Chain Structure and Conformation of Macromolecules (Bovey, Frank A

Chain Structure and Conformation of Macromolecules (Bovey, Frank A.; Jelinski, Lynn W.) Charles E. Carraher. J. Chem. Educ. , 1984, 61 (7), p A209...
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and an interesting variety ofproblems. There are relatively few errors, and the layout and large-scale presentation of the plots is attractively done. R. W. Ramette Cariton College ~


Northfield. MN 55057

Chain Structure and Conformation of Macromolecules Frank A. Boveyand Lynn W. Jelhski, Academic Press, Inc.. New York, NY, 1982. x 259 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 23.5 cm.



"Chain Structure and Conformation of Macromolecules" is well illustrated. The introductory chapter is written at a level suitable for the general chemist prwidinp, needed introductory iniormation. The second chapter fucussed on thwr~ricaland pmcticd a s p e w of vibmt~onaland NMR spwtrwopy with a ~ ~ l i c a r i o"feathered" ns in rhnuchmt the remaining six chapten. The "int&orrelation" is a major positive feature and to he highly commended. Stereochemical configuration and its observation is described in the third chapter and includes a good intercorrelation of experimental approaches, data, interpretation, and theory. Configurational analysis employing proton, carbon-13, and fluorine NMR soeetroseoov, is emohasized. C h a ~ t e r 4 cuntain5 a hlmilar treatment isomerism for dime polymers forus:'4 n g i m polybutadiene, polyisoprene, and polychoroprene. Chapter five deals with the structure and composition of copolymers beginning with a description of the copolymer equation, reactivity ratios, and determination of reactivity ratios. The bulk of the chapter again deals with the determination of monomer sequences employing spectronic techniques. Regioregularity and branching in vinyl polymers is dealt with in chapter 6. Again suitable introductory information is supplied. The regioregularity of polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl alcohol, and fluorovinyl polymers is emphasized as is branching in polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, and polyvinyl acetate. The Chain conformation of polymers (chapter 7) details both theoretical and experimental observations of polymers in solution and within amorphous and crystalline states. The final chapter was written hy L. W. Jelinski and orovides a descriotion of the new methud ot'"mn:~r angle" spinning 1,s which both h ~ y hresdtltim ..tructurnl ~nfurmat~un and dynamic nle&urmwnrs are pusg~hlrwith solid samples. The first seven chapters are based on lectures delivered in 1981 at MIT. The treatment is a t the uoner . . level undereraduate and entry graduate level. Ir is w ~ l suited l for use ds a one-quarter or o n e - s e m e ~ etext r and a welcome addition to academic hhrarws and the private libraries of spectroscopists and polymer chemists. Charles E. Carraher, Jr. Wright State University





Dayton. OH 45435

Volume 61

Number 7

July 1984
