Chapman Valves Since 1875

All Chapman equipment and operations are designed to meet exacting demands with valves that give top performance with the lowest maintenance cost...
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Chapman Valves

Since 1875

for the Power Industry Cross section of special C h a p m a n Valve of the type used on the primary coolant loop of the first atomic submarine, the Nautilus. Operates a t 2000 lb. pressure a t 600°F.

Since the days when a 300 pound steam valve was considered an important development, the Valve I n d u s t r y has added m a n y higher s t a n d a r d pressure ratings. New and special valves have also been developed and built by C h a p m a n , including primary coolant valves for the Nautilus; M a r k I and I I ; A1W and SOW Valves for the first large ship reactors; valves for the Dresden reactor; and m a n y others.

Chapman Valve, since its organization in 1875, has k e p t in step with developments in the Power Industry; meeting promptly and efficiently the demands for valves to withstand increased pressure and temperature specifications. T h e Chapman line today covers a complete standard range to 2500 lb. and special designs for super-critical pressures. Keeping pace with the Power Industry . . . keeping pace with all industries . . . has kept Chapman alive and aggressive. Every phase of manufacturing is under close supervision. Chapman foundries manufacture its casting requirements under technical supervision with results checked by a million volt x-ray machine to insure a maximum quality product. All Chapman equipment and operations are designed to meet exacting demands with valves t h a t give top performance with the lowest maintenance cost.

The CHAPMAN Valve Manufacturing Co. I N D I A N

O R C H A R D ,


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