Characterization and Comparison of Three Passive Air Samplers for

Inhalation and Dietary Exposure to PCBs in Urban and Rural Cohorts via Congener-Specific Measurements. Matt D. Ampleman , Andrés Martinez , Jeanne De...
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Environ. Sci. Technol. 2002, 36, 4142-4151

Characterization and Comparison of Three Passive Air Samplers for Persistent Organic Pollutants MAHIBA SHOEIB AND TOM HARNER* Meteorological Service of Canada, Environment Canada, 4905 Dufferin Street, Toronto, Ontario M3H 5T4, Canada

The accumulation of persistent organic pollutants by three passive sampling mediassemipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs), polyurethane foam (PUF) disks, and an organic-rich soilswas investigated. The media were exposed to contaminated indoor air over a period of 450 days, and concentrations in the air and in the media were monitored for individual polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and polychlorinated naphthalene homologue groups. Uptake was initially linear and governed by the surface area of the sampler and the boundary layer airside mass transfer coefficient (MTC). Mean values of the MTC were 0.13, 0.11, and 0.26 cm s-1 for SPMD, PUF, and soil, respectively. As the study progressed, equilibrium was established between ambient air and the passive sampling media for the lower molecular weight PCB congeners. This information was used to calculate passive samplerair partition coefficients, KPSM-A. These were correlated to the octanol-air partition coefficient, and the resulting regressions were used to predict KPSM-A for the full suite of PCBs. Information on MTC, KPSM-A, surface area, and effective thickness of each sampler was used to estimate times to equilibrium for each medium. These ranged from tens of days for the lower molecular weight congeners to tens of years for the higher molecular weight PCBs. Expressions were also developed to relate the amount of chemical accumulated by the passive sampling media to average ambient air concentrations over the integration period of the sample.

Introduction Passive samplers are chemical accumulators that can be used to assess ambient concentrations (or fugacities) in either homogeneous or heterogeneous media into which they are deployed. They are increasingly employed in investigations of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Examples include solid-phase microextraction (SPME) (1, 2), semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) (3-9), and recently polymercoated glass (POGs) (10, 11). Natural and organic phases such as vegetation (12, 13), soil (14), and even butter (15) have also been used to assess air burdens of POPs. Organic media such as the ones mentioned above have a high capacity (high fugacity potential) for organic chemicals. This property allows them to accumulate airborne contaminants. The extent to which the chemicals are enriched relative to air is dependent on the passive sampler medium (PSM)air partition coefficient, KPSM-Asessentially a ratio of the * Corresponding author telephone: (416)739-4837; fax: (416)7395708; e-mail: [email protected]. 4142 9 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 36, NO. 19, 2002

analyte concentration in the PSM divided by the concentration in air when the two phases are in equilibrium. Equivalently, KPSM-A is a ratio of fugacity capacities (Z values) in the phases of interest. Previous studies have successfully used the octanol-air partition coefficient (KOA) as a surrogate for KPSM-A (5, 16). In order to use passive samplers quantitatively to assess ambient air concentrations, it is necessary to know the sampling rate and KPSM-A. These are determined during calibration exercises for different classes of chemicals. Qualitative interpretation of passive sampler data may also prove to be useful; for instance, for identifying chemical signatures or “fingerprints” and for assessing emission sources of POPs. In some situations, passive samplers may be the only option. Active sampling using conventional high-volume air samplers requires pumps, sampling heads, and a source of electricity. Consequently, this type of sampling can be very costly and not always feasible, especially if several concurrent samples are required at different locations. There is an incentive therefore to further develop passive sampling technology. In this study, three organic media [SPMDs, polyurethane foam (PUF) disks, and soil] were tested and compared in terms of their functionality and versatility as passive samplers of POPs in air.

Experimental Section Air Sampling. Three types of passive sampling media were used in this study: U.S. Geological Survey SPMDs consisted of ∼1 g of triolein enclosed in lay-flat low-density polyethylene tubing purchased from Environmental Sampling Technologies (EST Labs, St Joseph, MO). Dimensions, 90 cm long × 2.75 cm wide; surface area, 495 cm2; mass (triolein plus membrane), 4.41 g; volume, 8.5 cm3; density, 0.519 g cm-3; effective thickness (volume/surface area), 0.017 cm. PUF disks are the same polyurethane foam often used for active high-volume sampling and was purchased from PacWill Environmental (Stoney Creek, ON). Dimensions, 14 cm diameter × 1.35 cm thick; surface area, 365 cm2; mass, 4.40 g; volume, 207 cm3; density, 0.0213 g cm-3; effective thickness, 0.567 cm. Soil was a commercial topsoil purchased from a garden center and sieved. Fraction of organic carbon, 0.095; dry soil bulk density, 0.71 g cm-3; density of soil solids, 1.31 g cm-3. Ten SPMDs and PUF disks were deployed in a large laboratory of an office building (constructed ca. 1970) on four parallel rods of about 1.5 m long mounted from the ceiling. The SPMD and PUF disks were held in SPMD “spider” carriers (EST Labs, St. Joseph, MO). Five samplers were mounted on each rod with spacing of ∼30 cm between samplers. Soil was exposed in a 0.5 cm thick layer on a 40 cm diameter stainless steel tray (surface area of soil ∼1250 cm2) mounted on one of the rods. Samples were harvested on days 0 (n ) 2), 10, 29, 64 (n ) 2), 170, 290 (n ) 2), and 450 (n ) 2 for soil). Soil samples were collected as 0.5 cm thick pie segments (∼100 cm2), with care taken not to disturb or mix the soil remaining in the tray. The temperature in the laboratory was 22 ( 2 °C over the course of the study. Seven active high-volume air samples (PS-1, Tisch Environmental, Cleves, OH) were collected throughout the timecourse of the experiment (April 2000-June 2001). A single PUF plug (6.8 cm diameter × 4.2 cm) was used to sample the air. On two occasions (June and October 2000), the particle phase was collected by including a glass fiber filter (GFF) ahead of the PUF. The GFF was preconditioned by firing in 10.1021/es020635t CCC: $22.00

Published 2002 by the Am. Chem. Soc. Published on Web 08/31/2002

a furnace at 425 °C for 24 h. For the samples collected in August and October 2000, two PUF plugs were used in series to assess potential breakthrough of test compounds. All PUF plugs and PUF disks were precleaned by using water and then by Soxhlet extraction for 24 h using acetone and then petroleum ether. PUF plugs and disks were dried in a desiccator and stored in glass jars with Teflon-lined lids prior to and after exposure. High-volume air samples were collected over a period of 2-4 h with corresponding air volumes of 60-150 m3. Extraction. PUFs disks (passive samples) and front and back PUF (active samples) were individually extracted by Soxhlet in petroleum ether for 24 h. GFF were extracted by Soxhlet for 24 h using dichloromethane (DCM). Extracts were concentrated by rotary evaporation, blown down to about 1 mL with a gentle stream of nitrogen, and then solventexchanged into isooctane. Extraction of soils was performed by weighing exactly ∼10-15 g into small beaker, mixing with anhydrous sodium sulfate (BDH Inc, Toronto, Canada), and then grinding using a mortar and pestle for ∼1 min until a fine, grainy consistency was achieved. The mixture was transferred to a 150-mL ceramic thimble and extracted by Soxhlet for 24 h using DCM. Thimbles were cleaned prior to use by baking for 24 h at 425 °C. Soil extracts were concentrated using a rotary evaporator and then a gentle stream of nitrogen and solvent-exchanged into isooctane. Soil moisture content was determined for each sample by weighing a portion of the sample before and after drying at 70-80 °C. Dry soil bulk density was approximated by weighing a large volume of dry soil in a 50-mL graduated cylinder. Organic carbon analysis (Desert Analytics, Tucson, AZ) was performed using a Control Equipment Corporation 440 elemental analyzer after acidification with 10% HCl to remove carbonates. After harvesting, SPMDs were stored in the freezer in sealed aluminum containers and shipped to EST laboratory under ice for dialysis in hexane and gel permeation chromatography (GPC). Prior to dialysis, SPMDs were thoroughly brushed to remove any particle or dust stuck to the outer membrane. Extracts were concentrated to about 0.5 mL using UHP nitrogen gas, filtered through sodium sulfate, and quantitatively transferred to vials for GPC cleanup using DCM. Sample extracts were solvent-exchanged into hexane, then quantitatively transferred into ampules, and shipped back to our laboratory for further cleanup, fractionation, and quantification. Sample Analysis. Extracts from all active and passive sampling media were fractionated on silicic acid-alumina column to separate PCBs from PAHs and polar compounds. The column consisted of 3 g of silicic acid (deactivated with 3% water) (Mallinckrodt Baker, Paris, KY) overlaid with 2 g of neutral alumina (deactivated with 6% water) (EM Science Inc. Glbbstown, NJ), and topped with 1 cm of anhydrous sodium sulfate. The column was prewashed with 30 mL of dichloromethane and then 30 mL of petroleum ether. The sample was eluted with 30 mL of petroleum ether (fraction 1, containing PCBs and PCNs) and then with 30 mL of DCM (fraction 2, containing PAHs, OC pesticides, and other polar compounds). Fractions were blown down to about 1 mL under a gentle stream of UHP nitrogen and solventexchanged into isooctane. PCB congeners (2-Cl to 10-Cl) were determined using a Hewlett-Packard 5890 gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with split/splitless injector and an electron capture detector (ECD). Injector and detector temperatures were kept at 250 and 300 °C, respectively. A 60-m DB-5 column (J&W Scientific) with 0.25 mm i.d. and 0.25 µm film thickness was operated with hydrogen carrier gas. The GC oven temperature program was as follows: initial at 90 °C hold for 0.5 min, 15 °C min-1 to 160 °C, then 2 °C min-1 to 260 °C, hold for 10 min. Mirex

TABLE 1. Mean Percent Recovery of 13C PCB Surrogate Standards for Active and Passive Air Samplesa compd





PCB 81 PCB 77 PCB 105 13C PCB 126

81.7 (8.5) 80.1 (15) 90.8 (11) 89.7 (7.2)

87.8 (7.5) 95.2 (21) 87.9 (14) 79.7 (11)

88.0 (8.9) 110 (24) 99.9 (12) 87.8 (14)

81.8 (16) 85.4 (19) 88.4 (18) 61.8 (6.7)

13C 13C 13C


SD in parentheses.

(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC) was used as the internal standard to correct for volume difference. Coplanar PCBs (non-ortho congeners 77, 81, and 126 and mono-ortho congeners 105, 114, 118, and 156) were determined by gas chromatography-negative ion mass spectrometry (GC-NIMS) on a Hewlett-Packard 6890 GC-5973 mass selective detector (MSD) (all PCB standards were purchased from AccuStandard Inc, New Haven, CT). GC conditions were identical to those used for GC-ECD analysis. Methane was used as reagent gas with a flow of 2.2 mL min-1. Transfer line, ion source, and quadrupole temperatures were kept at 275, 150, and 106 °C, respectively. The instrument was operated in selective ion mode (SIM) with target/qualifier ions 292/290 for tetra-PCBs, 326/328/324 for penta-PCBs and 360/362 for hexa-PCBs. Surrogate standards containing 13C PCBs 77, 81, 105, and 126 (purchased from CIL, Andover, MA) were also determined using GC-NIMS with target/ qualifier ions 302/304 for 13C PCBs 77 and 81 and ions 336/ 338 for 13C PCBs 105 and 126. PCNs were also determined in SIM mode with target/qualifier ions 232/230 for tri-, 266/ 264 for tetra-, 300/298 for penta-, 334/332 for hexa-, and 368/366 for heptachloropolychlorinated naphthalene. Quantification of PCNs was based on assigned mass contributions in Halowax1014 (U.S. EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC) as presented in Harner and Bidleman (17). Quality Assurance/Quality Control. Surrogate recoveries were determined for all samples by spiking with a mixture of 13C PCBs 77, 81, 105, and 126 (400 pg of each) prior to extraction (PUF disks and soil) or dialysis (SPMDs). Surrogate amounts were similar to detected quantities of native PCBs in samples. Results (Table 1) show good recoveries that range from 62% to 110%. SD values were less than 20% in more than 85% of the analyses. Recovery factors were not applied to any of the data. Previous air sampling studies in our laboratory using the same methodology have established good recoveries for the target chemicals investigated here. For instance, recoveries of PCBs were 80-120% (18). Duplicate blanks performed on all media were generally low and were included as the time zero value for the uptake study. Soil used in the study was obtained from an outdoor agricultural site and thus had a low level of PCB and PCN contamination resulting from extended exposure to outdoor air. However, these initial concentrations were low as compared to high levels observed during this study that resulted from exposure to the more highly contaminated indoor air. To check for reproducibility, duplicate samples were taken for SPMD and PUF at day 0, 64, and 290, and an additional duplicate sample for soil was takem at day 450. Variability of the duplicates was in the range of 5-20% and could mostly be attributed to the inherent variability in the analytical methodology. Quantification was done using a six point calibration curve for GC-ECD analysis of PCBs and GC-NIMS analysis of coplanar PCBs and PCNs. Thirty-seven PCB congeners were analyzed using GC-ECD. To facilitate the presentation of the data in this paper, tabulated results are only shown for selected congenerssthe ICES (International Council for the VOL. 36, NO. 19, 2002 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY



FIGURE 1. Illustrative profile for passive samplers showing three phases of uptake. Time to establish 25% and 95% of the equilibrium concentrations are also shown (t25 and t95, respectively). Exploration of the Sea) congeners (i.e., PCB 28, 52, 101, 137/ 138, 153, and 180) and additional congeners PCB 44, 99, and 128. These congeners represent nine of the more abundant 3-Cl to 7-Cl peaks in the PCB ECD profile. GC-NIMS results are reported for additional PCBssnon-ortho-PCBs 77, 81, and 126 and mono-ortho-PCBs 105, 114, 118, and 156. GCNIMS results of PCN homologue groups (3-Cl to 7-Cl) are also reported. Theory of Passive Air Samplers. The simplest way to model the accumulation of chemical by a passive sampling medium (PSM) is to consider it to be a uniform, porous compartment into which chemical can penetrate and/or dissolve. In this case, the mass transfer across the PSM-air interface is simply the addition of resistances in the air boundary layer and in the PSM. This is the Whitman twofilm approach (19) where the overall mass transfer coefficient (MTC), k, can be deduced from the individual mass transfer coefficients:

1/k ) 1/kA + 1/(kPSMKPSM-A)


where kA and kPSM are the air-side and PSM-side MTCs, and KPSM-A is the PSM-air partition coefficient (no dimensions). For nonpolar organic chemicals KPSM-A is likely to be similar in magnitude to the octanol-air partition coefficient, KOA. Thus for chemicals such as PCBs and PCNs that have large values of KOA (i.e., KOA > 107), the term 1/(kPSMKPSM-A) is insignificant (even when kPSM is simialr to kA), and mass transfer to the passive sampler is air-side controlled, i.e., k is approximately equal to kA. The accumulation of chemical by the sampler is then equivalent to the rate of uptake minus the rate of loss and can be described by



where VPSM is the volume of the passive sampling medium (cm3); CPSM and CA are concentrations (ng m-3) in the PSM and air, respectively; and APSM is the planar area of the exposed portion of the passive sampler (cm2). In this case kA has units of cm s-1. A schematic of the uptake described by eq 2 is shown in Figure 1. Initially, when the term CPSM/KPSM-A is small (because CPSM is minimal), uptake is linear and a function of kA, APSM, and CA. Ideally, these are the conditions under which the passive sampler will function when deployed in the field. Under these conditions the mass (M, ng) of analyte sequestered by the PSM can be described by

M ) kAAPSMCA∆t ) b∆t


where ∆t is the integration period of the sample in seconds. A plot of the amount of chemical sequestered by the PSM versus time (i.e., eq 3) will have an initial slope, b, equal to 4144



kAAPSMCA, i.e., the mass sampling rate in ng s-1. The term kAAPSM has units of cm3 s-1 and represents the passive air sampling rate, R, where R ) b/CA. This is a very useful value because it provides a sense of how much air is sampled by the PSM. The value R can be further manipulated by dividing by the exposed area of the PSM to obtain the air-side mass transfer coefficient, kA, (i.e., kA ) b/(APSMCA) ) R/APSM), which can also be viewed as a dry gaseous deposition velocity. As chemical builds up in the PSM, the term CPSM/KPSM-A in eq 2 becomes more important; uptake is reduced, and the graph becomes curvilinear. Finally when CPSM establishes its equilibrium (equal fugacity) value such that CPSM/KPSM-A ) CA, there is no net uptake and CPSM becomes constant. Equation 2 can be solved analytically to provide a more exact description of the uptake profile:

CPSM ) KPSM-ACA(1 - exp - [(APSM)/(VPSM)(kA/KPSM-A)]t) (4) This is a first-order rate equation of the form C ) C0 exp(-kUt) or equivalently ln(C/C0) ) -kUt, where the uptake constant kU (units of time-1) is calculated as

kU ) (APSM)/(VPSM)(kA/KPSM-A) or kU ) 1/δFILM(kA/KPSM-A) (5) where δFILM ) VPSM/APSM is the “effective” thickness. Thus the time to 95% of equilibrium, t95 ) ln(0.05)/kU ) ∼3/kU (10). We also arbitrarily define the upper bounds of the linear uptake phase (i.e., when uptake becomes curvilinear) as t25, i.e., time when the PSM has accumulated 25% of the equilibrium value. In this case t25 ) ln(0.75)/kU ) 0.29/kU. Equation 4 can also be rearranged to determine the average ambient air concentration CA if CPSM is measured and kA and KPSM-A are known. It is important to note that this analysis considers only the gas-phase transfer of contaminants. It is also possible for particle-associated contaminants to become scavenged by the PSM and incorporated into the total amount of chemical sequestered. However, as noted later, this was less of a concern during this study because indoor particulate levels were low. Warmer indoor temperatures also change the physical chemistry of the pollutants, reducing the proportion on particles. In outdoor air, however, TSP (total suspended particulate) values are higher and the contribution from particle impaction may become important for compounds with KOA > 1010 that begin to partition appreciably onto particles. This effect will increase with colder temperatures since KOA increases with decreasing temperature and more chemical will be associated with particles. The particlescavenging effect can be minimized by housing the PSM in an exposure chamber. This will also protect the sampler from precipitation and sunlight and diminish the effect of wind speed on uptake rate (as the air-side MTC is sensitive to wind).

Results and Discussion Active Air Samples. Table 2 lists the average vapor-phase concentrations of PCBs and the sum of tri- to hexa-PCN homologues for seven high-volume air samples collected throughout the 450-day time-course of the study (April, May, June, August, and October 2000; January and June 2001). Levels of PCBs were high (mean ∑PCB ) 20.9 ng m-3)s approximately 50-100 times higher than outdoor ambient air. Levels of gas-phase PCBs and PCNs remained relatively constant throughout the study period except for the August 2000 and June 2001 samples where ∑PCB spiked to 42 and 68 ng m-3, respectively. This variability may be associated with building ventilation rates that vary according to season and to daily fluctuations in outdoor temperature. Indoor air

TABLE 2. Concentrations of PCBs and PCNs in Laboratory Air As Determined by Conventional High-Volume Air Sampling (n ) 6) over the Period April 2000-June 2001 compd

no. of Cl

mean (pg m-3)

PCB 28 PCB 44 PCB 52 PCB 99 PCB 101 PCB 128 PCB 153 PCB 137/138 PCB 180

3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7

Multi-ortho-PCBs 1720 ( 550 1080 ( 930 1550 ( 825 160 ( 134 490 ( 264 4(2 80 ( 58 50 ( 21 32 ( 33

PCB 77 PCB 81 PCB 105 PCB 114 PCB 118 PCB 126 PCB 156

minimum (pg m-3)

maximum (pg m-3)

1010 436 684 65 249 2 41 31 5

2360 2940 2690 428 987 9 194 77 97

Non-ortho- and Mono-ortho-PCBs 4 10.4 ( 1.5 8.71 4 2.07 ( 0.8 ND 5 38.2 ( 9.9 32.2 5 3.45 ( 0.6 2.43 5 137 ( 25 98.2 6 0.13 ( 0.12 ND 6 2.73 ( 0.6 1.67

tri-PCN tetra-PCN penta-PCN hexa-PCN

3 4 5 6

∑PCN Homologues 27.5 ( 7 14.7 ( 2.9 1.43 ( 0.2 0.20 ( 0.01

14.3 3.07 49.6 4.32 174 0.42 3.66

16.3 11.6 1.16 0.17

32.5 17.8 1.75 0.27

temperature may also play a role, but in this study it remained constant at ∼23 °C. The particulate-bound PCBs were evaluated in the laboratory air for two samples (June and October 2000) by including a GFF ahead of the PUF plug. Levels of PCBs and PCNs were below the detection limit. When two-thirds of the instrumental detection limit was used for the undetected congeners, particle-bound chemical represented less than 5% of the vapor-phase value. The low level of particle-

associated PCBs and PCNs was expected and can be attributed to low levels of suspended particulate matter and the warm ambient temperature (23 °C) that favored gasphase partitioning. The breakthrough of vapor-phase PCBs through PUF was tested by including a backup PUF plug during two of the air samples (August and October 2000). Breakthrough in both samples was less then 7% for lighter PCBs (PCB 8 and 18), 1.3% and 1.8% for PCB 28, and less than 1% for tetra-PCBs and higher homologues. SPMD. As discussed earlier, air sampling rates (R) for the SPMD can be determined from the slope (b) of the linear uptake curve (i.e., plot of amount accumulated vs time) as b/CA. When days are used instead of seconds, R′ has units of m3 d-1. Values of R′ and surface area-based sampling rates (per dm2) are listed in Table 3 for PCBs and PCNs. For the chemicals with lower KOA, it was necessary to restrict the calculation to the linear portion of the uptake curve as noted in Table 3. In Figure 2a,b, the uptake profiles for PCB 28 and 52 are expressed as an equivalent volume of air sampled (by dividing the amount of chemical sequestered at each interval by the measured mean air concentrations). PCB 28 is a good example of a chemical that experiences all three phases of uptakes linear uptake, curvilinear uptake, and equilibrium or plateau phasesillustrated in Figure 1. Equilibrium for PCB 28 is reached after only ∼50-75 days when approximately 250300 m3 of air has been sampled. As described in eq 4, the time to equilibrium is dependent on KPSM-A (or KOA). For this reason, PCB 52, which has a KOA value that is ∼0.3 log unit (∼factor of 2) larger than PCB 28 (Table 4), plateaus later (∼200-400 days) after approximately 500 m3 of air has been sampled. For chemicals with KOA values greater than about 109 (e.g., PCB 101 and 137/138 in Figure 3a,b) uptake was linear over the entire 450-day integration period. Air sampling rates (Table 3) for the SPMD were similar for PCBs and PCNs and usually in the range of 3-5 m3 d-1 with only a few outliers. In assessing accuracy, we note that the

TABLE 3. Sampling Ratesa Expressed on a Sampler Basis (R′) and Normalized to Surface Area for Multi-ortho-, Non-ortho-, and Mono-ortho-PCBs and the Sum of Homologue Groups of PCNs for Different Sampling Mediab m3 d-1 or m3 d-1 (g of soil)-1 (r 2) compd


PCB 28 PCB 44 PCB 52 PCB 99 PCB 101 PCB 128 PCB 137/138 PCB 153 PCB 180

3.8c (0.98) 3.5c (0.97) 3.9c (0.97) 3.3 (0.90) 3.4 (0.90) 5.2 (0.89) 5.4 (0.89) 4.1 (0.91) 7.9 (0.84)

PCB 77 PCB 81 PCB 105 PCB 114 PCB 118 PCB 126 PCB 156 tri-PCN tetra-PCN penta-PCN hexa-PCN


m3 d-1 dm-2 soil




Multi-ortho-PCBs 2.8c (0.99) 0.03d (0.97) 2.4c (0.94) 0.023d (0.94) 2.4c (0.94) 0.040d (0.92) 2.2 (0.90) 0.032 (0.95) 2.0 (0.98) 0.040 (0.98) 4.2 (0.94) 0.074 (0.74) 3.8 (0.89) 0.071 (0.82) 3.8 (0.75) 0.039 (0.81) 8.3 (0.92) 0.17 (0.94)

0.77 0.66 0.66 0.61 0.53 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.6

0.83 0.78 0.86 0.74 0.75 1.2 1.2 0.92 1.7

1.1 0.81 1.4 1.1 1.4 2.6 2.5 1.4 5.9

3.5 (0.97) 3.7 (0.93) 4.0 (0.95) 4.2 (0.97) 4.3 (0.96) 9.9 (0.97) 4.9 (0.98)

Non-ortho- and Mono-ortho-PCBs 2.6 (0.96) 0.048 (0.95) 2.6 (0.95) 0.041 (0.99) 2.8 (0.95) 0.053 (0.90) 2.7 (0.96) 0.045 (0.95) 2.8 (0.96) 0.044 (0.95) 6.4 (0.97) 0.13 (0.90) 3.1 (0.96) 0.056 (0.83)

0.73 0.72 0.77 0.74 0.79 1.8 0.87

0.77 0.82 0.90 0.92 0.96 2.2 1.1

1.7 1.4 1.9 1.6 1.5 4.6 2.0

nae 3.0c (0.99) 3.2 (0.91) 5.1 (0.95)

∑PCN Homologues 3.5c (0.98) 0.007 (0.63) 3.8c (0.97) 0.03 (0.89) 1.8 (0.87) 0.06 (0.78) 2.8 (0.88) 0.11 (0.83)

0.96 1.0 0.49 0.77

0.21 0.67 0.71 1.1

0.25 1.1 2.1 3.9

a Sampling rates were determined from the linear portion of the plot of C PSM/CAIR vs time (CAIR from Table 2) (cf. eq 3 and Figures 2 and 3). 1 dm2 ) 100 cm2. c Calculation restricted to first 65 days. d Calculation restricted to first 275 days. e na, not available.






FIGURE 2. Sampling profiles for SPMD and PUF disk samplers for (a) PCB 28 and (b) PCB 52. Equivalent air volumes were calculated as CPSM/CAIR (CAIR from Table 2) for each time interval.

TABLE 4. Estimated Equilibrium Soil Concentrations for PCBs (Calculated Using Eqs 7 and 8) As Compared with Measured Amounts at End of Uptake Study


log KOAa

PCB 28 8.12 PCB 44 8.61 PCB 52 8.43 PCB 99 9.24 PCB 101 9.19 PCB 128 10.4 PCB137/138 10.1 PCB 153 9.91 PCB 180 10.7 PCB 77 PCB 81 PCB 105 PCB 114 PCB 118 PCB 126 PCB 156

log KSAb

estd soil sequestered concn at amt after equilibrium equilibrium 450 day value (ng g-1)c (ng g-1) (%)

Multi-ortho-PCBs 7.01 5.8 7.50 11 7.32 11 8.13 7.0 8.08 19 9.25 2.3 9.03 18 8.80 17 9.58 40

11 6.9 15 2.5 8.6 0.22 1.5 1.3 2.4

Non-ortho- and Mono-ortho-PCBs 9.75 8.64 1.5 0.25 9.67 8.56 0.24 0.04 10.2 9.06 14 1.0 10.0 8.93 0.84 0.07 9.96 8.85 32 2.9 10.4 9.31 0.67 0.009 10.8 9.64 4.3 0.08

200 61 140 35 45 9.4 8.4 7.7 5.9 17 15 7.2 8.3 9.1 1.3 1.9

Log KOA values at 23 °C for PCBs were calculated from regressions of measured KOA values by Harner and Bidleman (25) against reported relative retention times (RRT) by Harju et al. (26). Separate regressions were performed for Group 1 PCBs (all congeners with IUPAC numbers lower than PCB 77 plus multi-ortho congeners higher than PCB 77) and Group 2 (PCB 77 and all other higher non-ortho- and mono-ortho-PCBs). The resulting regression had the form log KOA ) A + B(RRT). The above regressions were performed at several temperatures and regression coefficients (A and B values) were regressed against 1/T to provide temperature-dependent KOA estimates with regression taking the following forms: Group 1, A ) -2.0296 + 1310.7/T and B ) -5.5305 + 5879.8/T; Group 2, A ) 20.478 - 5194/T and B ) -49.35 + 18678/T. b Using eq 7 where FSOIL ) 1.31g cm-3 and fOC ) 0.095. c Using eq 8 and average air concentrations (CA) listed in Table 2. a

arithmetic mean air concentrations used in the calculation of the sampling rates were generally within a factor of 2 of minimum and maximum concentrations. Thus as a worst 4146



FIGURE 3. Sampling profiles for SPMD and PUF disk samplers for (a) PCB 101 and (b) PCB 137/138. case scenario, this same factor of confidence may be applied to the sampling rates listed in Table 3. On a surface area basis, SPMDs sampled about 1 m3 of air d-1 for every dm2 (100 cm2) of surface area. The consistency of SPMD air sampling rates over a large range of KOA (∼2.5 orders of magnitude) suggests linear uptake was in fact airside controlled and dependent upon KPSM-A. Because the passive samplers were deployed in relatively still air, the airside MTC, kA, is likely to be similar to the chemical’s molecular diffusivity in air (Da) (cm2 s-1). (Note: On the basis of the dimensions of the room and an approximate ventilation rate of 0.3 m3 min-1, the resulting effective air velocity in the room is