Changes for Volume 76 - Journal of Natural Products (ACS Publications)

Dec 17, 2012 - Isobutylhydroxyamides from the Pericarp of Nepalese Zanthoxylum ... of Brevipolides, Bioactive 5,6-Dihydro-α-pyrones from Hyptis brevi...
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Changes for Volume 76


his year, the special issue of the Journal of Natural Products in March will honor Dr. Lester A. Mitscher, University Distinguished Professor Emeritus, of the University of Kansas. Dr. Mitscher is well-known both as a medicinal chemist and as a natural products chemist, and he is a former President of the American Society of Pharmacognosy. Two of his colleagues from the University of Kansas, Drs. Tom Prisinzano and Barbara Timmermann, are serving as Guest Editors for this special issue. The first of two journal cover illustrations in 2013 shows a native U.S. prairie plant that was used formerly in folkloric medicine, with its bioactive withanolide constituents being of interest today for their potential in cancer chemotherapy. This illustration and the accompanying caption were provided by Dr. Barbara Timmermann. For the second six-month period of 2013, the cover illustration to be used will feature an organism of medicinal interest in Taiwan and will be provided by Prof. Shoei-Sheng Lee, of National Taiwan University. The selection of our Arthur E. Schwarting and Jack L. Beal Awards for best papers each year in the Journal of Natural Products is now a well-established activity. Open access is provided for all winners of these two prestigious awards on the journal web page ( The winning papers for 2011 (selected in 2012) were as follows: Schwarting Award (open to all corresponding authors): Brandon I. Morinaka and Tadeusz (Ted) F. Molinski (J. Nat. Prod. 2011, 74, 430−440; doi 10.1021/np1008637); Beal Award (contribution submitted by a younger investigator as corresponding author): Hiyas A. Junio, Arlene A. Sy-Cordero, Keivan A. Ettefagh, Johnna T. Burns, Kathryn T. Micko, Tyler N. Graf, Scott J. Richter, Robert E. Cannon, Nicholas H. Oberlies, and Nadja B. Cech (J. Nat. Prod. 2011, 74, 1621− 1629; doi 10.1021/np200336g). Drs. Molinski and Cech and their coauthors are to be congratulated! Finally, mention should be made of a splendid symposium at the International Congress of Natural Products Research (New York City, July 28−August 1, 2012), which was held in honor of the 75th volume of the Journal of Natural Products and its predecessor journal Lloydia. This meeting attracted over 1300 participants and was organized by the American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP) and four sister scientific societies from Europe. The speakers at the journal symposium were Drs. Bill Gerwick (University of California−San Diego), Rachel Mata (National Autonomous University of Mexico), and George (Bob) Pettit (Arizona State University). This symposium was made all the more meaningful since each meeting participant received as keepsakes a commemorative poster and a booklet summarizing the history of the journal. Last year’s symposium was dedicated to Dr. David J. Slatkin (Chicago State University), who for many years served as Treasurer of the ASP and as a member of the Management Board of the journal. The Editors of this journal are very grateful to the Publications Division of the American Chemical Society for their sponsorship and overall strong support of our 75th anniversary symposium. © 2012 American Chemical Society and American Society of Pharmacognosy

A. Douglas Kinghorn, Editor-in-Chief AUTHOR INFORMATION


Views expressed in this editorial are those of the author and not necessarily the views of the ACS.

Published: December 17, 2012 1 | J. Nat. Prod. 2013, 76, 1−1