Changes to Viewpoints - ACS Publications

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Changes to Viewpoints tarting in 2010, we changed the ES&T Viewpoint style from a longer form akin to Features to a more op-ed format. This was done to encourage novel scholarly debate on environmental issues of immediate and/or ongoing concern. Having gauged the popularity of this new style and our desire to hasten the communication of these manuscripts, we are making further changes to the handling of Viewpoints:


1. Viewpoints are no longer peer-reviewed. Like Letters to the Editor (which are correspondence regarding recently published Features, Comments, and/or News), Viewpoints are subject to editorial approval. 2. Starting September 1, 2010, all submitted Viewpoints must adhere to the following length restrictions: a. 1000 words text body b. One figure (single “frame”) with 50 word caption maximum or 1 data table of 350 words or less c. Five references maximum

Title, author names and affiliations, and references are not included in the word count. Viewpoints do not have abstracts, table of contents briefs, or TOC art. Any Viewpoints that do not adhere to these restrictions will be unsubmitted.


 2010 American Chemical Society

Published on Web 06/10/2010

Viewpoints will not be edited aside from that required by our style guide. Selection criteria will include novelty, appropriateness, argument presentation, and quality. Prospective authors are urged to peruse recent issues of ES&T to determine whether their message contributes new thoughts to the debate. All authors are directed to our detailed Instructions to Authors at authors.html. Note that this communication will be published prior to the Instructions’ revised version appearing. Jerald L. Schnoor Editor Darcy J. Gentleman Managing Editor