central Scientific Co. will offer two scholarships for graduate study for the academic year 1953—54, to be awarded to university students majoring in the physical sciences and engineering. The scholarships, limited to citizens of the United States, will include a $1000 award to a student working for his master's degree and $1500 to a student at the doctor's level. The funds will be used to assist the graduate in meeting school expenses. Interested students should apply in writing not later than April 15 to the Scholarship Committee, Central Scientific Co., 1700 Irving Park Road, Chicago 13, 111. Letters must include personal data, school chosen for graduate study, courses contemplated, some description of the research problem on which the student is working, and a transcript of his college credits.
as emulsifying, suspending, thickening and stabilizing agents for foods-, drugs and cosmeticsto increase shelf-life and improve texture of baked goods; to plasticize and reduce tack of candy and chewing gum. as anti-tack agents for rubber; anti-geiling agents for starch; plasticizers for paper. n textile sizing and finishing compounds; as emuJsifier for oils, solvents and waxes. as thickening agents, pigment dispersants and lubricants. Send for our booklet "Esters by Glyco." The properties of our stéarates outlined therein may suggest application to your particular problem.
Stanolind A w a r d s 15 Fellowships f o r 1953-54 Thirteen colleges and universities have been awarded 15 Stanolind Oil and Gas Co. fellowships for the 1953-54 academic year. Included in the list are the following schools and the fields of research in which the grants will b e made: Louisiana State University, chemistry and paleontology; University of Oklahoma, petroleum
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