Change in concentration with time

This very simple lecture experiment shows how the rate of areaction is ... 5 drops 2-chloro-2-methylpropane (tert-butyl chloride) timepiece that indic...
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edited by GEORGE L. GILBERT Denison University Granville. Ohio 43023

Change in Concentration with Time S U B M BY ~ Jean 8. Umland Univars~ol Houston-Downtown Houston, TX 77002 Danlel E. Ryan Denlson Unlrerdly Granrill., OH 43025 This very simple lecture experiment shows how the rate of areaction is fast a t first and then gradually decreases to zero when one reactant has been used up. The demonstration is useful as an introduction t o kinetics. Materials 250-ml beaker 100 ml deionized water 1drop saturated NaCL glass stirring rod or magnetic stirrer with stirring bar pH meter, preferably digital glass dropper 5 drops 2-chloro-2-methylpropane(tert-butyl chloride) timepiece that indicates seconds Procedure Place 100 ml of deionized water in the beaker. Add 1drop saturated NaCl solution. Stir and record the pH. Prepare a table in which to record time and pH. Assign one student to record data in table, one to read the pH meter, and one to read the timepiece. At a signal from the student reading the clock, to the stirred solution add, all at once, a volume of tert- butvl chloride eouivalent to five drons. The time of addition should he r&orded as r&o time. Record pH a t 15-r intervnk e down, [hen at longer intervals until until the rate of d e c r r ~ slows the pH hecomes constant. The infinity reading can be recorded after about 10 min. Comments The saturated NaCl solution is added to provide ions at the beginning so that the pH meter will give a steady reading. T o save time and allow students to concentrate on kinetics, the tahle of data from a orevious run is orovided. The concentration of tert-butyl'chloride was calculated from the difference between the initial and final concentrations of hydrogen ion, assuming that all the tert-hutyl chloride initiallv Dresent was converted to hvdrocloric acid accordina to .HCI. the equation, (CH3)3CCI+ ~ ~ 0 (CH&COH


Time pH 0 15

5.85 4.42

A graph of concentrations of hydrogen ion and tert-butvl chlorideas functions of time can be uied to show how to calculate rate of reaction from the slope of the tangent and to

show that the half-life for this reaction is constant (over the first 75%of the reaction). Comparison of graphs of concentration of tert-hutyl chloride, log concentration of tert-butyl chloride, and the reciprocal of the concentration of t-hutyl chloride as functions of time for the first 120 s (>85%reaction) illt~srr~tes one method of finding the order of a reaction. The effect of lowering the remperature on reaction rate can be shown by using a foamed plastic ice bucket to make a constant temperature bath. The effect of solvent polarity on the rate of this reaction can be shown by substituting mixtures of alcohol or acetone and water for the deionized water making the demonstration a good starting point for a discussion of reaction mechanism.

Invisible Water: A Gas Density Demonstration SUBMI-


Richard P. Maciel LlncolhSudbvry Regional Hlgh School 390 LlncOln Road Sudbury, MA 02038 CHECKEDBY

Fred Juergens Unlverslfy 01 Wlrconsln-MadIran Madison, WI 53706 In an eyecatching demonstration of gas densities, we use the ethane, TTE. Its movapor of 1,1,2-trichloro-1.2,2-trifluoro lecular weight of 187 gives it adensity about six times that of air. We use a CHEM Study approach to molecular weights. After introducing the gas laws to show how all gases are alike, we measure some gas densities to show that gases differ. We then try to reinforce this difference in the next class by demonstration. The materials used include several lighted candles, an aquarium with a black back, a 1-1heaker, and a homemade double-walled hottle. Also hidden nearby are a container of bubhle-blowing soap and a huhhle wand. Just hefore class about 10 mL of T T E are poured into each the hottle and the aquarium. Our a ~ ~ r o a is c hto start the demonstration as a side show while leicuring on the apparently, at first, unrelated topic of atomic svmbols and molecular formulae. When the students are seated, we complain about the leaking roof (no matter what the weather is doing). Setting the bottle under an imaginary leak in the ceiling, we start the lecture. After 2 or 3 min we look a t the bottle and say it is about t o overflow. So we pour the "stuff' that leaked from the ceiling into the liter beaker. Of course the students cannot see anything happening. After resetting the hottle under the leak, we decide to put out a candle by pouring the "stuff' from the apparently empty beaker over it. Manv are surorised when the candle flame is obviously swamped and extinguished. Returning to the lecture for a couple of minutes allows time for the vapor to re-form in the bottle. The second time, we use the vapor similarly, except we pour it down a trough of folded paper to extinguish the flame. Again the hottle is allowed to refill under the leak. However, this time and one or two more times, the vapor is poured into the aquarium. Only then do we begin to notice that it is hard to see the surface of the stuff in the aquarium. Somehow the proposal is made to float "something" on the surface of the stuff. From a desk drawer Volume 62

Number 2

February 1985